Chapter 16: Live On

"This is unimaginable! Despite losing her partner, Anne Bonny was able to use her Divine Invocation to forge a new weapon from her and Mary's broken weapons!" Hermes announces, to the astonishment of the fans.

"This can't be! How is the brigand able to manifest her invocation when her lover is dead," Yu Huang demanded, showing a bit of anger at this result.

"I hate to agree with him, but how can Anne Bonny do it. I thought that she and Mary's invocation would be a joined ability," Nike asked as she pondered this dilemma.

Before Athena could respond, she and Nike heard Melinoe sobbing.

"Melinoe, are you alright?" Athena asked

"I-It's so beautiful! Two souls destined to be together only for cruel fate to tear them away from each other. But in the end, they confess their love," Melinoe sobbed hysterically.

At the same time, Nemesis flew over to Melinoe to comfort her wife.

"It's okay, dear. I'm sure Anne will win for sure."

"She's better! GO BONNY," Melinoe yelled with crazed fervor.

Back in the arena, Anne sees the spear in her hand and smiles.

"Mary, please lend me yer love to our victory. Saihua, are ye ready to settle this?!"

Saihua acknowledges Anne's resolve and grins, "You amaze me, Anne. Even now, I feel Mary's spirit coursing through you. Therefore, it's best if I go all out for my family! Come forth, Great Guardian of the East and sovereign beast of the Yang Family! Qinglong!"

Then Saihua tossed the bow into the air, and it exploded into pieces in a flash of lightning. Then the pieces begin to reforge with static electricity, and the roar of the dragon is heard. Once finished, the weapon took the form of the black and metallic blue version of Saihua's dragon staff but with a Qiang spearhead.

Divine Invocation: Qinglong: Guardian of Yang

"She Saihua has revealed for her Divine Invocation! With both women overflowed with passion, who will emerge in this endgame!" Hermes roared, with the crowd matching the intensity.

"Let's go, Anne! Win this for Mary!" Jack yelled with tears in his eyes.

"For Mary! For Nassau!" Bartholomew Roberts bellows with primal emotion.

Meanwhile, the Yang Family cheered their matriarch with everything they had.

"Come on, mom!" 

"Mother, don't go dying on us now!"

"Give it everything you got!"

"Just give up, Anne! You can't beat our mother!"

"Crush her, mother!"

Then Yang Ye placed his hands together and quietly prayed.

"Saihua, my love. Please, come back to us."

Anne and Saihua, as if both fuelled by the support of their friends and family alike made their final charge against each other. Then, the two exchanged thrusts, intending to make each hit a killing strike.

"Both fighters are evenly matched and giving their all, making it impossible to predict the winner," Hermes declared to get the audience to guess who will win.

Anne tries to go for a slash to the general's neck, but Saihua blocks it and strikes Anne with the shaft of the staff. Saihua then attempts to pierce Anne's chest like she did with Mary, but Anne parries it and punishes her with a slash to the chest. 

"Now, to the depths with ya!" Anne yelled as she launched a quick barrage of jabs, leaving afterimages.

Sirens' Feast

"I don't think so!" Saihua unleashed an advanced version of Tiger Blade Dance.

Storm Dragon Dance

Both women cut into one another with no sign of yielding. In the crowd, Nohime is impressed at the resilience of these women.

"Oh, I haven't seen such fire since my husband defeated Yoshimoto-dono. I respect that, to be honest."

"I hate to admit it, but I agree with you, Nohime. To be inspired by the love of those you cherish is a great strength," Tomoe agreed, with Benkei nodding.

Nohime giggled, "Yes, but love is one thing. The true factor is who will end the fight effectively? Something we're about to find out shortly."

"Now it's time to finish this battle!" Saihua declared as the muscles in her arms increased to go for a powerful true strike. 

Qinglong: Wind Piercer

Upon impact, Saihua destroyed the harpoon and stabbed Anne's left arm in the shoulder. But that was when Anne still had the part of her harpoon in her right hand.

"THIS IS IIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" Anne screamed at the top of her lungs as she stabbed the other end of her harpoon into Saihua's chest, spearing into her heart.

"Huh... Huh... Sea Devil's Gamble."

As blood leaks out of her mouth, Saihua softly grins.


Anne eased Saihua to the ground and placed the general's head on her lap. Then she pulls the harpoon out of the fallen foe.

"To... *cough* To shift your body so that I wouldn't...hit your heart was a genius move. You praise, Anne Bonny," Saihua complimented weakly.

"Heh, thanks. And despite what happened to Mary, it's a pleasure to meet one hell of a lass like yerself," Anne smiled.

As Saihua's body starts to break apart, parts of it turn into stardust.

"Anne, can you fulfill my last request?" Saihua asked as she knew her time drew near.

"Aye," Anne said sadly.

"Will you take care of my family, please?"

Without hesitation, Anne nodded in agreement. 

Saihua closes her eyes in contentment as she disappears, and her dust floats away in the sky. Anne is back on her feet and looks at the sky.

"Goodbye Saihua. And goodbye, Mary, my love."

Thus, Hermes announces the end of the match.

"Historiamachy: Match Three has come to an end! Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, Representing Davy Jones! ANNE BONNY!!!!!!!!!"

Third Bout

Annie Bonny (Winner)/Mary Read (Departed)


She Saihua (Departed)

Winning Attack: Sea Devil's Gamble

Match Length: 8:11