Chapter 16.5: Laurels and Secrets

Anne is bombarded with the admiration of the onlookers in the stadium after being declared the winner.

As he, Jack, and the other pirates gathered around to celebrate, Roberts laughed, "That fiery lass actually pulled it off!"

Meanwhile, the sons of Saihua weep for their mother's passing.

"Why, damn it! Why did our mother lose?" Yanzhao yelled

"How could fate take her away from us!" Yang Yande lamented

"Damn it all!" Yanbin bellows while tears pour down his face.

Yang Ye wipes the tear from his right eye and straightens his face.

"My sons, do not let grief cloud your hearts. Your mother would not want you to be sad. She fought for us to the last and died proudly. Therefore, we must stand tall in her memory!"

The sons stand tall, fists on their chests, emboldened by their father's words. Seeing this, Anne gave a light chuckle.

"Yer family are something else, Saihua."

As Annie prepared to leave the battlefield, she noticed Saihua's staff in its normal state beneath her feet. She picks it up and whistles to Hermes.

"Oi, messenger god, I got somethin' for ye!"

Hermes appears to her instantly with an annoyed expression.

"Huh, yes?"

Anne gives the staff to Hermes and points to Saihua's family.

"Come ye give the staff back to the Yang family? I would, but I'm sore as fuck."

"Well, I guess," Hermes said as Anne handed him the staff.

Anne thanked Hermes and limped across the arena to the gate that she and Mary entered from. As the gates opened, she looked at the sky and visualized Mary and Saihua smiling down at her. She breathes a sigh of contentment before exiting the battlefield.

In the skybox, Davy Jones celebrated Anne's win. 

"Yahahaha! She did it! I knew she could do it!" 

As Davy celebrated, Yu Huang sat with a disappointed look on his face.

"My lord, I'm sorry this didn't how you want it." Guan Yu said humbly

"No, no. I'll admit I've underestimated those brigands. But this is only a setback, nothing more," Yu Huang said, still maintaining his regal demeanor.

"As long as one of our champions wins. Then that's all that matters."

A multi-colored oak shoji door with the symbol of the four-star shuriken can be found in the halls where some fighters' chambers are located. Inside is a room with maroon tatami mats, paper lanterns of various onis, walls with paintings of vast landscapes, and a round black Chabudai table.

Sitting around the table of the Fuuma Kotaro, watching the aftermath of the third match along with six women and Sasaki Kojiro.

"~Ara, Ara ~ I must say that fight between those pirates and that general almost makes me nostalgic for the Sengoku Jidai."

The first woman who spoke was a beautiful, curvy young woman with voluminous peach hair that reached down to her back, soft creme lips, and a half-face kitsune mask with an orange and black design. She wears a short marigold yukata that shows the side of her breasts with detached sleeves and secured by a white obi belt. She also wears black fishnet kneesocks and oak geta sandals.

Fuuma's First Wife

 The Kitsune of the Fuuma


"Shishi! You know, Kiana. It's too early to declare that Crazy Horse tóngbāo."

Similar to Kiana, the second woman has short mulberry hair with chest-length bangs on the right side, sharp yellow eyes, red lips, and eyeshadow. She wore a sleeveless purple cheongsam with a plunging neckline with a design of a golden viper across it, a black obi, white stockings, and stylish tabi sandals.

Fuuma's Second Wife

Captain of the Mist Division


"Wowie! That match was insane! I can't wait for the third match to begin!"

The woman with wavy rose-colored hair tied in twin tails and blue eyes had a small beauty mark on her right cheek. She wore a short light-pink yukata with sakura petals, an obi depicting a peach garden, white bandages wrapping around her calves, and sandals.

Fuuma's Third Wife

Fuuma Caretaker


Then Keiko hears the ding from the kitchen near Kazama's room.

"Oh, food's ready! I'll be right back," Keiko gets up to get food from the kitchen.

"Make sure you cook some tofu, Keiko-san? I want to make sure my skin is flawless!" A bratty voice chimes in.

The voice came from a stunning and curvy woman in her mid-twenties with voluminous blonde hair with neon pink highlight, glossy white lips, sapphire blue sunglasses on top of her head, aqua-green eyes, and a beauty mark near the bridge of her nose. She wears a blue sleeveless shinobi blouse, which shows most of the cleavage, a blue plaid skirt, net stockings, colorful nails, and flat tabi shoes.

Fuuma's Fifth Wife

The Super Sexy Kunoichi of the Fuuma


"Tsk! Mind your matter, Miyabi. Kojiro-san is a guest, so get it through your thick head that this isn't about you," Another woman spat harshly.

She had a ponytail and rectangular-rimmed glasses that accentuated her grey eyes, with a scar beside her left eye. Despite her beauty, she exuded a sense of rigidness. She wears a multilayered net bodysuit with a blue haori and a black obi around her waist.

Fuuma's Fourth Wife

Captain of the Forest Division


Miyabi scoffs, "Oh, bite me, Hoshi! It's not my fault I'm what you wish you could be."

"I doubt being the poster child for glamor gone wrong shouldn't be in my future ever," Hoshi stated with a dry smile.

"You...! Why you! Honey, Hoshi just insulted me!" Miyabi turned to Kazama as if she wanted her lover to punish Hoshi.

"Even in heaven, Hoshi and Miyabi are still bickering," Kazama said internally, hoping for food to arrive.

Hoshi sneers while Miyabi sticks her tongue at her.

"Hey, can you two keep it down! I'm trying to beat some scrubs here."

Playing on her smartphone is a slender, lovely woman with short, messy orange hair, forest green eyes with dark undercircles, and a nose piercing. She has an orange and black cat-styled jacket, sleeveless midnight blue kimono top, ninja trousers that show her thighs, and armor-clad tabi boots.

Fumma's Sixth Wife

Fuuma's Trap Specialist


"I must say, Kotarou-sama. Your wives are beautiful and extraordinary." Kojiro kindly complimented

"Ahh, that's soo sweet of you, Kojiro-chan," Keiko said as she walked out with mitts and a hot pot with a lid.

Linjin grabbed the pot coaster and placed it in the middle of the table.

"Thank you, Linjin-chan!"

"Well, of course, dear," Linjin," replied with a nod.

Upon the pot placed on the table, the pleasant aroma caught Kojiro's nose.

"Oh, this that nabe you cooked, Keiko-san?"

"Yes, it is! You know Kazama-kun loves his seafood," Keiko giggled as she opened the pot, which had narutomaki fish cakes, cooked squid and mussels, fired tempura shrimps, soft-boiled eggs, a diverse of vegetables, and udon noodles in a savory broth.

As the group began to partake, Kazama began to converse with Kojiro.

"So Kojiro-san, I must say, you did well against Leonidas. Hell, I even thought he had you there a few times."

Kojiro smiled after eating a narutomaki.

"Thank you, Kotarou-san. The match exceeded my expectations, and Leonidas was a great rival to have."

Kazama chuckled, "You're truly a humble swordsman. That's good, but it's time to level with you."

The atmosphere in the room shifts as Kazama's behavior changes to a more stern demeanor.

"You did well against Leonidas, but your next opponent won't be as easy."

"Crazy Horse," Kojiro said, knowing who his ally referred to.

"Yeah, and there's some information you made to know. Babe," Kazama looks at Hoshi as she nods.

"From the information I've gathered from the match behind William Wallace and Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse's fighting style, dubbed the Spirit Dance, allows one to move constantly. One of his techniques, the Red Road, causes an auditory illusion that can fool one's sight and hearing to make copies of the user. Finally, despite his slender appearance, his endurance is impressive."

"Furthermore, Crazy Horse's fighting style is something you won't be used to compare to the opponent in life and Leonidas, Kojiro-sama," Kiana added.

"I see. Therefore, I need to change up my fighting style." 

"Yep. If you want to win, then a shake-up is needed to win," The Fifth stated

"Hey, Kotarou-san, may I ask you something?" Kojiro asked

"First, stop calling me Kotarou so much. I'm fine if you use my real name. Second, sure," Kazama gestured for the blind swordsman to go on.

"Why tell me this? Despite being comrades, there's potential for us to face each other in the future?"

 As Kojiro asked the question, Kazama gulped down a cup of sake and smirked.

"Put it simply, Amaterasu wants to bring the best out of you. Also, I'm kinda curious how I would stand against you. So, after this meal, how about You and I train a bit. What do you say?"

Kojiro nodded in agreement before saying, "Very well."

Passing Kotarou's room are Hrist and Skeggjöld as they watch the highlights of Anne and Mary vs Saihua.

"Well damn. I can't believe Anne managed to beat Saiihua. Can't lie; that pirate got my respect," Hrist said.

Skeggjöld chuckled, "Yeah, that Hail Mary move she pulled was gutsy. But I'm more excited for the next two matches."

"That's right. Rasputin versus Robert Johnson and Tomoe Gozen versus Jack the Ripper. So Hrist, who do you want to win," Skeggjöld asked.

"Duh, Rasputin and Tomoe. I mean, come on! Rasputin is nearly unkillable. Unlike Jack, Tomoe is an actual warrior who fought in an actual war," Hrist responds confidently.

Skeggjöld acknowledges her sister's choices.

"Not bad, but I think Jack might have it against Tomoe."

Hrist side-eyed at her sister's statement.

"Skeggjöld, what the Helheim are you thinking! You're literally choosing a dishonorable fucking murderer to win?"

"I'm sorry! I don't like the murderer like everyone else. However, it is a fact that the authorities have not been able to capture him. Even other gods couldn't find him," Skeggjöld stated to her older sister.

Hrist scoffs, "Hah! Well, he's got nowhere to run now. That cowardly fuck is going to get what he deserves."

Then, a low, almost automated voice chuckles at Hrist's statement.

Then please tell me what it means to get what I deserve. My fair lady." The voice said behind them.

On instinct, the two valkyries jumped away and turned to face the unknown individual. 

Standing in front of Hrist and Skeggjöld is a figure of unknown gender. This entity wears a pitch-black top hat with a magenta band and three raven feathers on the right side of the hat. The black cloak was long and flowing with a matching capelet with a golden cape clasp. With the exception of the white and midnight blue leather button shoes, the cloak covers the entire body. Finally, the figure wears a fully covered porcelain masquerade mask with haunting violet eyes peering from the eye slits.

The Whitechapel Murderer

Jack the Ripper

"Well, look who shows himself. Leather Apron himself! What? My sister and I weren't too tempting to butcher," Hrist mocked Jack as she pointed an accusatory finger at the murderer.

Jack merely chuckled as the killer bowed at the valkyies respectfully.

"Ease your minds and hearts. I wouldn't dream of reaping the daughters of your benevolent father. I wish to take a lovely stroll with you if it's no bother."

Hrist and Skeggöld felt shaken upon hearing that.

'Shit! How the fuck did we not know that...animal was behind us? Was he always there, or did he sneak behind us? Damn, this bastard." Hrist thought as she felt as if Jack was playing her.

Before Hrist does something, Skeggjöld walks at Jack and towers over the killer.

"Leave. You're making me and my sister uncomfortable. So unless you don't want your head, go away," Skeggjöld demanded as the malice from her was palpable.

Jack looked up at Skeggjöld, and the valkyrie could see the madness shine from the eyes of Jack the Ripper.

"Tell me, valkyrie. What makes you think you should judge me? You, who collect barbarians who rape and pillage only to be rewarded with luxury they don't deserve. You make weightless threats. I guaranteed the filth removed from society like the malignant tumors they are."

Skeggjöld stood with a twinge of fear carving into her heart. From Jack's eyes, she could see the types of cruelty this inflicted on 'his' victims over the years. Never in her life as a god and valkyrie has she encountered a mortal whose malevolence is beyond the reasoning of the divine. 

"H...Hrist. Let's go," Skeggjöld utterly weakly as she turned away from Jack with a nearly shaken expression.

Hrist snorts at Jack before joining her sister and walking off.

"Hehe, I expect such folly from the daughters of Odin. But my mind burns with this question. Tomoe Gozen, will you be the noble heroine to slay what the deluded masses call me a demon? Or will I expose you to be another scum I must remove?" Jack said to 'himself' as 'he' began to walk in the opposite direction.

Anansi stands in the vomitorium, watching the spectators eagerly awaiting the next match in the arena. Anansi wished he could share the excitement only to feel the same excitement, but the bitter feeling gripped his heart. If only he could tell anyone about the dilemma he found himself in.

"Aww. Poor little spider feeling conflicted and feeling all alone. Isn't that right, master," a slimy and manipulative Mid-Atlantic voice mocking the spider god.

Suddenly, a malicious grin appeared on Anansi's shadow and began to materialize in three-dimensional form. The dark-complexioned man with a pencil-thin mustache and slicked smokey brown hair emerged from the shadowy apparition. He wears a rosewood and black three-piece suit with a red and black striped tie with a clip of a dark veve, a maroon lapel in his suit pocket, and shiny dark tan shoes.

The Petwo Iwa of Sorcery and Misfortune

One of the Overlords of Tartarus

Met Kalfou

Anansi grimaced in disgust as he looked at the foul loa, barely tolerating his presence. 

"You couldn't even let me be alone with my thoughts, Kalfou," Anansi sneered.

"Tsk. Tsk. Now, is there any way to talk to your former pupil? After all, I've wanted us to spend some time together," Kalfou grinned as he walked up to Anansi and put his arm around him.

Anansi is repulsed by the foul odor of gunpowder and old rum. 

Anansi snarled, "Spend some time? I know you well, my former student. You only want those to suffer for your demented entertainment."

Kalfou feints a hurt expression like Anansi's words cut deep.

"Oh, my heart! How can you say...such a wonderful thing. What do you expect, Anansi? You, Zeus, and the rest of you plaster deities place those like me in Tartarus. Or Hell, as the mortals put it. I mean, how pathetic you've become. Once a trickster, now a scribe. Such a tragedy."

Anansi turned sharply at Kalfou and yelled, "Cease your tongue, nkhumba! You will not talk to me with such disrespect! Or-!"

"Or what?" Kalfou smirked

"Don't forget that I have your little secret," The loa said in a songlike tone.

"Imagine the kind and generous Anansi having a secret to ruin your reputation. Face it, I hold the cards, and you should play ball. Hmm?"

Anansi wanted to punch the vanity out of Kalflou's face. He can feel his fists harden, ready to pounce the Iwa into mush. But all Anansi could do is nod in agreement.

Kalfou's smirk grew wider as his mentor's defeated expression gave him joy.

"Good. Now, run along and mingle with your friend. Oh, and remember, this is our little secret. Keep your word, and my lips are sealed."

Anansi walks off, too furious to say a single word. Kalfou turns his attention to the screen illuminating from above. It displays the next bout to begin shortly. 

Coming Up Next

Historiamachy 4th Bout

Grigori Rasputin

Sponsor: Aphrodite


Robert Johnson

Sponsor: Anansi

"Oho, this is going to be quite the show. Robert, my star performer, give this Rasputin an encore he'll never forget!"

The spider under a wicked deal...!

Next time, The Immortal Monk vs The Man of the Crossroads...!