Chapter 46: Meeting Family and Friends (Part 6)

Don exited the room and made his way down the creaky staircase, finding Trixie leaning against the bottom rail near the last step with a bored expression.

"What do you think of the room?" she asked, perking up a bit as she saw him.

"It was alright," Don replied, not wanting to say more than that. "Let's go."

He took the key card over to the receptionist, leaving it on the counter. "Thanks," he said casually. The receptionist gave him a nod without looking up from his work. Trixie then energetically waved and said goodbye as she and Don left the hotel.

Outside, the sunlight seemed harsh compared to the dim lobby. Don turned to Trixie and said, "I'm getting picked up soon, and it won't look good if you're here."

Trixie pouted. "Are you telling me to leave?"

"Look," Don said, trying to sound as reasonable as possible, "having to explain who you are and why we're together will be problematic. It's not worth the hassle."