Chapter 49: Meeting Family and Friends (Part 9)

Don walked toward one of the unoccupied rooms in the clinic. Jazmine quickly opened the door after swiping the card that hung around her neck. "Here we go," she said as she opened the door carefully and gestured for Don and Amanda to enter. 

Amanda, still holding onto Don, followed him inside. Once they were inside, Don gently shook off her hold without needing to say anything, and Amanda quickly let go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Donnie. Old habits die hard," she added before chuckling awkwardly. Jazmine, unaware of their worries, approached the situation casually, joining the conversation with a chuckle.

"Does Donnie not want his favorite aunt to hold him anymore? You were practically glued to her when you were younger. How they grow up so fast," Jazmine mischievously added, causing Amanda to cut her a glance.