Chapter 163: Preparing To Strike Back (Part 6)

As Don conversed with Gary, the car he was in drove into the center of the city, where traffic and activity were most concentrated. 

This was the first part of the misdirection. 

Ever since the Central Mall attack, Don had felt like someone was after his life—or at the very least, something was brewing. 

As unlucky as he was, he felt that getting attacked once and experiencing a near-death experience was enough. But twice? within a week? That couldn't be a coincidence. 

The attack by the Hell Riders gang had been the final straw, and Don knew he had to deal with the threat, even if he didn't yet know what it was. 

His first priority was figuring out if he was being watched or followed. 

The vehicle he was in had numerous cameras hidden on its exterior. Their job was to monitor any surrounding vehicles or individuals that seemed to be following or paying particular attention to the car.