Chapter 173: Introducing, O.M.E.G.A (Part 3)

Don exchanged a glance with Summer after hearing the android's answer. "Well, that's... reassuring."

"I am glad you are pleased, moving on" The android replied as it continued with it's introduction. "Seven, Quantum Computing Core: I house a quantum processor that performs complex calculations at unprecedented speeds, enhancing decision-making processes."

 "Eight, I am powered by a micro-scale fusion reactor, providing a virtually limitless power supply with minimal waste heat."

"Nine, Nanite Repair Systems: I incorporating nanotechnology for self-repair, allowing me to heal minor damages autonomously."

Summer nearly dropped her tablet. "A fusion reactor and nanite repair? This is beyond state-of-the-art!"

Don didn't understand everything he was hearing but given Summer's reactions, he couldn't help but be impressed. 'This could be a real game-changer,' he considered.