Demonic Beasts

A calloused hand gripped Bai Yu's shoulder. The sturdy man, now revealed as the village chief, explained, "We're hunting a Flame-Winged Tiger, a fearsome third-stage demonic beast."

Bai Yu absorbed the information. He knew the basics - a stage one demonic beast was roughly on par with a Body Refining Realm cultivator, while stage two matched a Blood Condensation Expert. Stage three, however, corresponded to a Bone Forging cultivator, with a crucial caveat.

Some demonic beasts within each stage far surpassed their cultivator counterparts, and the Flame-Winged Tiger was such a creature.Their hunting party was formidable. Leading them was the village chief, a peak Bone Forging expert, accompanied by two others in the early stages of the realm. Twelve Blood Condensation cultivators provided support, and ten Body Refining cultivators completed the group, tasked with retrieving the fallen beasts.

Suddenly, a chilling howl pierced the air. They spun around, eyes widening at the sight before them. A pack of crimson-furred demonic beasts, Bloodwolves, surrounded them. "First-stage demonic beasts," the village chief confirmed, his voice steady. "Named for their blood-red fur, they're not overly strong individually."One of the Bone Forging experts added grimly, "But there are too many. A hundred, at least. This will be a challenge."