Bloodwolf King

A crimson wave surged towards them – the Bloodwolves, their eyes burning with a feral hunger, launched themselves at the hunting party.The village chief let out a bellowing war cry, his massive battle-axe flashing in the sunlight as he charged into the thick of the fray. The other two Bone Forging experts followed suit, their movements a deadly ballet of steel and bone.

Bai Yu, however, stood frozen for a moment, he felt a urge to join the fight, to unleash the power coursing within him. But a flicker of reason stopped him. He didn't have a weapon, a crucial disadvantage against these savage beasts.

Spotting a middle-aged Body Refining cultivator fumbling with a short sword, Bai Yu seized the opportunity. "Can I borrow your sword?" he asked.The cultivator, overwhelmed by the chaos, simply nodded, thrusting the crude weapon into Bai Yu's hand. Hefting the sword, a feeling of familiarity washed over him. Though unfamiliar with formal techniques, his instincts took over.

As the first Bloodwolf lunged at him, a silver blur of motion followed. The sword flashed, a whisper of steel singing through the air, and the wolf's head tumbled to the ground.A collective gasp arose from the Blood Condensation cultivators nearby. They hadn't seen the strike, only the result. But Bai Yu paid them no mind. He was lost in a whirlwind of action, each swing of the sword precise and deadly. The Power within him fueled his movements, granting him an inhuman speed and reflexes.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos, a guttural roar split the air. A hulking figure emerged from the pack – a Bloodwolf King, its crimson fur matted with blood, a single horn protruding from its forehead. Its aura pulsed with raw power, sending shivers down the spines of even the Bone Forging cultivators."A Bloodwolf King!" a Body Refining cultivator screamed, his voice tinged with terror.This was a second-stage king-grade demonic beast, a creature that could easily overpower peak Blood Condensation cultivators.

Panic flared amongst the hunting party as they realized the true threat they faced.the village chief however, roared in defiance. "We handle the pack! You others, protect the villagers!" he bellowed, his voice carrying over the din of battle. Distracted by the Bloodwolf King's sudden appearance, the Bloodwolves' formation faltered, giving the village chief and the other Bone Forging experts a much-needed opening.

Bai Yu, his gaze fixed on the monstrous beast, felt a surge of excitement rather than fear. Here was a worthy challenge. A cold smile curved his lips. "Late Blood Condensation, huh?" he mumbled, his voice barely audible over the roars of the beasts. "Let's see if that's enough."He charged forward, the borrowed sword singing in his hand. The Bloodwolf King turned its massive head, its crimson eyes glinting with malice. A low growl rumbled from its throat as it prepared to meet the audacious challenger.