Winner of the Competition

A ray of light seemed to emanate from Bai Yu's sword almost as soon as he moved. Its speed was inconceivable, leaving the arrogant man with no time to react.

BOOM! A blinding flash erupted as Bai Yu's sword met the arrogant man's. The resulting sword light, a colossal beam dozens of meters long, cleaved through the air and slammed into the man's chest. The crowd erupted in startled cries as the arrogant man was sent flying with a geyser of blood erupting from his mouth. He landed unconscious outside the arena, his dreams of glory abruptly shattered.

"Bai Yu wins!" Elder Xuan's voice boomed through the arena, "He advances to the finals!"The finals commenced without delay. Bai Yu faced off against a woman with an icy demeanor – Xue Mu. "Xue Mu versus Bai Yu! Let the battle begin!" the referee boomed.

A flurry of activity erupted as the two cultivators clashed. Five thunderous booms echoed in a single breath as their blades met in a whirlwind of attacks. Their movements were a blur, leaving the crowd gasping in disbelief. "They're too fast!" someone shouted, unable to keep track of the dizzying exchange."Myriad Ice Sword Art!" Xue Mu's voice rang out, a stark contrast to her icy demeanor.

With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed her battle skill. A shimmering blade of pure ice, sharp and deadly, shot towards Bai Yu with blinding speed.Reacting instinctively, Bai Yu twisted his body in a blur of motion. The ice blade sliced past him, leaving a stinging gash on his shoulder. Blood welled up, staining his robes crimson.Gritting his teeth through the pain, Bai Yu muttered, "Time to end this.

"Xue Mu launched into another attack, but Bai Yu, fueled by an unwavering determination, skillfully dodged it. With lightning speed, he unleashed his own technique – the Tripple Wave Fist. His fist, a blur of motion, connected squarely with Xue Mu's stomach.The impact sent a shockwave through the arena as Xue Mu flew through the air, landing with a heavy thud. She attempted to rise, but her body betrayed her, devoid of strength. It was over.

Elder Xuan's voice boomed through the silent arena, "The winner of this year's competition is Bai Yu!"A thunderous roar erupted from the crowd as the news sunk in. Bai Yu, the once underestimated cultivator, now stood as the victor. A calm smile graced his lips as the crowd chanted his name, their cheers echoing through the air."Heh," he chuckled softly, the weight of the moment settling on him, "I did it."