Number one Outer Disciple

The cheers of the crowd washed over Bai Yu like a tidal wave. He stood alone in the arena, the echoes of his victory still ringing in the air.

Elder Xuan materialized before Bai Yu, a warm smile creasing his aged face. "Congratulations, Bai Yu," he boomed, his voice brimming with genuine pride. He extended a hand, presenting a token engraved with the number 50.

Bai Yu straightened, a mixture of relief and elation settling over him. "Thank you, Elder Xuan," he replied, bowing respectfully as he accepted the token.

"From now on," Elder Xuan explained, "you'll reside in Countryyard number 50, the most prestigious dwelling an outer disciple can occupy. It signifies your status as the top outer disciple, with the privilege of residing alone – a privilege usually reserved for inner disciples who each have their own courtyards."

A spark of understanding ignited in Bai Yu's mind. "So, there are fifty other inner disciples within this branch, all at the Bone Forging Realm?" he thought, a newfound respect for the sect's strength washing over him.

"Additionally," Elder Xuan continued with a smile, "you've earned 10,000 Contribution Points for your victory. Spend them wisely." With a final nod, the Elder vanished in a shimmer of light.

Basking in the afterglow of victory, Bai Yu exited the arena. Cheers and shouts of admiration followed him – "Bai Yu! You're incredible!" "Such strength!" "How Handsome"! He acknowledged the well-wishers with a nod before heading towards his new quarters.

The sight that greeted him upon arrival took his breath away. A sprawling building, easily accommodating twenty occupants, stood before him. A serene garden, meticulously tended to, adorned the surrounding area, with a vibrant tapestry of trees and exotic plants.

A satisfied smile touched Bai Yu's lips as he stepped through the entrance and sank into the cool grass beneath a shade tree.