Killing the Silvermoon Ape

"Nice! More!" Bai Yu roared, his voice tinged with exhilaration despite the blood trickling down his chin. He moved like a phantom, the Azure Cloud Steps blurring him into a white streak across the battlefield. His sword, a silver blur itself, danced a deadly ballet around the Silver Moon Ape, carving bloody gashes across the beast's thick hide.

Suddenly, a sinister change swept over the Ape. Its crimson eyes glowed with an unnatural intensity, and its previously formidable aura spiked, engulfing the area in a thick, oppressive energy. A collective gasp rippled through the ranks of the defenders."It's entering its Berserk state!" a seasoned general bellowed from atop the city wall, his voice laced with dread.

The knowledge of a Demonic Beast's Berserk state – a state fueled by pure, unbridled rage that amplified their power and dulled their pain – instilled a fresh wave of terror in the hearts of the defenders.

Bai Yu, however, felt a surge of a different kind of emotion – a thrill. He had never faced a Demonic Beast in its Berserk state, but the prospect of testing his limits against such an opponent ignited a fierce determination within him. His grip tightened on his sword, and a steely glint hardened in his eyes.The Silver Moon Ape, its crimson eyes blazing with berserk fury, unleashed a bone-crushing punch towards Bai Yu.

Reacting with lightning speed, Bai Yu unleashed the enigmatic "Mirage of Blades" technique. His form shimmered and split into a multitude of shimmering illusions, momentarily confusing the enraged beast.With a frustrated roar, the Ape slammed its fist into one of the illusory figures, only to find it dissipating like mist. Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Bai Yu reappeared in a blinding flash behind the colossal Ape. His blade, imbued with his energy, transformed into a shimmering, silver drake.

With a ferocious snarl, the drake lunged forward, its trajectory aimed for the Ape's vulnerable neck. The air crackled with raw energy as the silver drake tore through the air towards its intended target.The Berserk Silver Moon Ape, sensing the imminent danger, roared and twisted its body in a desperate attempt to block the strike.

Its massive arm swung upwards, a meaty shield against the silver onslaught. There was a deafening clang as metal met bone. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling outwards, and the earth trembled beneath their feet.For a harrowing moment, it seemed the Ape had managed to deflect the blow.

But then, a sickening crack echoed through the battlefield. The Ape's arm, unable to withstand the combined might of Bai Yu's technique and its own erratic movements, gave way. A geyser of blood erupted as the severed limb tumbled to the ground with a heavy thud.The Ape shrieked in pain and fury, its remaining arm flailing wildly. But the damage was done. The momentum of the silver drake, slightly deflected but not deterred, continued its trajectory. With a final, sizzling tear, it ripped through the Ape's thick fur and flesh, carving a deep gash across its neck.