Return to the Sect

The Silver Moon Ape, its berserk rage a distant memory, let out a final, earth-shattering roar. The sound echoed across the battlefield, a death knell for the monstrous beast. Bai Yu's attack, audacious and precise, had found its mark. The silver drake, a testament to his skill and power, had carved a deep gash across the Ape's neck.

The colossal body twitched once, twice, and then crumpled to the ground in a heap of silver fur and broken bone. Its crimson eyes, devoid of any former fury, stared vacantly at the sky. A hush fell over the battlefield, broken only by the distant echoes of the Ape's death throes.Then, a single cheer erupted from the city wall. It was followed by another, and another, until a wave of joyous roars resonated across the battlefield. The defenders, battered but unbowed, had emerged victorious. They had stared down annihilation and emerged triumphant.

The day after the grueling battle dawned peaceful and serene. The stench of blood and burnt fur had dissipated, replaced by a sense of cautious optimism. Bai Yu nursed his wounds in a luxurious guestroom within the Royal Palace, the King showering him with gratitude and lavish accommodations.But his time of rest was short-lived. With a final bow to the King, Bai Yu expressed his intent to return to the Azure Sword Sect.

His journey back was considerably easier this time around, his mind free from the tension of impending chaos. As the familiar sight of the Azure Sword Sect's majestic gates greeted his eyes, a flicker of relief and a hint of longing washed over him.

He reported his successful mission to the sect elders, his detailed account of the battle earning him respect and admiration. His reward was a substantial sum of 3,000 Contribution Points, a valuable currency within the sect used to purchase cultivation resources and advanced techniques.

Returning to his courtyard, Bai Yu settled into a meditative state. After three hours of focused introspection, he opened his eyes, a renewed determination settling in their depths. He was ready for the next challenge: the Inner Disciple Test.

The test itself proved to be a breeze for Bai Yu. He faced two opponents, both at the Mid-Bone Forging stage like himself. His mastery of techniques and honed combat experience from the recent battle allowed him to swiftly dispatch them. While the test might have been simple for him, he knew this wasn't the case for everyone. The path to becoming an Inner Disciple was a rite of passage many aspired to, but only a select few could achieve.