Training the Thunderclap Draw

Day 1:

Bai Yu returned to his countryyard, his steps light with anticipation. The "Thunderclap Draw" technique thrummed in his mind, a promise of explosive power waiting to be unleashed. He wasted no time, eagerness propelling him into a focused practice session.His movements were slow and deliberate at first, each step carefully etching the technique's intricate sequence into his muscle memory.

The emphasis on channeling energy into the sheathed blade felt unfamiliar, a new layer of complexity to integrate. Yet, with each repetition, a sense of control blossomed. Sweat beaded on his brow, not from exertion, but from the intense concentration required to master the technique.

Day 2:A sheen of sweat glistened on Bai Yu's body as he pushed himself further. The initial awkwardness had begun to melt away, replaced by a growing fluidity in his movements. He could feel the energy crackling beneath his skin, a surge of power waiting for the right moment to be unleashed. As he practiced the draw, the motion became quicker, the whistle of the blade slicing through the air a testament to his growing mastery.

Day 3:The initial awkwardness had vanished entirely, replaced by a confident grace in Bai Yu's movements. The "Thunderclap Draw" flowed with a natural rhythm, the synergy between his enhanced physical strength and the technique's focus on speed becoming increasingly apparent. With each repetition, the speed of his draw increased, the blade flashing in the sunlight like a streak of lightning. The power he felt coursing through him was exhilarating, a potent weapon waiting to be unleashed.

Day 4: A satisfied grin spread across Bai Yu's face as he unleashed the "Thunderclap Draw" with blinding speed. The technique felt natural now, an extension of himself rather than a series of memorized steps. The blade sang a deadly song as it tore through the air, the embodiment of explosive power and precision. He had honed the technique to a sharp edge, ready to be wielded in combatThe overheard conversation crackled with excitement like pre-battle lightning. As Bai Yu exited his countryyard, snippets of dialogue drifted towards him.

"The Core Disciple Competition begins in two days!" one voice boomed, brimming with anticipation."Senior Sister Shui Weng's bound to win again," another young man chimed in, a hint of awe coloring his voice. "She's practically on the verge of breaking through to the Late Xiantian Realm!"A third voice piped up, laced with a touch of rivalry, "Don't count out Senior Brother Qi Wuming! Heard he mastered a new technique and is feeling pretty confident.""Heh, this is gonna be epic!" the first voice concluded, practically vibrating with excitement.

Bai Yu, a ghost in the periphery of their conversation, absorbed their enthusiasm. A thoughtful frown creased his brow. Having just recently become an Inner Disciple himself, he was eager to see the competition.