Great increase in Strentgh

Two days passed in a focused cultivation session for Bai Yu. As he opened his eyes the next morning, a determined glint shone within them. 'The Core Disciple Competition starts today,' he muttered, 'but I won't be watching yet. My goal is to witness the final rounds and the championship match. That gives me two more days to push for a breakthrough into the Late Bone Forging Realm.

Bai Yu sank into a meditative state, his breaths falling into a steady rhythm. He became one with his surroundings, channeling his senses to pull in the spiritual energy with an intensity that rivaled a raging furnace. The very air crackled around him, swirling into a miniature vortex that fed his insatiable hunger.

7 hours stretched into an eternity, each second a pulse of raw power coursing through him. Then, a resounding crack echoed within him, shattering the dam that had held him back. His aura, previously a steady stream, erupted in a torrent, surging upwards until it reached a new, exhilarating peak.A wide grin split Bai Yu's face as he cracked open his eyes. "So, this is the Late Bone Forging Realm," he murmured, savoring the surge of power that pulsed through his veins.

The world seemed sharper, clearer, his senses heightened to an unparalleled degree. He flexed a hand, the sensation of his strengthened bones a testament to his accomplishment.A steely resolve settled over Bai Yu. "One day left," he thought, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Time to push myself further." He settled back into a meditative pose, channeling the chaotic energy once more. This time, however, the process felt different. Perhaps it was the foundation laid by his breakthrough, or perhaps his body had begun to adapt. While the pain remained, it was a familiar foe, and he met it head-on. Gritting his teeth, he endured as the chaotic energy tore through his bones, a symphony of destruction echoing within him.

The difference was evident. The process, while still brutal, was undeniably faster. The chaotic energy seemed to move with a newfound efficiency, rebuilding his bones at an accelerated pace. Sweat, not just of exertion but of purification, beaded on his skin, carrying away impurities as his body expelled them in a sticky, crimson tide. His robes, once pristine, were now a testament to his ordeal, a crimson canvas marred by the remnants of his transformation.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Bai Yu reached his limit. He deactivated the chaotic energy, collapsing onto the ground, his body trembling with exertion.

But even through the haze of exhaustion, a triumphant smile played on his lips. As he pushed himself upright, a sense of awe washed over him. He clenched his fist, the air crackling with barely contained power."My body is at least three times stronger than before!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and exhilaration.