Li Feng versus Qi Wuming

With a purpose in his stride, Bai Yu exited his countryyard and headed towards the arena. Today was the Core Disciple competition, and a certain name echoed in his thoughts - Li Feng. The arrogant subordinate who'd tried to recruit him for his newly formed Skysword faction. A spark of defiance ignited within Bai Yu. He wasn't there to participate yet, but to observe Li Feng's strength firsthand. He would see how this supposed prodigy fared against the established Core Disciples. The knowledge he gained could prove invaluable in the future, especially if their paths ever crossed again.

A throng of spectators buzzed with anticipation as Bai Yu arrived at the arena. The air crackled with nervous energy, a stark contrast to the cool determination settling within him. Today's agenda featured the semi-finals of the Core Disciple competition, and a particular name sent a jolt through him: Li Feng.

The first match pitted Li Feng against Qi Wuming, the second-ranked Core Disciple. Qi Wuming strode into the arena, a seemingly ordinary man with an air of quiet confidence. His short blue hair framed a face etched with focus, and the aura emanating from him spoke volumes of his power - the peak of the Mid Xiantian Realm. "What a formidable presence," Bai Yu thought, impressed by the raw energy Qi Wuming exuded.

On the opposite side, Li Feng sauntered into the arena, his movements oozing a practiced arrogance. His striking features - long black hair contrasting with piercing blue eyes - couldn't mask the disdain twisting his lips. The very sight of him reignited the embers of annoyance within Bai Yu.

Without hesitation, Qi Wuming launched into action. He shot across the arena, leaving a blur in his wake, and clashed with Li Feng in a whirlwind of steel. Their blades met in a cacophony of ringing metal, sparks showering the arena floor.

The exchange was breathtakingly fast, a blur of motion that left Bai Yu speechless."I can't even follow their movements!" he mumbled, a mixture of awe and frustration settling in his gut. The Xiantian Realm truly was a different beast. The gap between his own Bone Forging Realm and the power displayed before him seemed insurmountable. Each clang of their swords resonated with a raw power that sent shivers down his spine.