Death of Shui Weng

A hush falls over the Arena as a woman strides out, her long black hair cascading down her back. Her figure is striking, each movement imbued with a quiet confidence. But it's the aura she exudes that truly commands attention. It crackles with power, a tangible force announcing her arrival at the Late Xiantian Realm.

The crowd roared its approval! The air crackled with energy as she stood tall, chest heaving slightly. Three strikes. That's all it took. Her opponent, stunned and disarmed, looked on in a mixture of disbelief and grudging respect.Bai Yu returned to his countryyard, seeking solace beneath the shade of a sprawling tree.

The events of the fight replayed in his mind, and he murmured, "Li Feng is stronger than I thought."The tranquility of the next morning was shattered by a ripple of shocking news that spread like wildfire through the sect.

Senior Sister Shui Weng, the undisputed first place among the Core Disciples, was found dead in her countryyard. Apparently, she had succumbed to poisoning, alone and without a struggle.Bai Yu, still processing the implications of Li Feng's victory, furrowed his brow at the news. A dark thought flickered through his mind. "Could it be Li Feng?" he muttered, the suspicion leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

The normally serene sect erupted in a storm of outrage. Disciples swarmed the grounds, their faces grim as they searched for any trace of the culprit. The air crackled with tension as suspicion and fear intertwined.The rustling leaves offered little solace to Bai Yu as he grappled with the news of Senior Sister Shui Weng's death. The suspicion that had crept into his mind earlier now felt like a viper coiling in his gut. Suddenly, the tranquility of his countryyard shattered.

The wooden gate splintered inwards with a sickening crack, and a figure roared, "Bai Yu, face your death!"A whirlwind of movement filled the doorway. It was an Inner Disciple, his rage burning bright in his eyes. The insignia of the Skysword Alliance, the faction Li Feng had founded, emblazoned his uniform. Recognition flickered across Bai Yu's face. "The Skysword Alliance," he thought, a cold dread settling in his stomach. He remembered the disciple vaguely from the competition, a late Bone Forging cultivator. Now, the man's face was contorted with fury. "You are under suspicion of poisoning Senior Sister Shui Weng!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the ruined gate.