Killing someone from the Bloodsword Sect

As Bai Yu soared away from the city, a sudden shift in the air sent shivers down his spine. Powerful auras, locked in a fierce clash, resonated from roughly twenty kilometers away. With a surge of power, he bridged the distance in under twenty seconds, arriving at a scene of unexpected hostility.

Two figures, both radiating Late Xiantian Realm power, were locked in a brutal duel. One, clad in the familiar blue robes of the Azure Sword Sect, was none other than Elder Xuan – the very elder who had shown him kindness during his time as a branch disciple. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Bai Yu.

His opponent, draped in the crimson robes of the Bloodsword Sect, snarled with a fury that spoke volumes of their corrupt reputation. Disgust flickered across Bai Yu's features. The Bloodsword Sect was a festering wound in the cultivation world, reviled for their ruthless tactics and disregard for moral codes.

Without hesitation, Bai Yu intervened. Raising his sword, he unleashed a powerful slash of gray sword qi. The Bloodsword Sect elder, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a third party, reacted too slowly. His desperate attempt to block the attack with his own sword proved futile.

A thunderous boom echoed as the gray sword qi ripped through the elder's defenses, carving a deep gash across his chest. Blood erupted from the wound, spraying crimson across the air. The elder coughed violently, a look of disbelief etched on his face.

Seizing the opportunity, Bai Yu vanished from sight with a flicker. In a flash, he materialized behind the Bloodsword Sect elder, his sword a blur of deadly intent. With a swift, silent thrust, the blade pierced the elder's heart.

The elder's eyes widened in shock, a single word escaping his lips – "How?" before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.Bai Yu, his face a mask of cold indifference, disappeared once more, leaving Elder Xuan staring after him in stunned silence.