Spirit Gathering Array

Two days later, Bai Yu returned to the Bai Clan, his journey mercifully devoid of further complications. As he descended, a chorus of respectful greetings rose from the assembled higher-ups.

"Greetings, Patriarch," they called out in unison.Bai Yu offered a curt nod in acknowledgment. Turning to Elder Xiu, he presented him with a vial filled with vibrant pills. "Elder Xiu," he declared, his voice firm, "these pills will enhance the cultivation progress of the clan. Please distribute them accordingly."

"As you command, Patriarch," Elder Xiu replied, his posture a reflection of unwavering loyalty.With matters of leadership addressed, Bai Yu retreated to his chambers, his mind already consumed by the vast array of formations detailed within the True Chaos Scripture.

After careful consideration, he settled on a specific array that perfectly suited his current resources."A few material substitutions should suffice," he murmured, a confident glint in his eyes.Spreading out the necessary materials, he spent the next six hours meticulously arranging them.

With practiced ease, he formed complex hand seals, his voice ringing out in a powerful command: "Open!"A surge of energy erupted as the Spirit Gathering Array activated. The surrounding air crackled with potent spiritual qi, drawn in from the very environment and concentrated within the boundaries of the Bai Clan.

The atmosphere itself seemed to thicken, a tangible testament to the array's effectiveness. Cultivation under such conditions would undoubtedly expedite breakthroughs and empower the entire clan.

A gasp of awe rippled through the Bai Clan grounds as the disciples sensed the dramatic shift in the surrounding energy. "Wow, the spiritual energy is so thick!" a disciple exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. "I can already feel my cultivation accelerating," another chimed in, a grin splitting his face.Bai Yu, observing the reactions from his quarters, couldn't help but smile. The Spirit Gathering Array was having an immediate and profound effect. "This will undoubtedly lead to faster breakthroughs for everyone," he thought, a wave of satisfaction washing over him.

The cost of maintaining the array – ten inferior-grade spirit stones a day – was a pittance compared to the potential it held for the clan's advancement. With renewed focus, he turned his attention back to his own cultivation, eager to push his own boundaries further.

Three days later, a joyous clamor erupted within the Bai Clan. "Elder Su has broken through to the Xiantian Realm!" someone shouted, the excitement palpable.Bai Yu's laughter echoed through his chambers, a genuine expression of pride. The array's impact was undeniable. With a surge of optimism, he declared to himself, "The Bai Clan will rise again, stronger than ever before, and reclaim its rightful place among the continent's elite!"