Domain against Domain

The tide of battle began to shift. Grand Elder Long was locked in a fierce duel with the Vice Sect Master as he unleashed the power of his Domain. With a guttural roar, he cried out, "Blood Sea Domain!" A crimson haze erupted from him, rippling outwards and engulfing the surrounding area. It was a Domain fueled by raw power and cruelty, mirroring the very essence of the Bloodsword Sect.

Not to be outdone, Grand Elder Long countered with a Domain of his own. Raising his blade towards the sky, he bellowed, "Water Dragon Domain!" A cerulean wave of energy surged from him, coalescing into a swirling vortex that clashed with the Blood Sea Domain. The contrast between the two Domains was stark – the crimson rage of the Bloodsword Sect versus the dynamic flow of Grand Elder Long's water-based power.

The very air crackled with the clashing energies. The ground beneath their feet liquefied under the pressure, threatening to swallow both combatants whole. Shrieks of terror erupted from the remaining Bloodsword Sect disciples caught in the crossfire. Buildings crumbled like sandcastles, their foundations unable to withstand the immense pressure of the clashing Domains.

The other battles on the battlefield also intensified. Grand Elder Xiu, emboldened by Grand Elder Long's display of power, fought with renewed fervor. His comprehension of the Law of Metal sharpened his senses and enhanced his attacks. He weaved through his opponent's strikes with newfound agility, slowly wearing down his opponent's defenses.

Meanwhile, Bai Yu and the Bloodsword Sect Master remained locked in an epic duel. They were the focal point of the battle, their clash echoing across the devastated landscape.

A crimson vortex materialized around the Bloodsword Sect Master, swirling with an energy that reeked of cruelty and dark power. It was the "Blood God Vortex," a Domain that amplified his bloodthirsty tendencies and bolstered his offensive capabilities. The very air grew heavy, a sickly sweetness pervading the battlefield.

But Bai Yu remained undaunted. With a resolute glint in his golden eyes, he raised his sword towards the heavens.

"Sacred Sword Domain!" he declared, his voice ringing with power.

A blinding light erupted from him, a stark contrast to the oppressive crimson that surrounded them. It was the manifestation of his own Domain – the Sacred Sword Domain. Holy swords materialized within the swirling light, their ethereal forms shimmering with Holy power. A wave of purifying energy washed over the battlefield.

The clash of Domains was unlike anything witnessed before. The crimson tendrils of the Blood God Vortex writhed against the radiant blades of the Sacred Sword Domain. The air itself crackled with the sheer force of their collision, the ground trembling under the immense pressure. Shockwaves ripped outwards, pulverizing the remaining structures of the Bloodsword Sect and sending tremors through the surrounding mountains.

The battle between the other combatants also intensified. Now bolstered by the power of his Domain, Bai Yu unleashed a flurry of attacks, his holy swords tracing intricate patterns in the air. Each strike resonated with fury, pushing the Bloodsword Sect Master back with each parry.