Seven Star Soaring Dragon Technique

The clash of Domains raged on, a celestial battlefield where holy light warred against a vortex of crimson energy. Amidst this maelstrom, Bai Yu and the Bloodsword Sect Master locked blades in a dance of death.

The Sect Master, desperate to break free from the oppressive aura of the Sacred Sword Domain, unleashed a fearsome technique – the "Thousand Bloody Palms." A thousand crimson phantoms, each imbued with his bloodthirsty essence, materialized around him and surged towards Bai Yu.

Bai Yu, his golden eyes blazing with unwavering resolve, countered with his own Heaven Rank technique – the "Seven Star Soaring Dragon." With lightning-fast strikes, his blade blurred into a whirlwind of motion. Seven distinct trails of golden light erupted, intertwining in the air before coalescing into a magnificent dragon formed entirely of sword qi.

The dragon, radiant and magnificent, roared with silent fury as it met the onslaught of the crimson palms. The resulting collision was nothing short of apocalyptic. A monstrous boom echoed through the heavens, shaking the very foundations of the mountains. A shockwave, imbued with the power of both Domains, ripped outwards, obliterating everything in its path for a radius of five kilometers.

When the dust settled, a scene of utter devastation lay bare. The once-proud Bloodsword Sect was reduced to rubble, a testament to the raw power unleashed in the final clash. In the center of the crater, amidst the debris, stood two figures – Bai Yu and the Bloodsword Sect Master.

Bai Yu, though battered and bruised, still stood tall. His robes were tattered, a gaping wound marking his right shoulder. Blood trickled down his arm, testament to the ferocity of the battle. Yet, his golden eyes burned with an unyielding fire. He had prevailed.

The Bloodsword Sect Master, on the other hand, presented a horrifying picture. His right arm lay severed at the shoulder, a gruesome wound exposing shattered bone and torn muscle. A deep gash marred his chest, leaking blood that stained his robes crimson. And finally, a gaping hole pierced his stomach, a testament to the lethal power of Bai Yu's final strike.

The Bloodsword Sect Master sank to his knees, wracked with coughs that sprayed crimson onto the ruined ground. Blood trickled down his mangled form, a gruesome testament to the battle's ferocity. Bai Yu, battered but resolute, approached him slowly. Justice demanded the Sect Master's head.

But just as Bai Yu raised his sword for the final blow, a flash of steel materialized behind him. Reacting with lightning reflexes, he whipped his blade around, deflecting the surprise attack. The force of the parry, however, sent him flying through the air, crashing two hundred meters away. He landed hard, the impact jolting a fresh wave of pain through his already wounded body.