One against three

Fury contorted Bai Yu's face as his eyes narrowed into twin slits of gold. He glared at the figures who had emerged from the dust, his gaze settling on the man leading the trio. It was the Sect Leader of the Azure Sword Sect, his form radiating the power of a Late Law Domain Master, identical to the fallen Bloodsword Sect Master. Beside him stood the two Vice Sect Leaders he recognized from his past.

"So," Bai Yu roared, his voice laced with a dangerous edge, "the Azure Sword Sect chooses to shield this festering wound, the Bloodsword Sect?" Disgust colored his every word.

A furious bellow erupted from one of the Vice Sect Masters of the Azure Sword Sect. "You're the one who stole the Spatial Ring in the Lost Star Cave, you scoundrel!" he roared, his voice thick with accusation.

Bai Yu's gaze, already cold, hardened further into icy shards. A humorless chuckle escaped his lips. "So," he said, his voice dripping with a deadly calm, "you choose to walk the path of death".

The Sect Master of the Azure Sword Sect, a man radiating arrogance that rivaled the midday sun, sneered down at Bai Yu. "Pathetic fool," he spat. "You, an ant, dare challenge the combined might of myself and the Azure Sword Sect's Vice Sect Masters?" His words dripped with disdain, a stark contrast to the tremor of fear that flickered briefly in his eyes.

With a coordinated surge of power, all three Law Domain Masters of the Azure Sword Sect launched themselves at Bai Yu. Each strike carried the weight of their cultivation, a whirlwind of murderous intent aimed at crushing the lone figure before them.

Unfazed by their numerical advantage, Bai Yu moved with lightning speed, his blade a blur of motion as he deflected their attacks. The clash of steel echoed across the devastated landscape, a terrifying symphony of war. This new duel eclipsed the previous one in its sheer ferocity. Sparks flew as metal met metal, the air itself crackling with raw energy.

Despite his impressive display of skill, the effects of the grueling battle with the Bloodsword Sect Master began to show. Bai Yu, already battered and bruised, found himself struggling to deflect the relentless assault of the three Azure Sword Sect Law Domain Masters. The combined might of their attacks pushed him back steadily, his movements losing their initial fluidity.