Inviting Disciples

Bai Yu made his way to the designated area for Core Disciples within the arena grounds. Here, a private viewing room awaited him, offering a clear vantage point to observe the upcoming competitions. Settling into his plush seat, Bai Yu focused his gaze on the arena below. The Outer Disciple competitions were already underway, the air thick with anticipation and the clang of clashing steel.

These young warriors fought with a fervor that belied their age. Each victory brought them closer to the coveted prize – a place within a Core Disciple's faction. Membership in such a group offered a plethora of advantages – access to better resources, training opportunities, and potentially, even personalized guidance from the faction leader, like Bai Yu himself.

With a keen eye, Bai Yu scanned the arena. Swords met and parried in a dazzling display of skill and raw power. Then, in the sixth match, something caught his attention. Two Outer Disciples, both at the Early Xiantian Realm, locked in a ferocious duel. One, a hulking figure, relied on brute strength, his every swing of the blade pushing his opponent back with relentless force. However, his opponent, seemingly disadvantaged, surprised him.

With a contortion that defied logic, the smaller Disciple twisted his body, seemingly teleporting behind the larger one. His blade, glinting in the sunlight, came to rest against the aggressor's neck in a swift, decisive maneuver.

A flicker of amusement crossed Bai Yu's lips. "Not bad," he murmured, a hint of respect in his voice. This unexpected display of agility and tactical thinking had piqued his interest. This Outer Disciple, despite his initial disadvantage, had demonstrated a crucial quality – the ability to adapt and exploit an opponent's weaknesses. It was a valuable talent, one that could be honed further under proper guidance

The entire day was consumed with Bai Yu attentively observing the Outer Disciple competition. By the end, five Outer Disciples had particularly impressed him. He sent out invitations to each, hoping they'd consider joining the ranks of the Sacred Sword Alliance. However, Bai Yu was aware that most participants wouldn't make their decisions until the competition's conclusion. They'd weigh the offers from various Core Disciples, analyzing the potential benefits and opportunities each faction presented.

Bai Yu spent the waiting period wisely. He reviewed his notes on the five disciples he'd invited, meticulously analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and fighting styles. He strategized potential training regimens and considered how their skills could complement each other within the Sacred Sword Alliance. Anticipation simmered within him – would these talented individuals choose to join him? Or would they be swayed by the allure of other factions?