First Faction Members

Three days blurred into one another as the Inner Disciple competition reached its climax. By its conclusion, Bai Yu had extended invitations to a total of ten Outer Disciples and fifteen Inner Disciples. Their talent had impressed him, and he eagerly awaited their decisions.

Uncertainty gnawed at him as he returned to his mountain peak. He resumed his rigorous sword training, the rhythmic clang of steel a familiar comfort. Eight hours melted away when a soft announcement shattered the silence. A female servant knelt before him, her voice tinged with reverence. "Master," she announced, "several disciples seek an audience. They wish to join your faction."

A genuine smile bloomed on Bai Yu's face. This was the moment he'd been anticipating. With a flicker of movement that left the servant momentarily speechless, Bai Yu vanished. He reappeared at the entrance of his mountain peak, where ten figures now stood. Seven were Outer Disciples, their faces a mix of nervousness and excitement. The remaining three were Inner Disciples, their cultivation levels a step above their Outer Disciple counterparts.

The sudden appearance of their new leader startled them. Bai Yu's powerful aura, a testament to his Mid Law Domain Master cultivation, pressed down upon them. Without hesitation, they fell to their knees, a chorus of voices ringing out, "We wish to join your faction!"

Bai Yu's smile widened. "Rise," he commanded, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. The relief that washed over the disciples was palpable. He then led them to their designated caves, each nestled within the mountain peak. The abundant spiritual energy in the atmosphere was a tangible benefit of residing under Bai Yu's wing. The new recruits, their eyes wide with wonder, wasted no time entering secluded cultivation to capitalize on this advantage.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Bai Yu found himself seated in his serene garden atop the peak. A sense of accomplishment settled over him. He now had his first faction members, a diverse group with the potential for greatness. With a renewed sense of purpose, Bai Yu closed his eyes and entered meditation.