
The next day, Mr. Zhuang changed his teaching method. He only taught Mo Hua theories of formations within the Qi Refinement stage, complemented by various formations, allowing Mo Hua to gradually progress.


This approach was similar to Master Yan's teaching method, but Mr. Zhuang's realm was much higher, so his perspective was broader, details more thorough, and structure clearer.


Mo Hua secretly felt regretful for Master Yan. If not for the limitations of his realm, Master Yan might not have been an ordinary instructor. At least in terms of formation heritage and educational philosophy, both Master Yan and Mr. Zhuang, who excelled in formation arts, shared similarities.


Mo Hua found the obscure formation theories Mr. Zhuang previously taught to be quite headache-inducing. Some theories were entirely new to Mo Hua, leaving him confused and resorting to rote memorization. Yet, no matter how good his memory was, he struggled to grasp these abstract and hollow concepts, often forgetting what he had memorized earlier when trying to recall later parts.


Note: Rote Memorization refers to repeatedly repeating a line or text until you memorize it word for word instead of actually understanding the underlying concept.


These difficult concepts, which Mo Hua found challenging to learn, were considered foundational for studying formations among prestigious families. It was no wonder that these great clans could stand tall in the cultivation world for tens of thousands of years, unlike ordinary independent cultivators who were severely lacking in heritage and transmission.


Mo Hua sighed. Comparing himself to others was pointless; he could only strive to do his best. He reminded himself and then settled down to learn formations according to Mr. Zhuang's method.


Starting from the Qi Refinement stage, focusing on formation drawing and supplemented by formation theory, Mo Hua progressed much faster.


Because Mo Hua tirelessly practiced formations day and night—drawing on stone tablets at night and on paper during the day, occasionally sketching in the dirt—he practiced formations more than many late-stage Qi Refinement cultivators.


Therefore, after Mr. Zhuang changed his teaching method, Mo Hua made rapid progress. By the time he finished learning the theories, when Mo Hua began drawing formations himself, his progress accelerated even further.


Mr. Zhuang first had Mo Hua relearn several formations that included the Five Path Formation Patterns, including some formations with Five Elements attributes that Mo Hua had never seen before. Old Kui also helped Mo Hua prepare all the materials needed for these formations.


Mo Hua eagerly learned and persisted in practicing.


During the day, Mo Hua practiced formations leisurely at Mr. Zhuang's quiet residence. At night, he continued practicing in his Sea of Consciousness on the stone tablets. For Mo Hua, formations with Five Path Formation Patterns were not particularly difficult; he could usually learn one within a few days.


Next came the Six Path Formation Pattern, the Fixed Water Formation. Previously limited by his spiritual awareness, Mo Hua had not been able to draw complete formations. Now, after more than half a month of daily practice, his spiritual awareness had grown significantly. Although it was still somewhat strained, he managed to complete the Fixed Water Formation containing the Six Path Formation Patterns.


After completing the Fixed Water Formation, Mr. Zhuang taught Mo Hua several new formations like the Thousand Jun Formation, the Flowing Sands Formation, and the Small Cloud Rain Formation. With the support of his spiritual awareness and continuous day-and-night practice, Mo Hua mastered all of them within half a month.


Mr. Zhuang was quite satisfied, not only with Mo Hua's progress but also with his temperament.


For a child of Mo Hua's age, not everyone had the perseverance to sit daily and study formations.


However, privately, Mr. Zhuang still felt a bit regretful. He remarked to Old Kui:


"Mo Hua's perception is better than I originally thought. It's just a pity that he's from an independent cultivation background, lacking in formation heritage and foundations. Otherwise, he might not be much inferior to those geniuses of the great clans..."


"What's so great about those geniuses?" Old Kui interjected calmly.


Mr. Zhuang fell silent for a moment.


Old Kui looked at Mr. Zhuang quietly, his voice flat and indifferent, yet tinged with indescribable sarcasm, "Weren't you a genius back then? Those disciples you took before, how many of them weren't geniuses? And what became of them? Look at your current situation; do I even need to say more..."


Mr. Zhuang sighed, displeased. "If I die young, it must be because you annoyed me to death!"


Old Kui remained unmoved. "Life and death have their own fate. If you say such things, it shows your understanding of the Dao has not even reached the door."


Mr. Zhuang simply lay back on the recliner, his expression deep with meaning. He said, "Heaven and earth are not benevolent; all things are mere dogs and horses. If a person truly understands the Dao, can they still be considered human?"


Old Kui continued playing chess alone, unmoving like weathered wood.


Mr. Zhuang taught Mo Hua quite a bit about formations containing the Six Path Formation Patterns, as these were already quite comprehensive, involving the prototypes of many basic formations, requiring extensive study and insight.


By the time Mo Hua completed learning formations with the Six Path Formation Patterns, Mr. Zhuang planned to teach him formations with the Seven Path Formation Patterns. However, he discovered something quite surprising—Mo Hua's spiritual awareness had grown remarkably fast.


When Mr. Zhuang first met Mo Hua, his spiritual awareness was insufficient to draw formations with the Six Path Formation Patterns. Now, after a month, Mo Hua's spiritual awareness not only supported him in drawing complete formations with the Six Path Formation Patterns but also enabled him to draw formations with Six and a half Path Patterns of the Seven Path Formations.


In just a month, Mo Hua's spiritual power had improved only slightly, but his spiritual awareness had grown rapidly.


Mr. Zhuang furrowed his brow slightly, sensing that something was amiss.


On that day, while Mo Hua was studying formations with the Seven Path Formation Patterns, Mr. Zhuang suddenly asked, "Mo Hua, do you know about Visualization Techniques?"


Mo Hua looked puzzled and replied, "Disciple has never heard of it."


"I see," Mr. Zhuang tapped the table thoughtfully, then asked, "Have you ever seen some strange images or patterns that, once seen, involuntarily immerse your spiritual awareness?"


Mo Hua thought for a moment and shook his head.


The strangest thing he had seen was the stone tablet in his mind, but it didn't have any patterns or obvious lines that could immerse him after prolonged viewing.


Mr. Zhuang fell silent for a moment, then said, "Your spiritual awareness has grown faster than others. You must have noticed this."


Mo Hua nodded. "During the day, I draw formations, and at night, I practice in my dreams. Dreaming about drawing formations doesn't consume spiritual awareness, so day and night, my spiritual awareness gradually strengthens."


He didn't mention the stone tablet, but everything else was true.


Mo Hua wasn't entirely sure whether his enhanced spiritual awareness was due to the stone tablet or simply because he kept drawing formations tirelessly.


Mo Hua then asked, "Sir, does that mean as long as I keep drawing formations, my spiritual awareness will strengthen?"


Mr. Zhuang was caught off guard.


Drawing formations would continuously consume spiritual awareness and also continually train the sea of consciousness. Over time, spiritual awareness would naturally strengthen.


However, in the cultivation world, the usual practice was to first find ways to enhance spiritual awareness before studying formations. Relying on drawing formations to enhance spiritual awareness was an extremely slow process and posed significant risks of depleting spiritual awareness and damaging the sea of consciousness irreversibly.


Therefore, few cultivators considered relying on this most basic, slowest, and riskiest method to enhance spiritual awareness.


Mr. Zhuang felt that things were not so simple. He looked at Mo Hua with slight doubt. Yet, meeting Mo Hua's gaze, he found Mo Hua's clear eyes surprisingly earnest and sincere.


Mr. Zhuang had taught many disciples and seen eyes filled with admiration, fear, and deep thoughts, but he had never seen such candid eyes before. He chuckled and said, "Well then."


"Do you know about Meditation Techniques?" Mr. Zhuang asked again.


Mo Hua shook his head once more.


"Meditation Techniques allow cultivators to enter a state of meditation quickly through meditation, thereby recovering spiritual awareness faster. This is not something that a cultivator of your level should learn, but you are somewhat special, so you can learn it now."


Mo Hua didn't know what Mr. Zhuang meant by "special," but he was happy to learn something new and replied, "Thank you, sir."


"However, there's one thing you must remember," Mr. Zhuang's expression gradually became serious. "If anyone asks you why your spiritual awareness has grown so fast, just say it's because I taught you Meditation Techniques. There's no need to say more."


Mo Hua was a bit bewildered, but he faintly felt that Mr. Zhuang was looking out for him. He quietly took Mr. Zhuang's words to heart.


Mr. Zhuang nodded, took out a thin booklet from his sleeve, on which were written two words:


"Meditation Techniques."


(End of the Chapter)