Fourth Level of Qi Refining

In the following days, Mo Hua continued practicing formations as Mr. Zhuang had instructed, applying what he learned.


Master Chen's forging furnace and Old Mr. Feng's alchemy furnace both underwent Mo Hua's experimentation.


Around the neighborhood, there was nothing left for Mo Hua to showcase his skills on.


Mo Hua had to settle for practicing on low-end formations, such as double-lock formations on doors, earth and stone formations on walls, and minghuo formations on lamps.


In the cultivation world, formations are widely used, from offensive spiritual tools to defensive shields, and in everyday life items like clothing, food, housing, and transportation—all have formations inscribed on them.


However, among lower-level rogue cultivators, formations are used very crudely and superficially; some are merely a couple of simple formation patterns, barely qualifying as actual formations.


In comparison, Master Chen's forging furnace and Old Mr. Feng's alchemy furnace were considered high-end.


Especially Old Mr. Feng's alchemy furnace, which even used a three-formation composite to harmonize wood and fire spiritual energy. There probably weren't many formation masters in the entire Tongxian City capable of drawing such a composite formation.


Mo Hua helped a few neighbors repair their doors, walls, and lamps. These were mostly menial tasks that did not showcase much formation skill, but the local cultivators were very grateful to Mo Hua.


They didn't have many spirit stones, so they thanked Mo Hua with some homegrown spirit fruits and vegetables. Though the gifts were light, the sentiment was heavy.


Mo Hua's family wasn't wealthy, and there were even poorer rogue cultivators in Tongxian City. Most rogue cultivators lived frugally, using things even when they were broken, and never hiring formation masters to repair worn-out formations.


Sometimes, hiring a formation master to repair a formation could cost more spirit stones than buying a new item.


Formation masters were rare. Most formation masters, once skilled, would only serve families, sects, or major cultivation forces, both to earn more spirit stones and to further advance their formation skills.


"Learn literary and martial arts to sell to the royal family." This was a phrase from Mo Hua's memories of another life.


Stepping into the doors of prestigious families and sects, they naturally would not look at the poorer households.


This was human nature and the harsh reality of human hearts.


Thinking about it this way, Old Mr. Feng, who became a first-rank alchemist and still made pills to heal poor rogue cultivators, was even more worthy of respect.


Mo Hua spent about a month repairing formations for people.


Most of the formations he repaired were low-end, containing only two or three formation patterns, but it was still a review, and his memory became much deeper than before.


Previously, he drew formations on paper, where the paper was the formation medium. In actual practice, any brick, stone, or wood could serve as a formation medium.


Formations drawn on paper could operate, but it was somewhat like talking on paper. Moreover, formations on paper were usually disposable and could not be used long-term.


Only by truly inscribing formations on all things in nature—earth, wood, brick, stone, and various spiritual tools, allowing them to operate enduringly—could one truly comprehend the Dao and follow its path.


Drawing formations on different mediums consumed more spiritual consciousness and energy, required higher penmanship skills, and was more challenging.


But with diligent practice, the understanding of formations became deeper.


After practicing for a while, Mo Hua would feel enlightened when looking at formations.


It was as if the formation patterns were no longer obscure and abstract but more vivid and lively, representing the paths of spiritual energy in nature.


When Mo Hua immersed his consciousness into his sea of consciousness and looked at the puzzle formation woven from spiritual energy, it no longer felt as confusing as before.


The flow of spiritual energy in the puzzle formation became much clearer.


One day, Mo Hua followed Mr. Zhuang's rules of spiritual energy interaction to solve the formation.


As Mo Hua's delicate white hands sketched, one formation pattern after another condensed, followed by the dissolution of each pattern, akin to unwinding silk threads that slowly extended before melting into the sea of consciousness.


Mo Hua vaguely sensed that with each formation pattern unraveled, the connection between his spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy grew tighter.


When Mo Hua finally unraveled the last formation pattern, he discovered that the entire puzzle formation in his sea of consciousness had dissipated, leaving it restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened. Only the Dao stele in the center remained, still existing as before, though it stood out awkwardly.


"Is this considered unraveling it?"


Mo Hua scratched his head, then tried to mobilize his spiritual energy, discovering that his sea of consciousness suddenly trembled, like a stomach that hadn't had a drop of water for days, now burning with sudden hunger.


Startled, Mo Hua quickly took out spirit stones and absorbed their spiritual energy. After refining more than a dozen spirit stones, his sea of consciousness gradually calmed down.


When Mo Hua looked inward, he found his spiritual energy much more abundant, and his spiritual consciousness had also strengthened.


"Fourth level of Qi Refining!"


Mo Hua was overjoyed and couldn't fall asleep even while lying in bed.


He got up, lit the lamp, spread the paper, and dipped the brush in ink, drawing a Three Talents Formation.


The Three Talents Formation included six first-grade formation patterns.


Previously, constrained by his spiritual consciousness, Mo Hua could draw it but with difficulty. Now, with his breakthrough and increased spiritual consciousness, drawing the Three Talents Formation became much easier.


After finishing, Mo Hua realized it was already past midnight, and he could have drawn the formation on the Dao stele in his sea of consciousness, wasting a piece of paper and ink.


Even mosquito meat is meat.


Mo Hua felt slightly distressed, then re-immersed his consciousness into his sea of consciousness and unhesitatingly drew formations on the Dao stele.


Formations that had been difficult before became much easier with his breakthrough and increased spiritual consciousness. No wonder others often said that cultivation level is the foundation for cultivators.


Mo Hua drew formations until dawn, then eagerly shared the good news with his parents.


Mo Shan had just returned from the mountain after hunting a few wild ox demons with his companions and was resting at home for a few days. The couple was greatly relieved and began to prepare a feast to invite the neighbors and friends they were familiar with.


Breaking through from the third to the fourth level of Qi Refining, moving from the early to the mid-stage, was considered a significant breakthrough, traditionally celebrated with a feast. When the three Da Hu brothers broke through to the fourth level of Qi Refining, they also hosted a feast. However, due to the Meng family's poor financial situation, the three children pooled their resources and hosted just one feast.


The eatery closed for a day. Mo Shan had someone bring home an entire wild ox demon hunted a few days earlier. After skinning and butchering it, Liu Ruhua added spices and cooked it, then set up the feast directly at the eatery.


Master Chen, Da Zhu, and a few other apprentices of Master Chen attended, as did the three Da Hu brothers. Some less familiar rogue cultivators, who had previously received Mo Hua's help, brought modest gifts but didn't stay for the meal. Liu Ruhua packed some beef as a return gift.


Though it was a feast, the food was only slightly better than usual. There was no spiritual meat because it was too expensive. However, there was plenty of wild ox meat, and with Liu Ruhua's renowned cooking skills, the simple food was delicious, and everyone enjoyed the meat and wine, feeling very happy.


Mr. Zhuang disliked noise, and the Bai siblings had a special status, so Mo Hua didn't invite them. Instead, he made extra delicious food and brought it to them the next day.


Bai Zixi thanked him, eating the fragrant pastries and sipping the sweet wine, looking quite satisfied.


Bai Zisheng, on the other hand, felt regretful. He wanted to join in the fun, drink large gulps of wine, and eat large chunks of meat like everyone else. But he knew he could only dream of it; Aunt Xue, though gentle, was very strict with them and would never allow it.


Mo Hua initially felt some sympathy for him, but Bai Zisheng asked curiously:

"Is breaking through to just the fourth level of Qi Refining really worth celebrating?"


Any sympathy in Mo Hua's heart instantly vanished.


For ordinary rogue cultivators, the Qi Refining stage might be the end of their cultivation journey, so every step forward was hard-won.


(End of the Chapter)