Da Zhu


Some disciples from the Qian family recognized Da Zhu and cursed, "Chen Da Zhu, mind your own business and go swing your hammer!"


Da Zhu sneered coldly, "None of your damn business!"


Mo Hua had sharp perception. When the Qian family disciple threw a punch, he noticed Da Zhu was already standing behind him, so he didn't dodge.


Of course, even if he wanted to dodge, he couldn't.


The punch of a sixth-level Qi Refining cultivator was still quite fast. Mo Hua's powerful spiritual awareness gave him ample reaction time, but his weak physique couldn't fully support his response.


Fortunately, Da Zhu intercepted the punch for him.


In Mo Hua's memory, Da Zhu was always the apprentice blacksmith who smiled warmly, treated people kindly, and liked to invite others over for noodles. But now, Da Zhu's expression was cold and contained a hint of ruthlessness.


"Chen Da Zhu, step aside!" threatened the Qian family disciple.


Not only did Da Zhu refuse to step aside, but he also picked Mo Hua up and placed him behind himself, showing no concern on his face. "I won't step aside!"


Da Zhu was ten years older and much taller than Mo Hua. Standing in front of him completely shielded Mo Hua from view, and the Qian family's group couldn't even see Mo Hua anymore.


Seeing that Da Zhu was resolute, the Qian family disciples tried to persuade him, "Chen Da Zhu, this kid has nothing to do with you. Is it worth showing off like this?"


"I'm happy to. None of your damn business!" Da Zhu was not good with words and wanted to say more but couldn't find the right words. Feeling his momentum weaken slightly, he sneakily glanced at Mo Hua.


Mo Hua understood and poked his head out, "Whether he has anything to do with me or not, you're all related to Qian Xing. Yet he treats you all like dogs!"


Upon hearing this, Da Zhu quickly nodded in agreement, "That's right! He treats you all like dogs!"


The faces of the Qian family disciples turned red, but they couldn't retort.


No matter how Qian Xing treated them, being treated like dogs was already a form of flattery.


Seeing the situation turn against him, Qian Xing coldly threatened, "You want to go against the Qian family?"


Da Zhu was about to retort when Mo Hua tugged at his sleeve. He understood that Mo Hua didn't want him to speak, so he shut his mouth.


Mo Hua then poked his head out again and said, "Qian Xing, if your father knew you were bullying others under the family name and tarnishing the Qian family's reputation, do you think he would regret having fathered you? Perhaps your father isn't really your father, and your mother isn't really your mother?"


Qian Xing realized Mo Hua was insulting his lineage, even suggesting he wasn't truly a member of the Qian family.


Qian Xing, always pampered, felt more humiliated than ever in his life. He waved his hand behind him and threatened maliciously, "Beat him to death! Skin him alive! Strip his tendons! I'll inform the Judiciary Department, and you don't need to worry!"


Seeing Qian Xing's eyes turn red, Mo Hua quietly said to Da Zhu, "Da Zhu, there are too many of them. Let's take advantage and run."


Da Zhu remained fearless, "It's fine, we have plenty of people too."


Just as he finished speaking, there was a commotion behind them. A group of youths carrying clubs and hammers approached and stood behind Da Zhu.


"Brother Zhu, we've brought our tools!" shouted one of the youths loudly.


Mo Hua looked over and noticed most of them were apprentices of Master Chen, the blacksmith. Their preferred weapons were hammers, with some carrying cudgels. Some even emitted a faint red glow, indicating they were freshly pulled from the forge as prototype spiritual tools.


Standing behind Da Zhu, they unintentionally formed a protective circle around Mo Hua.


A few Qian family disciples hesitated. While most were at the seventh level of Qi Refining, some were still at the sixth level. Although their cultivation was higher, they were used to bullying the weak and feared confrontation with equals.


The opponents were all apprentices in smithing, each towering and robust, with arms as thick as sledgehammers and fists the size of cooking pots. They weren't eager to experience the taste of getting hit.


Moreover, these lower-level cultivators were all willing to fight to the death; they didn't dare hold back.


"Sir, this situation isn't favorable. Shouldn't we withdraw for now and trouble him another time?" someone whispered to Qian Xing.


"What did you say?" Qian Xing's eyes were bloodshot as he stared fixedly at him.


The Qian family disciple trembled as he spoke, "We... we're also worried about your safety, sir. If anything were to happen, how could we face the clan head..."


"It's me who supports you, not my father. What you should be concerned about is how to report to me." Qian Xing slapped the Qian family disciple's face, "Let that brat die. That's the best way to report to me! Otherwise, think about how you'll explain it to me."


Several Qian family disciples broke out in cold sweat.


Qian Xing continued, "Rest assured, I've already sent for someone. If you delay a bit, after it's done, each of you will receive a hundred spirit stones. Whoever manages to kill that brat Mo Hua will get a direct lineage quota from my father."


The group exchanged looks—direct lineage quotas... Could they really get their hands on them?


Regardless of whether it was true or false, it was worth a gamble.


One Qian family disciple gritted his teeth, "I'll share the burden for you, sir!"


He turned around and shouted to Da Zhu, "Da Zhu, I need to talk to you." Then he walked toward Da Zhu. When he reached him, he suddenly drew a knife and swung it toward Da Zhu. The knife was wrapped in green spiritual power and emanated a chilling aura.


Da Zhu raised an eyebrow, snorted coldly, and surged with qi and blood. He met the incoming strike with his large hammer.


However, the Qian family disciple suddenly twisted the knife to evade Da Zhu's hammer and aimed it at Mo Hua behind Da Zhu.


This was his calculated plan: he could take Da Zhu's blow head-on without dying, at most suffering severe injuries. Meanwhile, Mo Hua would unquestionably die from his strike! A slight injury in exchange for a direct lineage quota for the family was definitely a gain!


Although the situation arose suddenly, Mo Hua had anticipated this move long ago; he could clearly trace the trajectory of spiritual power with his divine awareness. But with this sudden attack and twist, it all happened in an instant. He couldn't speak in time, nor could he dodge with his refining body ability.


Just as the blade was about to strike him, a smith disciple tugged at his collar from behind. The blade narrowly missed him, and Mo Hua could even feel the faint pain of spiritual pressure on his forehead.


Da Zhu saw the initial strike and the subsequent redirection toward Mo Hua. However, his hammer was too heavy to change tactics in time; all he could do was seethe inwardly. Fortunately, Mo Hua narrowly avoided danger.


Da Zhu felt relieved, then enraged. No longer holding back, he channeled his qi and blood into the iron hammer and smashed down fiercely.


The Qian family disciple was struck in the back and slammed heavily to the ground. Blood surged up his throat, and his ears rang with a crunching sound—the sound of his bones breaking.


He expected to be injured but hadn't anticipated such severity. As consciousness faded, he felt himself kicked hard and sent flying, then crashing heavily. After that, he knew nothing.


"You scoundrel, playing dirty!"


"Even the rats in the sewer aren't as filthy as him!"


"Beat them!"


The smithing youths were indignant, raising their clubs and swinging their hammers as they charged at the Qian family disciples. The Qian family disciples had no choice but to grit their teeth and face them head-on.


On the deserted street, cultivators from both sides began to brawl.


(End of the Chapter)