
Master Chen was furious, and none of the disciples dared to breathe loudly.


"Why are you all silent?"


Everyone glanced at each other, silently thinking, "Didn't Master start scolding us as soon as he walked in, not letting us speak?"


They all looked at Da Zhu again, and he reluctantly spoke up, "Master, this isn't our fault."


"Not your fault? Then whose fault is it? Mine? Did I start this fight?"


"They started bullying first!" Da Zhu whispered.


"Yes, Master, they bullied too much!" the disciples echoed.


Master Chen sneered, "Oh, they bullied too much, so you're completely blameless? Even if they were wrong, did it have to escalate to this? If the Dao Court had detained you, would I have to embarrass myself to plead for your release? If someone had been seriously injured, would I have to compensate them with spirit stones?"


The more Master Chen spoke, the angrier he got. "Forget everything else, are spirit stones so easy to come by? How have I taught you all these years? You haven't learned much about forging tools, just causing trouble for me!"


"We fought because Mo Hua was bullied!"


"So what if Mo Hua was bullied? Who hasn't been bullied? Should every cultivator in the world retaliate whenever they are bullied? How many lives would be lost?" Master Chen continued angrily. "I think you won't remember until you get another beating..."


Raising his stick as if to strike, Master Chen suddenly stopped and frowned, asking, "Who was bullied?"


"Mo Hua..." Da Zhu looked at the stick in Master's hand and shrank his head.


"Mo Hua?"


Master Chen thought of Mo Hua's innocent and adorable appearance at around ten years old, harmless. He couldn't help but wonder, "Who would pick on Mo Hua?"


Da Zhu hurriedly said, "It wasn't just bullying, they clearly intended harm, so I had to intervene!"


"Intended harm?" Master Chen's anger flared. "This is outrageous!"


"It is! It is!"


"Too much!"




"Shut up!" Master Chen ordered.


Master Chen didn't fully understand the situation. He had just finished work, had a drink to relax, and before his seat got warm, he heard that Da Zhu had gotten into another fight, not just him, but other apprentices too. Not only had someone been injured, but even the Dao Court had been alarmed.


His blood boiled with anger, and he rushed back to settle accounts with these disciples.


Master Chen then asked Da Zhu, "Who bullied Mo Hua?"


"Qian Xing."


"Qian Xing? The young master from the Qian family?"




"Do you know why?"


Da Zhu shook his head.


Master Chen frowned. What could possibly cause a conflict between the Qian family and Mo Hua? They had no connection whatsoever...


But then again, Qian Xing...


He heard that the boy was always up to no good, simply bullying others to show off his power. It was possible.


Da Zhu continued, "When I arrived, Qian Xing and his group had already surrounded Mo Hua. They were about to attack, and they were targeting his forehead. I acted in haste to intervene."


Listening, Master Chen grew angrier, feeling his suspicions were confirmed. He couldn't help but curse, "What a little bastard..."


Perhaps accustomed to being arrogant and domineering, he would pick fights with anyone who didn't comply with him, becoming furious whenever things didn't go his way.


Qian Hong, the head of the Qian family, while not a good person, at least had some sense of propriety. How could he have raised such a creature?


Could it be... he's really a bastard?


Master Chen couldn't help but suspect.


When Da Zhu saw that Master Chen wasn't angry anymore, he quietly asked, "Master, are you still going to punish us?"


Master Chen glared at him and said, "What, uncomfortable unless you're punished?"


Da Zhu quickly shook his head, "No, no, no!"


Master Chen threw down his stick but continued, "It's good that you helped someone, but just offering assistance shouldn't lead to such a brawl. Obviously, things got out of hand, and you lost control."


Master Chen knew these disciples too well. When they set out to help, conflicts often arose. Being young and filled with grievances, they sometimes couldn't restrain themselves.


Luckily, none of the disciples were seriously injured this time. But even treating injuries with healing pills would cost a significant amount of spirit stones. For ordinary cultivator families, this was no small burden.


Once in debt, a cultivator felt like carrying an iron weight on their back, making even a deep breath exhausting.


While youthful vigor was admirable, their backgrounds and family situations couldn't always support such behavior.


Master Chen sighed. Despite everything, right and wrong couldn't be blurred.


Looking at these children before him, he felt both worry and comfort.


"There were reasons behind this. I won't pursue it further. Helping others is right, but if we can avoid casualties, we should. Don't always act on impulse, and don't make your parents worry. Today, instead of punishment, kneel here for an hour, reflect on your actions, then go back."


Da Zhu and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Kneeling for an hour wasn't much, as long as they weren't punished physically. Moreover, Master didn't seem angry with them, indicating he didn't think they were entirely at fault—just symbolically disciplining them.


Thinking this way eased their minds, and even kneeling, they straightened their backs.


Da Zhu then spoke up, "Master, Mo Hua said that since we helped him, if we need any array formations in the future, we can directly ask him. As long as it's not too difficult, he can do it..."




Master Chen walked away with his hands behind his back. After a few steps, he turned back. "What did you say?"


Da Zhu sensed something odd about Master's reaction and repeated Mo Hua's words.


"Mo Hua really said that?" Master Chen asked.


Da Zhu nodded, and the other apprentices echoed, "Yes, he did."


Master Chen calmed his inner thoughts repeatedly. Finally, unable to contain his amusement, he chuckled. However, realizing he was in front of his disciples, he quickly composed his face, though the smile lingered.


With arrangements for array formations settled, even if it only saved the cost of hiring an array master, it would be a significant expense reduction.


With surplus spirit stones, repairs could be made where needed in the workshop, and better quality iron could be used for forging. His little rascals could even afford to eat a bit more at each meal.


Master Chen felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, and his whole body felt more agile.


"What good children..." Master Chen's mood brightened. Turning to his disciples, he said, "Mo Hua is young but talented and diligent. For him to help us with array formations is a boon. If his family encounters any difficulties in the future, you should offer as much help as you can. Remember that!"


"Yes, Master!" Da Zhu and the others nodded eagerly.


"Alright, everyone can go back now," Master Chen waved his hand.


"Yes." Da Zhu was about to reply when he suddenly remembered something and asked quietly, "Are we not kneeling anymore?"


Master Chen felt both amused and exasperated. "Kneel for what? Get out of here!"




The disciples replied loudly, feeling relieved as they hurriedly left.


Master Chen shook his head, muttering, "A bunch of silly kids, who knows when they'll grow up..."


Initially returning with anger, seeing his disciples now lifted Master Chen's spirits considerably. Thinking of finding another place to have a few drinks, he took a few steps, then suddenly stopped.


Slapping his forehead, he exclaimed, "I forgot to ask—how's it going with the Qian family?"


Though Qian Xing was no good, it would still be troublesome if something had gone wrong.


But then he thought again. With the Qian family's numbers and their guards, they wouldn't be easily harmed. Besides, it was just a fight among mid-level Qi Refining cultivators. Even if there were injuries, they shouldn't be serious. If there had been a real problem, these children wouldn't have returned safely.


With this in mind, Master Chen relaxed and went off to drink in peace.


(End of the Chapter)