
The next day at dawn, in the White Residence.


As the sky began to lighten, Bai Zixi got up to practice cultivation. Her day was packed with various tasks: studying cultivation techniques, formations and talismans, and refining pills and artifacts.


The White Residence was specially built by Aunt Xue for the siblings of the Bai family. Inside, there were rooms for pill refining, artifact forging, a library, and meditation chambers, all designed according to the Bai family's layout. Though the rooms were somewhat smaller, they were fully equipped with every function.


This was all at the request of Madam Bai.


Although the Bai siblings were away from home, their studies and practices could not be neglected. Aunt Xue was also entrusted by Madam Bai to oversee their daily lives, including their diet and various aspects of their cultivation.


Madam Bai had high hopes for her children, so she was especially strict.


Although Bai Zisheng was somewhat mischievous and active, he still listened relatively well. Compared to him, Bai Zixi was much easier to manage. She completed her daily tasks flawlessly, whether it was talent cultivation, spiritual roots, or cultivating the Dao. There was almost nothing to worry about, and she needed no one's assistance.


Bai Zixi rose at Mao hour and would sit in the bamboo pavilion in the courtyard to practice for an hour.


Aunt Xue had just returned and stood quietly in the bamboo grove, waiting.


In the early morning, a light mist hung in the air, and the vegetation shimmered with verdant hues, while spirit flowers bloomed vividly.


Bai Zixi sat among them, dressed in a snowy white gown, her skin translucent and flawless, her appearance pure and immaculate.


The morning sun pierced through the mist, casting gentle golden rays on the grass and flower petals, softly draping over Bai Zixi.


Aunt Xue sighed. Such scenery made her willing to sit here and watch all day.


Bai Zixi's long eyelashes fluttered, and she opened her eyes.


Aunt Xue approached her and relayed the information she had gathered. This included Qian Xing intercepting Mo Hua, what he said, how the conflict arose, and how it was resolved. After being treated, Qian Xing harbored resentment towards Mo Hua and threatened him again.


It was the scene Bai Zixi witnessed yesterday.


Bai Zixi furrowed her brow slightly and whispered, "We came to Master Zhuang for learning, not to be disturbed by others."


Aunt Xue nodded and then withdrew.


As she left, however, she couldn't help but wonder: when Zixi said "we," did she mean just the two siblings or did it include Mo Hua as well?


Mo Hua had consulted with Master Zhuang and, as usual, visited the Bai siblings, bringing them some beef, osmanthus cakes, and sweet fermented rice. He also took the opportunity to ask about a few questions regarding formations.


As they spoke, Mo Hua felt Bai Zixi's gaze on his neck.


Mo Hua turned to look at Bai Zixi curiously.


Their eyes met, and Bai Zixi asked softly, "Did you get injured on your neck?"


"Yeah," Mo Hua nodded, "It was a minor injury. It's healed now."


Mo Hua didn't say anything more.


Bai Zixi didn't ask further either, just sipped her sweet fermented rice in small sips.


After leaving Master Zhuang's place, Mo Hua returned to his small cabin and began studying formation books.


Since Qian Xing had approached him and Mo Hua knew he wouldn't let it go easily, he began preparing means to deal with Qian Xing. Mo Hua couldn't learn spells yet, nor could he use them, so he mainly relied on formations.


Mo Hua selected a few formations and focused on studying them diligently.


One was the Wooden Binding Formation, which, when activated, would bind people with a faint green wood spiritual energy, much like vines, useful for restraining enemies.


Another was the Firework Formation, similar to the Minghuo Formation Mo Hua had previously drawn, but whereas the Minghuo Formation was used for illumination, the Firework Formation, when activated, would shoot a dazzling red firework into the sky.


Firework formations were usually used for celebrations, during cultivator festivals, to set off fireworks in various colors, which were quite beautiful. Mo Hua, however, intended to use the Firework Formation to attract attention if he encountered unexpected dangers, to avoid being isolated and helpless.


There was also an Iron Armor Formation that Mo Hua inscribed on a light and thin rattan armor, making the rattan armor as strong as steel. In critical moments, it could potentially save his life.


The Iron Armor Formation was originally used to strengthen armor. Armors made of fine iron were inherently tough, and with the Iron Armor Formation, they became even more indestructible. During physical cultivation battles, wearing armor inscribed with the Iron Armor Formation was like adding wings to a tiger, unstoppable in its path.


In close combat, armor had a significant impact on victory or defeat, making it crucial for physical cultivators.


However, armor was very expensive, requiring a lot of fine iron and effort, which Mo Hua couldn't afford. Among all the demon hunters in Tongxian City, only a few had armor; most used cheaper rattan armors.


Mo Hua's rattan armor, small and exquisite, was specially tailored by Master Chen for him. Mo Hua was small in stature, so the rattan armor wasn't large, using minimal materials, and Master Chen didn't even accept spirit stones.


Since Master Chen refused payment in spirit stones, Mo Hua could only praise him with a few flattering words, which Master Chen didn't acknowledge openly but felt proud inside.


Mo Hua went back to try on the rattan armor. It could block most swords and blades, but it couldn't withstand strong impacts. Thus, even if it protected from external injuries, internal injuries were unavoidable.


There was no other way. Rattan armor was meant for self-defense; it wasn't comfortable to wear. Mo Hua stored the rattan armor in his storage bag, ready to use it in emergencies.


As for offensive formations, currently, he only had the Earth Fire Formation. In terms of power alone, the Earth Fire Formation was already quite good; other formations wouldn't be much stronger. More importantly, the Earth Fire Formation detonated three breaths after activation, whereas most other formations were instantaneous, and Mo Hua would be affected by the spiritual energy explosion.


Formations of this magnitude could maim Qian Xing, but if they exploded on Mo Hua, it would undoubtedly be fatal.


Additionally, there were some miscellaneous minor formations that Mo Hua also kept on hand, just in case.


However, two days later, Zhang Lan found Mo Hua again and said straight away, "Qian Xing has gone mad and won't come looking for trouble with you anymore."


Mo Hua's mouth fell open.


Seeing Mo Hua's expression, Zhang Lan knew he truly didn't know, so he sighed in relief and said, "While Qian Xing was sleeping, someone poured fresh red demon blood and bloody viscera all over him. He soaked in blood, slept the entire night, and woke up the next day completely insane."


Mo Hua was greatly shocked. "Was he scared crazy?"


"Not that simple," Zhang Lan shook his head. "Flesh and viscera can be frightening at most, burn some calming incense, rest for a while, and it'll be fine, not enough to drive someone mad."


"What happened then?" Mo Hua asked.


"I suspect besides intimidating with demon blood and viscera, someone used illusion arts," Zhang Lan said.


"Illusion arts?"


"It's said that when Qian Xing woke up, he looked panicked, screamed in terror, kept shouting 'don't eat me'. If my guess is correct, someone used illusion arts to make him dream that he was being eaten alive by demon beasts. When he woke up surrounded by demon blood and viscera, he thought he was inside a demon beast's belly and was truly devoured, overwhelmed by pain and fear, which drove him completely insane."


Mo Hua was astonished to hear this. Could there really be such a spell? It sounded so powerful that he couldn't help but ask, "Can I learn illusion arts?"


Zhang Lan glanced at Mo Hua and said, "No way!" directly crushing Mo Hua's unrealistic hopes.


"Illusion arts are a very special type of magic. Learning them requires not only special meridians and physique but also a deep family background. Most cultivators can't learn them, as there's nowhere to learn and they wouldn't be able to grasp it," Zhang Lan explained.


Mo Hua was somewhat disappointed and then asked Zhang Lan, "Uncle Zhang, can you learn it?"


Zhang Lan choked, "I... can't either."


Mo Hua felt a bit relieved, feeling a little better inside.


(End of the Chapter)