

Elder Yu spent a hundred and fifty years cultivating to the Foundation Establishment stage.


During these hundred-plus years, he had dealt with all sorts of cultivators, including quite a few formation masters. Naturally, Elder Yu didn't have much fondness for most formation masters.


Formation masters from prestigious clans or sects looked down upon independent cultivators. Conversely, those formation masters who started as independents often felt superior, having climbed to their current status. They were even more disdainful of clan or sect-born formation masters.


Formation techniques were difficult to master, and formation masters were rare. Therefore, they typically held themselves in high regard, feeling unrivaled.


Outwardly respectful towards Foundation Establishment cultivators, some formation masters maintained polite facades. However, once asked to inscribe a formation, they would demand exorbitant fees. If you tried to negotiate, they might feel slighted, questioning whether you truly valued their formations or considered them unworthy of the offered spirit stones. If you didn't negotiate, the high cost of spirit stones was often beyond the means of these independent cultivators.


Consequently, Elder Yu outwardly showed respect towards formation masters but harbored no goodwill towards them internally.


Mo Hua furrowed his brows, leading Elder Yu to suspect that this deal might not go through. Eight spirit stones was the most he could offer; anything more would be beyond his means.


Although a Foundation Establishment cultivator, Mo Hua lacked affiliation with a sect or family. He had to earn spirit stones on his own and manage the trivial matters of demon hunters. This didn't leave him as prosperous as Qi Refinement cultivators.


Elder Yu felt somewhat dissatisfied with Mo Hua. Despite his young age and apparent obedience, when it came to spirit stones, Mo Hua seemed insatiable, much like other formation masters.


"How many do you want?" Elder Yu's tone carried some displeasure as he wondered how much Mo Hua desired.


Mo Hua pondered for a moment. "Three will suffice."


Elder Yu snorted.


The room fell silent for a moment. Elder Yu hesitated for a while, unable to believe it as he asked cautiously, "How many?"


"Just three," Mo Hua confirmed.




Elder Yu raised an eyebrow. Mo Hua suddenly appeared cute to him again.


Then, Elder Yu began to suspect again. Could this child be naive? Who bargains downwards?


"Are you sure you only want three?" Elder Yu asked.


"Yeah, three spirit stones will do. But I have a small condition," Mo Hua added.


"A condition?" Elder Yu was puzzled. "Go ahead."


"I want some spirit ink, with attributes of the Five Elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. I'll use them for practicing formations. It doesn't need to be much. Consider it as extra compensation."


"Is that all?"


"That's all," Mo Hua nodded.


"That's easily done," Elder Yu immediately agreed.


Just some spirit ink. While it would cost some spirit stones, compared to the price of a hundred sets of Iron Armor Formations, it was negligible. As a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he naturally had his own connections. He could acquire decent spirit ink without needing many spirit stones, saving a considerable amount.


Looking at Mo Hua, Elder Yu suddenly felt that this child was quite charming.


He even said the spirit ink was for practicing formations?


"Well done! Diligent and eager to learn. No wonder at such a young age, you can inscribe formations so well!" Elder Yu silently praised Mo Hua.


Elder Yu had a second thought, concerned that Mo Hua might be at a loss. He asked, "Are three spirit stones enough for you?"


"It's okay, three spirit stones are already quite a lot. Besides, since we're all independent cultivators, we should look out for each other. That's what my dad always told me," Mo Hua replied in a tender voice.


These words struck a chord with Elder Yu, warming his heart.


He, too, was an independent cultivator. After struggling for so long to reach the Foundation Establishment stage, he had considered venturing to higher-ranked states to seek opportunities, possibly advancing further in his cultivation journey.


Yet, looking back, he saw how hard life was for uncles, aunts, friends, and older brothers who had supported him. Without a Foundation Establishment cultivator to protect them, they would suffer daily abuse from clan cultivators, making life extremely difficult.


After much consideration, he decided to stay.


The external cultivation world was vast and boundless. Even if he went out, he would be just one of the countless cultivators with humble cultivation and uncertain futures. However, within the Tongxian, he was a towering Foundation Establishment cultivator who could alleviate the suffering of many and ensure the safety of countless independent cultivators. He could even provide a slightly better life for most of them.


Now, hearing these words from Mo Hua, a young child, Elder Yu felt deeply gratified.


Elder Yu stared at Mo Hua, looking left and right, growing more fond of him with each glance.


Look at how well Mo Shan has raised this son!


Feeling a bit uneasy under Elder Yu's gaze, Mo Hua couldn't help asking, "Elder Yu, is something wrong?"


"No, no, everything's fine! Everything's fine!" Elder Yu reassured him. "Tomorrow, I'll have someone deliver the vine armor to you. I'll also help you find the spirit ink with attributes of the Five Elements. Once gathered, I'll send them to you. You can rest assured. This time, you've done me a great favor, and I won't let you suffer losses. If you have anything in the future, feel free to come to me."


Mo Hua was overjoyed. "Thank you, Elder!"


"It's nothing, nothing at all," Elder Yu waved his hand dismissively. Then, with concern, he added, "You should rest now, at such a young age, don't stay up too late."


"Yeah," Mo Hua nodded.


Elder Yu turned to leave, took a few steps, then seemed to remember something and stopped in his tracks. After hesitating for a while, he turned back.


Curious, Mo Hua looked at him and asked, "Elder Yu, is there something else?"


Elder Yu cleared his throat and discreetly pulled out a storage pouch. "I... cough, have two grandsons. They... their formations also need your help."


"Is this urgent?" Mo Hua inquired.


"Well, it's... a bit urgent, but not particularly urgent. Whenever you have time, it's fine," Elder Yu replied.


Elder Yu's two grandsons, along with Da Hu and the others, had already started mountain demon hunting. Although they were separated by generations, Elder Yu was deeply concerned about his grandsons. Every time he saw them return from the mountains with injuries, he couldn't shake off his worries.


As a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he couldn't venture into the Black Mountain easily.


If Foundation Establishment cultivators frequently entered the mountains, they would be seen as provoking demonic beasts, potentially attracting Second-Rank great demons. In the Tongxian, Second-Rank great demons were virtually invincible.


There weren't many Foundation Establishment cultivators in the Tongxian city to begin with. It was difficult enough to get them to collaborate in demon hunting, and even if they did, they would hardly be a match for Second-Rank demonic beasts.


Moreover, if they made a mistake and let a Second-Rank demonic beast devour one or two Foundation Establishment cultivators, it would be a major problem.


Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, Elder Yu, a Foundation Establishment cultivator, generally avoided entering the deep mountains. At most, he would wander around the outer mountains and try not to reveal his cultivation.


Because he couldn't easily enter the mountains, he often worried about the safety of his two grandsons. Inscribing Iron Armor formations on their vine armor was a defensive measure, allowing him some peace of mind.


"Alright, I'll help you whenever I have time," Mo Hua agreed.


Elder Yu nodded. Seeing Mo Hua about to return to his room, he kindly reminded him, "Take your time with those formations. Whether more or less, it doesn't matter. Just don't tire yourself out."


The usually stern Elder Yu now sounded unexpectedly kind and friendly.


(End of the Chapter)