Divine Sense


"What's there to teach about the Fireball Technique..."


Mo Hua, who had spent four or five days practicing the Fireball Technique a hundred times, was stunned.


He thought he had almost mastered it, but Elder Kui's words made it clear that he had learned nothing.


"Grandpa Kui, what other techniques are you going to teach me?" Mo Hua asked with some anticipation.


"No need to teach you other techniques. The Fireball Technique is sufficient," Elder Kui replied.


Mo Hua was completely puzzled. "Then what are you going to teach me?"


Elder Kui didn't answer directly but asked instead:


"What's the most important point in using a technique?"


"Learning the technique first?" Mo Hua guessed.


"That's the foundation, not the key point. The key point is that you must hit your target. No matter how powerful the technique is, if it doesn't hit the enemy, it's useless. Learning it is a waste," Elder Kui explained.


Mo Hua suddenly understood, but he felt this was somewhat obvious.


"What do you rely on to hit your target with a technique?" Elder Kui asked again.


"Divine Sense," Mo Hua answered.




Mo Hua thought for a moment and replied:


"The circulation of spiritual power in a technique depends on Divine Sense. Casting the technique relies on Divine Sense, and the trajectory of the technique after casting is also controlled by Divine Sense. So, to hit the target with a technique, it relies on Divine Sense."


Elder Kui nodded, "The world perceived through Divine Sense is different from what the naked eye sees. You know this, right?"


Mo Hua nodded.


The world seen by the naked eye has clear outlines and intricate colors.


But when a cultivator uses Divine Sense, they perceive a field of virtual white, where the specifics of objects dissolve, leaving only the state of spiritual power.


In other words, the world seen through Divine Sense is like colorful spiritual power graffiti on white paper.


What Divine Sense perceives is not the concrete appearance of things but their more essential spiritual power state.


Elder Kui continued, "Techniques need to be guided by Divine Sense. To hit a target, Divine Sense must first 'see' it."


"Grandpa Kui, can't we just use our eyes?" Mo Hua asked.


"Eyes are too easily deceived. It's foolish for a cultivator to rely solely on their eyes."


Mo Hua nodded.


Elder Kui casually plucked a slender, emerald green bamboo leaf and held it between his fingers.


"From thirty feet away, use the Fireball Technique to hit this bamboo leaf."


Mo Hua was worried that the Fireball Technique might harm Elder Kui, but considering the difference in their cultivation levels, he wisely kept silent.


His Fireball Technique probably wouldn't even warm Elder Kui's hands...


Mo Hua stepped back thirty feet, released his Divine Sense, and in the virtual white world of his Divine Sense, the bamboo leaf floated mid-air, appearing as a faint green remnant of spiritual power.


But in this virtual white world, Elder Kui's presence was nowhere to be seen.


Mo Hua knew this was due to the vast difference in their Divine Senses.


Weaker Divine Sense cannot perceive a cultivator with a stronger Divine Sense.


"Grandpa Kui, I'm ready."


Mo Hua said, then cast the Fireball Technique, aiming at the remnant spiritual power of the bamboo leaf in his Divine Sense.


The Fireball Technique hit the leaf, burning the green bamboo leaf to ashes, but Elder Kui remained unharmed.


Elder Kui flipped his fingers and caught another bamboo leaf.


This time, he released it from his fingers, letting it float and dance in the wind.


"Try hitting this one with the Fireball Technique."


Mo Hua found it difficult but still focused his mind, using his Divine Sense to track the leaf's trajectory, and then cast the Fireball Technique.


The Fireball Technique flew through the air, barely missing the leaf.


"Do you know why you missed?"


Mo Hua scratched his head. "Was the leaf flying too fast?"


Elder Kui waved his hand, and within a small space, he conjured a strong wind, causing several bamboo leaves to whirl rapidly in the air.


Elder Kui lightly flicked his finger, sending a spark of fire upward, chasing after the flying bamboo leaves.


No matter how the bamboo leaf flew, it was ultimately overtaken by the spark, pierced one by one, and turned into ashes.


Mo Hua watched in astonishment.


"This is the first point I'm teaching you," Elder Kui said, looking at Mo Hua slowly:


"Divine Sense Lock."


"Divine Sense Lock..." Mo Hua murmured. Though he didn't fully understand, he was deeply impressed.


"The so-called Divine Sense Lock is using Divine Sense to lock onto the enemy. This way, no matter how they dodge, they can't escape the tracking of your technique," Elder Kui explained.


"Once locked with Divine Sense, will it definitely hit?" Mo Hua asked.


"Unless the opponent's movement technique is faster than your technique or they use other techniques or spiritual tools to block, they won't escape."


"Oh, oh." Mo Hua was a bit excited and asked again, "How do I use Divine Sense Lock?"


"Release your Divine Sense, perceive the opponent's spiritual power, and attach your Divine Sense to it. That's how you lock onto their position."


Elder Kui's explanation was brief and concise. He continued:


"It sounds complicated, but you'll understand once you practice a few times."


After speaking, Elder Kui plucked another bamboo leaf and said, "Try to lock onto this."


Mo Hua nodded, released his Divine Sense, and used it to perceive the bamboo leaf's spiritual power state. Naturally, he felt a sense of "insight and lock."


It was like drawing a formation. Once you understand the pattern, the entire formation seems imprinted in your mind.


Mo Hua locked onto the bamboo leaf with his Divine Sense.


Elder Kui looked at Mo Hua, his eyes narrowing.


Has he learned this quickly...


"Is it because his Divine Sense is too strong?" Elder Kui silently pondered.


After a moment of silence, Elder Kui released the bamboo leaf, letting it dance in the air.


Mo Hua closed his eyes, gathered energy between his fingers, and a faint red fireball condensed at his fingertips. With his intention, it flew into the air, drawing an arc before hitting the flying bamboo leaf and turning it to ashes.


Mo Hua opened his eyes and smiled happily.


Elder Kui nodded, "You've learned well."


"Grandpa Kui, you taught me well!"


Elder Kui neither affirmed nor denied.


Mo Hua thought for a moment and asked, "What if I can't lock onto the opponent with my Divine Sense?"


"The best solution," Elder Kui looked at Mo Hua and said, "is to run."


Mo Hua was stunned but then understood.


If you can't lock onto them with your Divine Sense, it means their Divine Sense is far stronger than yours, and naturally, their cultivation is also far superior. If you don't run, you're waiting for death; engaging would be seeking death.


"If you truly can't run or escape, you'll have to rely on your eyes or guess based on intuition," Elder Kui said.


It's basically leaving it to fate...


Mo Hua thought silently.


"How can I avoid being locked onto by the opponent's Divine Sense?" Mo Hua asked again.


"If your Divine Sense is stronger than theirs, it's difficult for them to lock onto you. If your Divine Sense is much stronger, they can't lock onto you at all."


Mo Hua thought for a moment and understood.


The stronger your Divine Sense, the harder it is for the opponent to perceive you, making it harder to lock onto you.


If your Divine Sense is so strong that the opponent can't perceive it, they naturally can't lock onto you.


"There are also techniques for using Divine Sense in combat, but these can't be taught. You'll have to learn them yourself when you fight other cultivators in the future," Elder Kui said.


"Can't you teach me anything at all?" Mo Hua asked.


Elder Kui explained, "Divine Sense is different from spiritual power. Spiritual power can be traced; Divine Sense is elusive. Cultivators can locate spiritual power using meridians and acupoints but can't use anything to define Divine Sense."


"Therefore, the use of Divine Sense can only be learned through your own experiences and realizations. Even if I explained it, you wouldn't understand. Even if you did, you might not be able to use it..."


Mo Hua nodded and carefully remembered Elder Kui's words.


Even if he didn't fully understand now, he would surely use it in the future.


Elder Kui continued, "However, you don't need to worry too much. Generally, among cultivators of the same major realm, the difference in Divine Sense isn't so great that one can't lock onto the other at all..."


Elder Kui paused, glanced at Mo Hua, and narrowed his eyes slightly.


Generally speaking, this is true...


But in his case...


(End of the chapter)