
The Blood Extraction Technique can extract blood from freshly deceased demon beasts.


The Clawed Wolf Demon lay on the ground, covered in wounds, blood oozing from its wounds. Within moments, the blood began to coagulate, making it impossible to obtain the demon blood through normal means.


Mo Hua pointed at the Clawed Wolf's heart vein and said to Da Hu, "Make an incision here."


Da Hu didn't understand why but still drew his knife and stabbed into the Clawed Wolf's heart vein.


The Clawed Wolf's flesh was tough. Da Hu had to stab multiple times before making a small incision.


Mo Hua placed the jade bottle at the incision and then placed his palm near the Clawed Wolf's heart vein, sensing the still fresh demon blood flowing under its fur. Following the key points of the Blood Extraction Technique, he activated his consciousness to guide the demon blood into the jade bottle.


These jade bottles were made from special jade stones, not particularly valuable but capable of sealing spiritual energy and preserving demon blood without decay for a period.


The jade bottle Mo Hua held was originally used for storing Ling Ink. Once the ink was used up, Mo Hua repurposed the bottle.


Mo Hua used the Blood Extraction Technique to draw demon blood into the jade bottle.


After a moment, the jade bottle in his hand was filled. Mo Hua sealed it properly and then replaced it with another bottle.


In this manner, Mo Hua continued to draw demon blood until he had filled ten bottles before stopping.


There wasn't much blood left in the Clawed Wolf's veins, and what remained was cooling and flowing sluggishly, significantly reducing its effectiveness. There was no need to continue drawing.


Mo Hua's consciousness was considerably depleted, roughly equivalent to deploying a formation with seven or eight runes for an average cultivator. It might have been burdensome for others, but for Mo Hua, an adept formation master, it was manageable.


Mo Hua meditated to recover some of his consciousness.


Looking at the ten bottles of demon blood in his storage bag, Mo Hua couldn't help but smile.


With this demon blood, Mo Hua could draw quite a few formations.


Da Hu's trio curiously inspected the jade bottles and couldn't help but look at Mo Hua.


Xiao Hu couldn't help but ask, "Is this blood useful?"


"Yeah, for drawing formations."


"Can we help you collect demon blood?"


"You'd need to use the Blood Extraction Technique."


Mo Hua briefly explained how to use the Blood Extraction Technique.


Da Hu's trio were baffled and decided to give up.


"Mo Hua, you sure know a lot," Shuang Hu praised, with Da Hu and Xiao Hu nodding in agreement.


Mo Hua chuckled. "I just read a lot of books."


Mo Hua stored the demon blood properly and then asked, "What should we do with this demon beast?"


Da Hu's trio perked up. This was their first time killing a demon beast on their own, and they could skin it and sell its parts!


Although it relied mainly on Mo Hua's formations, they were still quite pleased.


"We need to skin it, remove bones, take teeth and claws, and the heart and organs..."


Shuang Hu listed off each item to Mo Hua.


Mo Hua scratched his head. He was completely ignorant of these matters.


Da Hu said, "Why don't you play around nearby and don't wander off too far? We'll finish skinning this demon beast and head back together."


Then Da Hu and the others rolled up their sleeves, took out their knives, and began skinning the demon beast and extracting its valuable materials.


An hour ago, the Clawed Wolf had looked fierce, but now it lay in a pitiful state.


Mo Hua felt no sympathy. If it weren't for the demon beast dying, they might have ended up dismembered instead.


This demon beast had a foul stench in its mouth, and it likely had killed quite a few demon hunters before meeting its end.


While Da Hu's trio worked on the demon beast, Mo Hua wandered around, observing the mountains, trees, and water, familiarizing himself with the environment of the Great Black Mountain.


This was his first time entering the Great Black Mountain.


In the morning, when they entered the mountains, there was some nervous tension, but after spending half a day, designing and killing another Clawed Wolf to obtain demon blood, their mindset became much more composed.


The process of hunting demon beasts generally followed Mo Hua's plan.


This strategy required carefulness and patience but was concise and efficient, minimizing casualties while yielding considerable profits.


Afterwards, they only needed slight adjustments for different types of demon beasts.


This way, even though Mo Hua wasn't a body cultivator, he could still participate in demon hunting, killing various demon beasts to extract demon blood of different elemental attributes.


After Da Hu's trio finished skinning the Clawed Wolf, they called for Mo Hua and left the Great Black Mountain.


They entered the mountain in the morning, hunted demons at noon, and left in the evening.


In less than a day, the four of them hunted and killed a mid-tier first-grade demon beast.


If it weren't for the storage bags bulging with the Clawed Wolf's fur and claws, Da Hu's trio would have thought they were dreaming.


Later, they arrived at the market square and sold the Clawed Wolf's materials.


The Clawed Wolf was a common type of demon beast, not too expensive but with a guaranteed market.


After some bargaining, they sold everything for over eighty spirit stones.


After deducting Mo Hua's costs for drawing formations and activating them, each person received twelve spirit stones.


With the heavy spirit stones in their hands, Da Hu's trio stared blankly.


This was the first time they had earned so many spirit stones in their lives.


Mo Hua was used to this, but seeing how excited Da Hu's trio were, he felt happy too.


Da Hu said, "Mo Hua, thanks to you. What do you want to eat? It's on us!"


"Yeah, it's our treat!" Shuang Hu and Xiao Hu nodded in agreement.


"No need, I'm also grateful for your help," Mo Hua waved his hand. "You keep the spirit stones for now. Next time we have a chance, let's go into the mountains together again."


Demon beast bodies were robust, and their vitality recovered quickly. Although Mo Hua could use formations to severely injure or even bring them to the brink of death, he couldn't guarantee to kill them outright.


Moreover, he wasn't skilled in close combat as he wasn't a body cultivator, so he still relied on Da Hu's trio to finish off the beasts.


Although he had learned the Drifting Water Step to engage with demon beasts, it wasn't worth the risk.


After all, overconfidence leads to carelessness, and sooner or later, one would stumble.


After selling the demon beast and dividing the spirit stones, they looked up to see the brightly lit streets.


The night streets gradually became lively.


Mo Hua had been busy drawing formations and practicing spells, rarely leaving his studies.


Da Hu's trio also felt burdened since becoming demon hunters, as if a heavy stone was on their shoulders, making them feel dull.


Now, after killing a demon beast, they all sighed with relief, feeling much lighter. They strolled along the streets, admiring the lively and novel scenes, before bidding farewell and heading home separately.


On the way, Xiao Hu asked, "What should we do with these spirit stones?"


Shuang Hu thought for a moment and said, "I want to give them to Mother."


They fell silent, then pooled their spirit stones together, totaling over thirty.


By the time they returned home, it was already late. Mrs. Meng was warming up the dishes and couldn't help but complain when she saw them.


"Where have you been all day? Didn't even know where to find food, I reheated it several times..."


Da Hu handed her the storage bag.


Mrs. Meng took it, feeling its weight, and asked in confusion, "What's this?"


Opening it, she found over thirty glittering spirit stones inside.


Mrs. Meng was stunned.


"These are the spirit stones we earned from hunting demons, Mother, please take them."


It took Mrs. Meng a while to recover. She looked at her three grown-up children and tears welled up in her eyes.


She felt comforted and wanted to smile, but tears still flowed.


She had shed many tears in her life, salty and bitter, but today, they were tears of joy.


(End of the chapter)