The Craftsman

The young cultivator looked about ten years old, with delicate features and a cute, obedient appearance. However, sitting on the ground, covered in dirt, he looked rather filthy.


"Whose child is this, playing here?"


Master Ban was momentarily stunned. He quietly walked forward and followed the young cultivator's gaze, discovering that he was looking at the foundation stone below, where a formation diagram seemed to be drawn.


Why would a little child be interested in this foundation stone?


Master Ban didn't quite understand and leaned forward to take a closer look. Apart from the dirt and the stone, there didn't seem to be anything special. At that moment, he heard the child speak:


"Are you Master Ban?"


Master Ban was taken aback, "You know me?"


"Yes, my name is Mo Hua. Elder Yu sent me."


Mo Hua stood up and dusted off the dirt from his clothes.


However, he only dusted the front, leaving some dirt on his back, which he couldn't reach with his small arms.


Master Ban approached and gently patted his back to remove the dust while curiously asking, "Why did Elder Yu send you here?"


"Elder Yu asked me to take a look."


"Look at what?"


Mo Hua chuckled but didn't answer.


He was there to check where the formation should be drawn, ensure the layout of the formation symbols was correct, and verify that the craftsmen's constructions wouldn't interfere with the formation's layout.


But Elder Yu had instructed him not to tell anyone that he could draw formations, to prevent anyone with ill intentions from causing harm, especially to avoid retaliation from the Qian family.


Seeing Mo Hua's silence, Master Ban had a guess.


He figured the child was just curious, sneaked over to play, and used Elder Yu as an excuse to avoid being scolded.


After all, what could Elder Yu have a child do?


However, from the child's tone, he seemed very familiar with Elder Yu. If not a relative of Elder Yu, he might be the child of another demon hunter.


As long as he wasn't from the Qian family, it was fine.


Master Ban felt relieved but kindly reminded him, "Just play for a bit and then go back. There's nothing much here, and it's somewhat dangerous for a child like you."


Mo Hua nodded, "I'll just take a look and go back soon."


Master Ban stopped paying attention to Mo Hua and went back to his busy work. There were many craftsmen and demon hunters around, so he didn't worry about the child encountering any real danger.


After a while, Master Ban looked up and saw Mo Hua was still there.


On a half-built wall, Mo Hua walked slowly with his hands behind his back, inspecting everything around him while muttering about patterns and stones.


Several demon hunters nearby neither stopped him nor watched over him, seeming used to the child's behavior.


Master Ban was puzzled. What exactly was this child doing?


Why wasn't anyone stopping him?


Could he be Elder Yu's grandson? That's why the demon hunters didn't dare to interfere?


Master Ban speculated silently.


"Mo... Hua?" Master Ban called out, remembering the child's name.


Only then did he realize that with the surname Mo, the child couldn't be Elder Yu's grandson.


Hearing Master Ban call him, Mo Hua waved back and then leapt lightly, descending from the wall like a falling leaf.


Master Ban was secretly surprised. If nothing else, this child's agility was extraordinary.


"Are you not going home yet?" Master Ban asked.


"I'll go back in a little while."


"Okay." Master Ban nodded. He found a few bricks, stacked them on the ground, and sat down without much care.


He had been busy all day and was glad to take a break.


Mo Hua imitated him, hugged a brick, placed it on the ground, and sat next to Master Ban.


"Master Ban, would you like some wine?"


Mo Hua took out a bottle of fruit wine from his storage pouch. It wasn't very strong but was perfect for quenching thirst.


Master Ban was indeed a bit thirsty but hesitated because Mo Hua was just a child. "It's not very polite..."


Mo Hua insisted, "My family runs a restaurant, and we have a lot of wine, all homemade. Would you like to try some?"


Curious, Master Ban took a sip and praised, "The fruit aroma is rich, and it's very refreshing. Perfect for quenching thirst!"


"Right?" Mo Hua said with a happy smile.


This wine was brewed by his mother, so it was naturally delicious. Mo Hua believed Master Ban was a connoisseur.


Elder Yu's taste wasn't as refined; he only liked strong liquor and couldn't appreciate the sweetness of fruit wine.


Mo Hua asked, "Master Ban, are all craftsmen like you with earth and wood spiritual roots?"


Mo Hua was curious. He had just secretly scanned with his divine sense and found that the craftsmen's spiritual power was mostly brown with a hint of green.


This was because their spiritual roots were earth-based with wood elements, and they practiced earth and wood-based cultivation techniques.


Master Ban, having drunk Mo Hua's wine and now having some free time, explained, "Generally, craftsmen with earth and wood spiritual roots are the best. Other combinations like water-earth, metal-earth, or metal-wood also work. Building with earth and wood involves dealing with soil, wood, and bricks, requiring the corresponding spiritual power to shape, carve, and sculpt. The right spiritual roots make the work much easier."


Mo Hua nodded repeatedly.


Master Ban took another sip of wine to moisten his throat and continued, "It's not just us craftsmen. Other cultivation fields have similar requirements. For example, alchemy and artifact refining require fire spiritual roots. Even cooking spiritual meals needs fire spiritual roots, though the quality doesn't need to be high, but they must have it.


"For example, those in shipping need water spiritual roots, those in spiritual planting need wood or water spiritual roots, those building tombs need metal or earth spiritual roots, and those in escort services benefit from wind spiritual roots. Spiritual roots are essential in all these fields..."


Through this conversation, Mo Hua learned a lot.


The vast nine provinces of the cultivation world were filled with diverse cultivators engaged in various fields, living rich and colorful lives.


He wondered if one day he could travel across the nine provinces and experience the local cultivation customs and the human relationships among cultivators.


Mo Hua thought about this with some longing.


After finishing the conversation and the wine, Master Ban had to get back to work. He said, "It's getting late, and I need to get busy. You should go home early so your parents don't worry."


Mo Hua had seen what he needed to see and had a good understanding of things, so he waved goodbye, "Goodbye, Master Ban."


Master Ban focused on monitoring the construction progress and soon put Mo Hua out of his mind.


A few days later, he met Elder Yu and discussed the planning for the artifact refining workshop. When they were about to part, he suddenly remembered and asked, "I met a child named Mo Hua before. Do you know him?"


"Mo Hua?" Elder Yu nodded, "I sent him to have a look."


"What did you ask him to look at?" Master Ban frowned.


Elder Yu was about to explain but then stopped and smiled, "Nothing special, just let him take a look around."


Master Ban felt a bit unhappy and puzzled, "Is he a relative of yours?"


If only he were my relative...


Elder Yu thought silently and then shook his head, "No, just an ordinary child. Let him do what he wants. You don't need to worry about him."


Master Ban couldn't help but grumble inwardly.


Let him do what he wants? How could he be just an ordinary child?


You wouldn't even be this indulgent with your own grandson...


Master Ban shook his head but knew Elder Yu didn't want to say more, so he didn't press further and continued discussing the artifact refining workshop.


(End of the Chapter)