
The Little Array Master among the Demon hunters was indeed that first-rate array master.


Following this lead, Qian Hong ordered Qian Shunzhi to investigate further. After several days, they had a breakthrough.


Qian Shunzhi discovered Mo Hua's full name, address, family details, and even a portrait of Mo Hua.


Now, this portrait lay before Qian Hong.


In the portrait was a boy of eleven or twelve, with a delicate and handsome face, eyes as clear as water, and a smile like the morning sun.


Qian Hong looked at it with a mix of astonishment and dread.


He was astonished that someone so young possessed the skills of a first-rate array master. He dreaded that if this child were to grow up and further refine his array skills, the Qian family might find themselves without a place.


Among the various pursuits in cultivation, the application of arrays was the most extensive and influential.


At present, Mo Hua could only draw first-rate formations, and the Qian family was already stretched thin. If he were to advance to the second rank in the future, they wouldn't even need to act personally; just a request from him would spell disaster for the Qian family.


Qian Hong harbored thoughts of killing him.


Master Qian still preferred to negotiate first, advising Qian Hong not to act hastily.


A first-rate array master at barely ten years old—if he were to die, it would be a great loss.


Master Qian understood the painstaking effort it took to delve into arrays and become an array master, so he didn't recommend drastic actions to Qian Hong.


After some consideration, Qian Hong said, "Master Qian's words make sense. I will think it over carefully."


Master Qian nodded in relief.


After seeing Master Qian off, Qian Hong immediately instructed Qian Shunzhi, "Gather several ninth-level Qi Refiners from the Qian family and find a way to kill this Little Array Master!"


Qian Shunzhi was somewhat surprised. "But what about Master Qian?"


"Master Qian is engrossed in arrays and doesn't understand these matters," Qian Hong replied coldly.


His gaze turned icy as he continued, "Mo Hua comes from a rogue cultivator background. His father is a Demon hunter, and his relatives and friends are all rogue cultivators. He is highly valued by Yu Changlin and is absolutely unlikely to be on good terms with our Qian family!"


Qian Shunzhi lowered his head in agreement, then added cautiously, "But if the Dao Court Inquiries finds out..."


"If the Dao Court Inquiries investigates, I will do my best to protect you all. If I can't protect you, sacrificing a few lives to eliminate a first-rate array master is still a gain," Qian Hong said, looking directly at Qian Shunzhi. "You should refrain from acting directly; let others do it. Let them take the blame. I value you, so avoid getting into trouble. Keep your hands clean."


Qian Shunzhi's heart skipped a beat.


He finally understood why Qian Hong had become the family head.


This ruthless and cunning approach was something worth learning!


Qian Shunzhi respectfully acknowledged the command. Following Qian Hong's instructions, he found several Qi Refiners from the family who were not well-known, claiming that the family head had ordered them to kill someone. Upon success, each would receive a place in the direct line of succession.


In case of mishap, the family head would also provide generous compensation for their children.


Fortune favors the bold. None of the cultivators refused.


Disguised as passing merchants, they sat in a teahouse on South Street, listening to stories and drinking tea, while keeping an eye out for Mo Hua.


This was a route Mo Hua frequented on his way home.


They were well-prepared, carrying expensive jade talismans to ensure a swift and clean kill.


Qian Shunzhi sat at a distance, pretending to drink tea, but his peripheral vision scanned the intersection, searching for Mo Hua's figure based on the portrait in his mind.


Soon enough, he spotted a young cultivator with rosy lips and white teeth, carrying a storage pouch, appearing at the intersection.


It was indeed Mo Hua.


Qian Shunzhi coughed to signal.


Several Qian family cultivators remained composed. They ate, drank, listened to books, but their hands were subtly active.


Some touched their knives, others gripped swords, and a few reached into their robes, preparing to use talismans.


They disguised themselves well, showing no signs of their intent, waiting for Mo Hua to approach, intending to swiftly strike and then withdraw.


However, as Mo Hua walked, he suddenly halted, eyes slightly puzzled as he glanced at the teahouse, spotting Qian Shunzhi and his companions.


"These people want to kill me?" Mo Hua was taken aback.


The spiritual power of these cultivators had already begun circulating in their consciousness, a sign they were about to act. Since Mo Hua appeared, their consciousness had been subtly probing him with obvious malice.


All of them were ninth-level Qi Refiners, their spiritual awareness far inferior to Mo Hua's, who perceived their intentions as clear as day.


"What should I do?" Mo Hua reached into his storage pouch, feeling several formations, discreetly pulling them out and tucking them into his sleeves.


He prepared the formations first.


If he could escape, he would. If not, he would wait for an opportunity to set up a formation and blast them away.


Even a first-grade Earthfire Formation might not kill them, but it would at least temporarily halt them.


Afterward, with the Flowing Water Steps, Mo Hua could escape in any case.


At his current sixth-level Qi Refinement, it wasn't wise to engage in direct conflict with these ninth-level body cultivators. Escaping was his best option.


Mo Hua made up his mind and turned to leave.


Qian Shunzhi and his group also sensed trouble. It seemed their intentions had been discovered.


There was no time to waste. They all rose, preparing to act forcibly.


Suddenly, a large hand pressed down on Qian Shunzhi's shoulder, forcing him back into his seat.


Qian Shunzhi looked up to see an unfamiliar Demon hunter, a ninth-level Qi Refiner with a robust aura.


Glancing around, he noticed his companions were also restrained, surrounded by several other Demon hunters.


"You stole something from me," the Demon hunter said.


Qian Shunzhi's eyelid twitched, denying, "I didn't steal anything."


"No, you did!" the Demon hunter retorted.


Qian Shunzhi sneered, "What did I steal from you?"


"Oh, my mistake," the Demon hunter chuckled. "You were trying to rob me!"


"You—" Before Qian Shunzhi could finish, the Demon hunter punched him in the stomach.


A wave of pain surged through him. Qian Shunzhi knew their plan had been exposed. Grimacing, he drew his sword and attacked the Demon hunter.


The other Qian family cultivators also joined in.


Demon hunters and Qian family cultivators clashed, blood boiling with battle fervor and spiritual power surging.


The scene became chaotic. After more than twenty rounds of combat, the outnumbered Demon hunters managed to knock down Qian Shunzhi and his companions, binding them with ropes.


Mo Hua was stunned, finally understanding.


This was South Street, the territory of the Demon hunters, practically his "territory" as well.


The street was full of Demon hunters he knew well.


Mo Hua suddenly felt emboldened.


When the Qian family came looking for trouble, the uncles and elders of the Demon hunters were naturally there to deal with them.


He didn't need to run away. He didn't even need to waste his formations.


Mo Hua approached, glancing at the bound captives, and asked, "Uncle Zhao, what should we do with these people?"


Leading the Demon hunter was Old Zhao.


Previously chased by the Qian family and left hanging on a cliff, barely alive, it was Mo Hua who found and saved him, allowing him to recover over time.


Old Zhao, having recuperated from his severe injuries, smiled at Mo Hua. "Give them a good beating first, then take them to the Dao Court for Inquiry, saying they intended murder."


Mo Hua nodded. "They did want to kill me. Thank you, Uncle Zhao."


"Don't thank me," Old Zhao chuckled. "If anything, I should thank you. If not for you, I might not have survived."


"It's no big deal," Mo Hua replied with a smile. "No need to thank me."


Old Zhao rummaged through the Qian family cultivators' storage pouches, pulling out several jade talismans and tossing them to Mo Hua. "Take these talismans to play with."


(End of the Chapter)