
Mo Hua returned home and took out the gifts from his storage bag, handing them to his parents for safekeeping.


Mo Shan and Liu Ruhua exchanged glances, both somewhat bewildered.


They weren't sure when so many cultivators had started associating with Mo Hua, and most of them were prominent figures in Tongxian City—chiefs, administrators, family heads, elders, formation masters, and so on.


During the New Year, he received many gifts.


Whenever Mo Hua went out, he would bring back gifts. Even when he stayed home, people would deliver gifts to their doorstep.


The numerous gifts piled up, nearly filling the house to capacity.


After putting down his storage bag, Mo Hua slumped into a chair like an adult and sighed, "So tired!"


Liu Ruhua couldn't help but laugh.


Mo Hua then said, "Mom, I'm hungry."


"Save some room for dinner. I'll get you some osmanthus cakes; just eat a little," she replied.


"Okay," Mo Hua nodded.


Liu Ruhua brought him some osmanthus cakes and poured a cup of tea. She asked, "Have you returned the gifts and thanked everyone properly?"


Mo Hua thought for a moment, counting in his head, and said, "I've returned the gifts and thanked everyone I needed to. Now I can enjoy the New Year in peace."


After that, Mo Hua had a quieter time and didn't need to run around. He stayed home peacefully, waiting for the New Year.


He still woke up early every day to meditate and cultivate, then drew a few formations, read some formation books, and practiced formations on the Dao tablet in the evenings.


The rest of his time was spent accompanying his parents.


On New Year's Eve, the family enjoyed a joyful reunion dinner.


Liu Ruhua prepared a lot of delicious food. As expected, Mo Hua ate too much, sighed, and took out some digestion pills given by Mr. Feng, eating two of them.


"Grandpa Feng truly had foresight," Mo Hua thought to himself.


The next day, they began visiting people for New Year's greetings, and in the evening, they attended the New Year fair. This continued until the Lantern Festival, when the entire Tongxian City had a lively night fair.


Normally, the New Year fair wouldn't last this long, but this year was special. There were spiritual mines, an artifact refining workshop, an alchemy workshop, and even Fu Dining Hall.


The lives of rogue cultivators improved, and they had more spare spiritual stones, so the New Year celebrations lasted longer.


They no longer had to rush back to work right after the New Year to make a living.


Mo Hua also took it easy, strolling around the streets when he had nothing to do. He even found time to visit Fu Dining Hall and check on An Xiaofu.


During the New Year festival, Fu Dining Hall was packed with people, and An Xiaofu was so busy that he barely had time to rest.


When Mo Hua saw him, he was sitting in the main hall, gulping down tea from a teapot.


Despite being tired, An Xiaofu seemed much more spirited and cheerful.


However, he still appeared chubby and hadn't lost much weight.


Perhaps, despite being busier, he was also eating more.


After leaving Fu Dining Hall, Mo Hua ran into Zhang Lan on the street.


Zhang Lan, a member of a prominent family, didn't take leave to return home for the New Year.


He had acquaintances here, but few friends, and Mo Hua was one of the few he could genuinely talk to. Seeing Mo Hua made him happy, so he pulled Mo Hua along to wander the streets.


"See if there's anything good to eat or fun to do. It's on me!" Zhang Lan said generously.


"Thank you, Uncle Zhang," Mo Hua replied. Then, with a hint of curiosity, he asked, "Uncle Zhang, you're not that young anymore. Isn't it time to settle down? Playing with a kid like me, isn't that a bit odd?"


"This is about keeping a youthful heart," Zhang Lan replied.


"You mean staying young at heart?"


Zhang Lan ruffled Mo Hua's hair. "Everything sounds different when you say it."


Mo Hua covered his head, somewhat dissatisfied. "That's called getting angry out of embarrassment."


"Fine, I can't argue with you," Zhang Lan said helplessly, then sighed. "What's so great about settling down and starting a family?"


Mo Hua's eyes sparkled as he thought for a moment and then said, "Are you avoiding a marriage?"


Zhang Lan was taken aback. "Why do you say that?"


"Xiaofu told me. He said noble family marriages emphasize spiritual root compatibility. The elders matchmake their juniors and they don't have a say."


Looking at Zhang Lan, Mo Hua continued, "You ran this far to avoid going back. You probably don't want to be forced into a marriage with someone you don't love, living a miserable life."


Mo Hua nodded, feeling his reasoning was sound.


Zhang Lan sighed. "You're partly right, but not entirely. I just don't want to return to the family."


"Not even for the New Year?"


Zhang Lan replied earnestly, "I'm currently an inspector for the Dao Court Office. I should be maintaining the stability of Tongxian City, especially during important times like the New Year. How could I possibly go back?"


"Is the Dao Court Office not busy? How can you be wandering around like this?" Mo Hua asked skeptically.


Zhang Lan retorted unhappily, "I'm on duty, not wandering aimlessly. The chief knows this and won't say anything."


"Really?" Mo Hua doubted.


"Of course," Zhang Lan asserted.


Mo Hua responded with an "Oh," pointing behind Zhang Lan. "It looks like the chief is calling you over. He doesn't seem to know you're 'on duty.'"


Zhang Lan's body stiffened immediately. He slowly turned his head and indeed saw the chief beckoning to him, with a half-smile on his face.


Patrols by the chief were a routine part of the Dao Court Office.


During major festivals, the chief also led the patrols to prevent any incidents arising from gatherings of cultivators.


Zhang Lan, who had been lazily wandering around, was caught and could only return a stiff smile.


Mo Hua, feeling a bit schadenfreude, was about to slip away but was grabbed by Zhang Lan. "You're coming with me."


"Why should I go? I'm not part of the Dao Court Office," Mo Hua protested.


"Come with me and accompany the chief on the patrol," Zhang Lan insisted.


"I'm not going."


"Many cultivators in Tongxian City would dream of this opportunity but don't get it. You, at such a young age, should feel honored to accompany the chief."


"Then you go feel honored yourself."


Mo Hua wasn't unfamiliar with the chief. He had given him gifts for the New Year, so there was no need to stick around unnecessarily.


Moreover, accompanying the chief on patrols was dull and restrictive, far less enjoyable than strolling around freely.


But before Mo Hua could escape, he noticed the chief also beckoning to him.


Now there was no escaping it. Mo Hua sighed inwardly and reluctantly followed Zhang Lan to greet the chief.


Chief Zhou also found these patrols tedious. His companions were mostly elders from families or sects, offering insincere flattery with false smiles.


It was dull and wearisome.


Over the years, Chief Zhou had gotten used to it, but seeing Zhang Lan and Mo Hua happily wandering around in the distance, chatting animatedly, made him feel a bit envious.


So he called Zhang Lan and Mo Hua over to accompany him on the patrol.


Joy can be shared, and so can tedium.


With the young Zhang Lan and the child Mo Hua for company, the patrol naturally became much more interesting, at least less monotonous than before.


Mo Hua shot an aggrieved glance at Zhang Lan. If it weren't for him, he would have already slipped away.


Zhang Lan winked at Mo Hua, signaling for him to endure it for now and promising to make it up to him later.


Mo Hua had no choice but to follow the chief on the patrol.


Chief Zhou occasionally asked Mo Hua about various topics, such as cultivator customs, monster materials, and different kinds of foods.


Mo Hua answered each question one by one.


Thus, Mo Hua was forced to accompany Zhang Lan for an entire day, spending the time strolling the streets with the old chief without any notable events.


Chief Zhou was very satisfied, leaving Mo Hua to sigh inwardly.


(End of the Chapter)