

"Couldn't survive?" Mo Hua was taken aback.


Ji Qingbai nodded. He didn't intend to go into detail initially, but seeing Mo Hua's adeptness despite his young age, both in ability and temperament, Ji Qingbai realized he couldn't treat him like a child anymore.


Furthermore, if they were to seek a livelihood in Tongxian City in the future, they would inevitably have to trouble Mo Shan, his father. So, Ji Qingbai explained truthfully:


"Unlike Tongxian City, there are no Foundation Establishment cultivators among the independent cultivators in Qingxuan City anymore."


"Elder Zheng, the last Foundation Establishment independent cultivator in Qingxuan City, passed away a year ago. For this past year, there have been no Foundation Establishment cultivators among the independent cultivators. As a result, we independent cultivators are oppressed by the clans, forced to bow to their whims, and our lives have become increasingly difficult."


"Although it was tough before, we could barely make ends meet. But the amount of spiritual stones we earn decreases every day. Not to mention cultivation, even our basic necessities are becoming increasingly scarce."


"Moreover, the children of those clans provoke trouble every day, bullying the independent cultivators. If we endure it, they escalate, making the oppression even more severe."


"If things escalate into a big fight, without Foundation Establishment cultivators among the independent cultivators, we are basically no match for the clan cultivators. We would be defeated."


As Ji Qingbai spoke, he became increasingly infuriated, and his wounds throbbed faintly.


Mo Hua handed him some more pills.


Ji Qingbai took the pills, thanked Mo Hua, then glanced at the unconscious female cultivator and said, "This child is called Fu Lan. Her father was a fellow Demon hunter of mine. He was killed by a monster when he was young, leaving her mother to raise her alone."


"Last month, the young master of the Kong family in Qingxuan City wanted to take her as a concubine. Although they called it concubinage, she would still not be treated as a human being. Her mother disagreed, and she was severely injured by the Kong family. Her injuries worsened, and she passed away less than half a month later."


"After that, the young master of the Kong family continued to harass her. Seeing this, both I and Ji Li couldn't bear it and taught the young master of the Kong family a lesson. But it also caused a great disaster and made enemies with the Kong family. I had no choice but to take these two children and flee Qingxuan City."


"The lives of independent cultivators in the surrounding immortal cities are not easy. After thinking it over, Tongxian City seems to be a better option, especially with Elder Yu, who is in the Foundation Establishment stage, supporting us. It would be safer."


Ji Qingbai sighed, "But along the way, we've suffered a lot. First, we were chased by the Kong family. After barely escaping, we entered the Great Black Mountain, only to be intercepted and almost killed by those unidentified cultivators. My son and I almost lost our lives."


Ji Qingbai felt grateful again and said to Mo Hua, "If it weren't for you, we might not have been so lucky."


Mo Hua said, "I just bluffed my way through. It's nothing."


To know about bluffing at such a young age and still come out unscathed, it was both clever and skilled.


Ji Qingbai silently admired him.


Mo Hua then thought about what Ji Qingbai had just said, feeling angry and puzzled, "The Kong family is doing such despicable things. Doesn't the Daoist Court intervene?"


Ji Qingbai's expression turned bitter, "The Daoist Court in Qingxuan City has been bribed by the Kong family and several other clans. When independent cultivators commit offenses, they are punished according to the law, but when the clans' children cause trouble, they turn a blind eye. With one eye open and one eye closed, they let things slide."


Mo Hua frowned, "So there's no solution..."


Ji Qingbai shook his head, "If there's even a glimmer of hope, who would want to leave their hometown?"


Mo Hua felt a pang of sadness in his heart.


If it weren't for Elder Yu in the Foundation Establishment stage, the fate of Qingxuan City today might be Tongxian City's tomorrow.


Ji Qingbai looked desolate, so Mo Hua comforted him, "Don't worry, Tongxian City is fine now, and no one will bully you."


Hearing this, Ji Qingbai perked up slightly.


His demands were not high. All he wanted was a place to settle down, earn some spiritual stones, and feed his family.


For the next few days, they focused on recuperating. Mo Hua had nothing to do and looked at the big man beside him, feeling somewhat curious.


Throughout the journey, the big man hadn't said a word.


He cursed fiercely, and Mo Hua thought he was quite talkative.


Mo Hua stared at the big man for a moment, then suddenly exclaimed, "Are you Elder Yu's son?"


The big man paused for a moment, furrowing his brows, "Do you know my dad?"


It seemed Mo Hua's guess was correct.


Mo Hua looked at his appearance, vaguely sensing some resemblance to Elder Yu, although he was more robust, while Elder Yu was much thinner.


And this big man has a bit of a bad temper, he's good at cursing people, the way he curses is a bit like Elder Yu, so he definitely has a family background.


"I'm quite familiar with Elder Yu," Mo Hua said.


The big man snorted lightly but didn't say anything.


But he thought Mo Hua was bragging. His father was an elder in the Foundation Establishment stage, while Mo Hua was only at the Qi Refining Seventh Layer and there was a big age gap between them. How could they be so familiar?


Mo Hua asked again, "What's your name?"


The big man still didn't want to answer.


Seeing this, Ji Qingbai interjected, "His name is Yu Chengwu."


"Oh," Mo Hua suddenly realized, "So Yu Chengyi is your elder brother?"


Yu Chengwu looked surprised, "You know my elder brother too?"


Mo Hua nodded and asked, "So should I call you Second Uncle Yu?"


"No need," Yu Chengwu replied indifferently.


Mo Hua found it strange and quietly asked Ji Qingbai, "Is he always like this? He must have poor social skills."


He remained indifferent when others talked to him.


Ji Qingbai looked somewhat complicated and said, "He's usually talkative, but he's had some conflicts with your father, so he probably doesn't want to talk to you."


"Conflicts with my father?"


This was unexpected for Mo Hua.


His father, Mo Shan, was known for his righteousness and had a good reputation among Demon hunters. He rarely had conflicts with others.


Mo Hua instantly thought of five or six possible reasons based on the love and hate relationships among cultivators. He then asked Ji Qingbai to confirm, "What kind of conflict was it?"


"It wasn't a big deal," Ji Qingbai sighed slightly. "He's actually a good person, but he likes to compete and be competitive. He couldn't win against your father, so he found your father unpleasant."


"Is that it?" Mo Hua found it somewhat bland.


Yu Chengwu looked displeased, "What does a kid like you know?"


Mo Hua didn't argue with him but instead asked, "Do you know me?"


Yu Chengwu glanced at him. "You're Mo Shan's son, so of course I know you."


Seeing his appearance, it seemed they had known each other for a long time.


Mo Hua recalled and then said, "When Qian Xing was picking a fight and Dazhu helped me fight, were you watching from the side?"


Yu Chengwu raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. "Indeed."


"Why didn't you intervene earlier then?" Mo Hua asked in confusion.


"Why should I intervene in a children's fight?" Yu Chengwu replied indifferently. "Besides, your father is Mo Shan, I didn't feel like bothering."


"Why did you intervene later then?"


"When you two were fighting, I didn't care. But when later-stage cultivators from the Qian family got involved and bullied the independent cultivators, I couldn't just stand by."


Mo Hua nodded, feeling that he was actually quite righteous.


"Do you have a wolf-tooth club?" Mo Hua asked again.


Yu Chengwu sighed, somewhat helpless. "Didn't you just find out that I have a conflict with your father?"


Why keep asking?


"You have a conflict with my father, but that's your business as adults. What does it have to do with me?" Mo Hua said confidently.


Besides, your little grudge, even I, a child, find it a bit childish...


(End of the Chapter)