Chapter 38 - Visiting The Late Earl of Huntington

The bed chamber was empty the moment Maggie awoke.

The previously moonlit space was now illuminated by a sliver of morning sunlight peeking through the curtain.

Maggie did not remember the curtain being closed last night. Percy must have closed it this morning to allow her to sleep a little longer.

She crept off the bed, her movements soft, and padded towards the adjoining bathroom. Its convenient location suggested a thoughtful design, perhaps anticipating the needs of a sore and limping lady after a night of passionate relation.

As she leaned against a porcelain counter, she could not help but be ashamed of herself.

She might not be well-versed in the relation between a man and a woman, but to her knowledge -- and she was pretty sure about it --, men were supposed to be the chasers and women the ones being chased.

So why must she march into his bedroom and literally demand him to perform his duty as a husband on a wedding night?