Chapter 51 - Tracing The Origin of The Fragmented Coin

The wrought-iron gates of the College of Arms creaked open with a sigh, revealing a glimpse of a meticulously kept courtyard beyond. Maggie climbed off her carriage, the damaged pendant clutched tightly in her hands. After taking a deep breath, she stepped onto a cobblestone path leading to the opulent building standing before her.

The grand oak doors of the College stood before her, adorned with intricate carvings depicting heraldic beasts and coats of arms. With a resolute hand, she grasped the ornately designed handle and pushed the door open.

A wave of cool air washed over her, carrying with it the hushed murmurs of conversation and the faint scent of aged parchment. The grand entrance hall was a marvel of muted grandeur. Sunlight streamed through stained-glass windows depicting heraldic lineages, casting colorful patterns onto the polished stone floor.