Chapter 72 - The Villagers' Woes

Taking a deep breath, Maggie steeled herself before leaving the confines of the study.

The men she prepared to meet formed the backbone of the earldom. There were the tenants, farmers, breeders, merchants, and many more crucial stakeholders whose livelihoods were tied to the sprawling region they lived in.

Yet, despite their vital role, these men had never set foot within the grand halls of Huntington, let alone been summoned for an audience.

Understandably, they felt out of place in such a grand drawing room.

An air of unease hung heavy as the villagers shuffled in, their calloused hands clutching worn hats.

A stark contrast to the polished furniture and pristine carpets, their presence seemed to echo through the vast emptiness of the room.

Tentativeness marked their every movement; a hesitant shuffle replaced their usual confident strides. Invitations to take a seat were met with a mix of suspicion and courtesy.