Yuba and Anna

Yuba spurred his horse onward, his urgency palpable as he raced from one town to the next, issuing swift commands to the warehouse workers. "Burn it all," he ordered tersely, his voice edged with grim determination.

Arriving on the outskirts of the village of Canaria, Yuba was met with a nightmarish tableau. The once-thriving city of Serta lay engulfed in flames, the anguished cries of its inhabitants piercing the night sky.

Heart heavy with grief, Yuba hastened back to his own village, his mind consumed with one singular imperative: escape.

Urgently, he rallied his fellow villagers, his voice a desperate plea amidst the chaos.

"To the mountain, with all haste! Leave no footprints behind you" he urged, a sense of foreboding weighing heavily upon him.

But when he finally reached the sanctuary of his own home, a bittersweet sight awaited him. Anna, his beloved wife, greeted him with a warm smile, blissfully unaware of the devastation unfolding beyond their doorstep.

"We must leave, now," Yuba implored, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Massyli lies in ruins, Serta burns, and father...he may already be dead."

Anna's confusion turned to alarm as Yuba's words sank in. Without hesitation, she rose to her feet, her resolve unwavering. "Then we shall go," she declared, determination gleaming in her eyes. "We will protect our child, whatever may come."

Amidst the throng of fleeing villagers, Yuba mounted his horse, his wife nestled safely in his arms. Together, they rode towards the sanctuary the Nest Mountain.

Amidst the smoldering ruins of Serta, Scarlet, the formidable Dominator of Fang's army, _ A charming woman in her thirties, with long brown hair and big eyes, wearing leather armor with thick fur_ awaited the reports of her soldiers with a predatory anticipation.

"The cleanout is complete, M'lady," a soldier reported dutifully, his voice tinged with a hint of reverence.

Scarlet's crimson eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "And the escaping rats?"

"Only a few," the soldier replied, his tone filled with assurance. "But your predators are on their tails. They will not escape for long."

"Excellent," Scarlet purred, a predatory smile curling her lips. "That is what I call a job well done."

The soldier awaited further orders, his gaze fixed upon his formidable leader.

"Do people live in there?" Scarlet inquired, gesturing towards the imposing silhouette the Nest Mountain.

The soldier hesitated, his voice tinged with apprehension. "It is the farthest town to the north in Ram lands, M'lady. And besides, no one is allowed to set foot there. It is considered sacred."

Scarlet's expression shifted, a flicker of doubt crossing her features. "Is that so?" she mused, her tone tinged with skepticism. "Well then, bring me my horse. We have a job to complete."

With a swift nod, the soldier hastened to fulfill her command, rallying his comrades to action. Scarlet's mere presence, coupled with her charming demeanor, ignited a fervent determination within her soldiers, driving them to carry out her every wish with unwavering loyalty.

And so, with Scarlet at their helm, the army of Fang set forth towards the forbidden lands of the Nest Mountain, their hearts ablaze with the promise of conquest and the allure of the unknown.

As Scarlet's army descended upon Canaria village, their keen eyes spotted the telltale signs of fleeing refugees, their footprints leading towards the looming silhouette of Dragon's Nest Mountain.

"Bingo," Scarlet murmured, a predatory grin spreading across her lips. "It seems some of the rats are smarter than the others."

Her soldier confirmed the count. "Around 50 of them escaped to the mountain."

Scarlet's expression soured slightly at the underwhelming challenge.

"Not much of a challenge," she remarked, her disappointment evident. "But we can't let them run now, can we?"

In the frantic pursuit that followed, chaos reigned supreme. The elderly were the first to fall, their tired limbs unable to keep pace with the relentless pursuit.

As desperation gripped the fleeing individuals, self-preservation became their sole focus, leaving behind any who faltered in their flight.

Among the fleeing masses, Yuba and his wife Anna hurried, their hearts pounding with fear as the screams of their pursuers grew ever closer.

"Anna," Yuba's voice was urgent, his tone tinged with desperation. "Listen to me carefully. Move forward, towards the top of the mountain. There's a cave. Go inside and always go left.

At the end, you'll find a big chambre, stay there, They won't find you"

But Anna, torn between love and loyalty, hesitated. "If it's fate," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes, "then let's face it together."

Yuba's resolve hardened, his gaze unwavering. "No," he insisted firmly, "you must live.

I'll buy you some time to escape."

But Anna shook her head, her refusal adamant. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you both safe," Yuba persisted, his voice tinged with sorrow. "You'll live to raise and protect our child."

Tears streamed down Anna's cheeks as she corrected him. "You fool," she sobbed, "who said it's a boy, not a girl?"

Yuba smiled through his tears. "A father's feelings," he replied softly.

Their tender moment shattered as a soldier from Scarlet's army closed in on them, his triumphant cry piercing the air. "Two more here," he announced, sealing their fate with his words.

With a primal roar, Yuba swung his sword with fierce determination, cleaving through the soldier's chest in a single, swift motion. As the enemy fell, lifeless, at his feet, Yuba's eyes bore into Anna's, his command urgent.

"Hurry," he urged, his voice raw with emotion. "Do it for me and our Nosil."

Heart pounding with grief, Anna tore her gaze away from her husband and forced her trembling limbs into motion once more.

As she resumed her ascent up the unforgiving slope of the Nest Mountain, her mind raced, desperately grasping for the name Yuba had bestowed upon their unborn child.

Sil, nsil, nosi, nosl," she whispered, the syllables of the name echoing in the caverns of her mind like a distant melody.

Yuba's voice, a solemn farewell to his loved ones, drifted into the open sky above, his gaze unwavering despite the chaos swirling around him. "Goodbye, my flower," he whispered, a vow to protect even in his absence. "I shall watch over you from above."

With an unyielding resolve, Yuba stood his ground against the relentless tide of enemies, his sword flashing like a beacon of defiance amidst the fray. Despite the toll of his injuries, he fought with a tenacity that none could match, each opponent falling before his skill and determination.

"None shall pass," he bellowed, his voice echoing across the battlefield like a clarion call. "I am Yuba, the master of the sword, and this is the end of your path!"

But as the tension in the air thickened, a figure emerged from the shadows, a formidable presence that sent a shiver down Yuba's spine.

Scarlet, her strength surpassing all expectations, stood before him, her sword drawn and ready for battle.

Their clash was fierce and unrelenting, the sound of steel meeting steel ringing out like a symphony of war.

Despite Scarlet's formidable skill, Yuba refused to yield, each strike exchanged with a ferocity born of desperation and determination.

Scarlet's words, laced with a hint of admiration, hung in the air like a veiled taunt, but Yuba's response was swift and cutting.

"Silence," he spat, his voice barely above a whisper, each word heavy with the weight of his disdain. "A compliment from you...is an insult."

Scarlet's smile widened, a glint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Ohh, my," she mused, her tone mocking yet tinged with genuine intrigue. "A man with dignity."

With a fierce determination, Yuba charged forward, his every muscle straining with the effort, while Scarlet, with a flourish, released her curse, her blade igniting with an ominous glow.

"Curse release... sun blade," Scarlet intoned, her voice dripping with malice as she unleashed the full extent of her power.

In a blur of motion, Scarlet's sword struck with deadly precision, a blow so swift and precise that none could see it coming. With a gasp of agony, Yuba staggered back, Scarlet's blade piercing his heart with a final, fatal strike.

Yuba loses his strength and He falls to his knees, blood coming out of his mouth, as he tries to stop Scarlett from advancing with his hands…

"The last one has finally fallen...mission complete," the soldier declared, a note of triumph in his voice as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle.

Scarlet's gaze swept over the battlefield, her expression inscrutable as she contemplated the toll of their victory. "Humans usually do not turn into monsters in their final moments," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of curiosity. "Unless they have something dear to protect."

With a nod from their leader, the soldiers dispersed, scouring the area for any signs of life amidst the carnage. Minutes passed, filled with tense anticipation, until finally, a discovery was made.

"Footsteps," a soldier called out, his voice carrying over the battlefield. "Follow me."

With a sense of purpose, the soldiers trailed after their comrade, their senses alert as they followed the trail of footprints, each step bringing them closer to the possibility of survivors amidst the wreckage of war.

Anna pushed through the pain of her pregnancy, her determination fueling her every step as she raced towards the sanctuary of the cave entrance. Relief flooded her as she spotted the darkened opening, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

Gathering the last of her strength, Anna pressed forward, her heart pounding with the promise of safety for her unborn child. "Just a little more," she murmured through gritted teeth, each movement a testament to her resilience.

But as she reached the cave entrance, her hopes were dashed by the sight of fallen stones blocking her path. Desperation clawed at her heart as she frantically attempted to clear the debris, her trembling hands struggling against the weight of the stones.

In a moment of cruel realization, Anna turned to see soldiers closing in on her, their arrows trained on her trembling form. Fear froze her in place, her mind reeling with the sudden onslaught of danger.

"That's right, bitch..." one of the soldiers taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he leveled his bow. "Be nice and don't move."

As the arrows loosed from their bows, time seemed to slow to a crawl for Anna. In that fleeting moment, amidst the impending doom, she saw a vision of a future she had longed for a future with Yuba and their son.

With a final, desperate prayer on her lips, Anna closed her eyes, her heart filled with love and longing for the family she would never see again.

Anna with a fainting tone "I'm sor...rry dear... I couldn't ma...ke it..."

Anna's body falls filled with arrows, some of which have hit her son in her belly...

"now it's really over, a direct shot" said one of the solder, his fellow replayed "finally...it's time for looting and celebrating..." "Yeah, Scarlet will praise us, yahoo"

The soldiers started celebrating and dancing.

After the soldiers left the place, strange white roots emerged from the soil, crawling like a snake, advancing quickly towards Anna's body. It plunged into her stomach and began to extract the fetus from it, dragging it under the mountain soil…

Fifteen years later, at a Kylian military base, a soldier arrived to replace his friend on guard duty. To his surprise, he found his comrade had wet his pants in fear. Amused, he called over another soldier to witness the sight, but they soon noticed the frozen gaze of the guard, fixed on the sky.

Following his line of sight, they were horrified to see a dark shadow piercing the heavens. Shocked and speechless, they too felt a sense of dread wash over them as they realized what's coming.


✓Thanks for reading 

✓Feel free to give your review ✌️

✓The next chapter is being cooked now 🔥