Adam swipes away the notification and immediately focuses back on the matter at hand. Currently, he is very interested in the area boss. After all, a boss means there could potentially be Gold Chest. And although he has like 5 of those with him, it can never be bad to have more.

He looks around and sees that there are no monsters around him. He should take notes to buy a detection skill if there are any in the future. Seeing that there is nothing else to do, Adam continues forward heading towards the area boss.

Suddenly he sees a pride of lions lying in front of a cave. Most of them seem to be resting with the closest one the the cave entrance looking like a male lion. Adam was about to strike them when he remembered that he had a skill that he hadn't used yet.

"[Skeleton Summon]"

Immediately, a greyish skeleton forms in front of him. Adam looks at it curiously as the mana inside his body is being drawn to make the skeleton.

When the skeleton is fully formed, dark green fires light up inside its eyeholes. It looks at Adam with a dead stare that would make anyone nervous but for some reason, Adam felt a certain connection to the skeleton.

"Go hunt down the lions."

With a command, the skeleton immediately jumps into action and strikes the first lion it sees. As Adam hopes, the lion dies upon impact meaning that the skeleton is affected by his other skills. That means in theory, his skeleton should be immune to all elements.

Seeing the skeleton killing the lions so easily Adam immediately thought about how fast he could farm experience if he summons skeletons and let them roam in the forest.

Adam continues observing it and sees that all the lions have been killed. Adam approaches the skeleton and starts experimenting with it.

Firstly, they can't access his inventory. Secondly, they are immune to elements. And last but probably the most important, they can cast magic.

Adam assumes that because his skills are actually affecting his body by increasing his affinity with elements and mana, then the skeletons will be the same.

Suddenly, Adam thought about the amount of skeletons he could summon. Well, the answer is a lot. But if they are all using magic at the same time, then 100.

Adam then decides to give a simple command to the skeletons he summons.

"Go hunt monsters and bring their corpses to me."

And with that, all hell breaks loose in the forest. Screams, roars and hiss. A citizen of Quizo quoted that it sounds like a demon was released in the forest. That same day almost no one enters the forest.

In the middle of all the chaos, Adam sits quitely in the caves while watching his exp increase at a rate that he has never seen before. Adam looks at it and just a moment later.


Adam cheers as his exp reaches 1 billion points and as if on queue, the exp suddenly stops increasing. He looks outside wondering what's wrong and sees that his skeleton with a mountain of corpses standing quietly around it.

The skeleton cannot deny his command as he already tried it so that only means one thing. They can't find any more monsters, which is weird since the area boss hasn't been killed yet. So Adam dispersed them and released them back into mana. Adam collects all the corpses and puts them inside his inventory.

Adam doesn't know if all the monsters will respawn again or not. But honestly, he doesn't care in the slightest. The other monsters will probably come here to build a new home anyway. He only clears this forest, he is sure the other forest is fine.

Suddenly, he felt a strong disturbance in mana and darkness element. He looks towards the disturbance and sees a big dark cloud gathering there to smite whatever will come out of that place.

Adam wants to straight up rushes towards it but he immediately thinks otherwise. Better be safe than sorry they say.

Opening up his status panel. Adam upgrades all the skills to their maximum level. Multiple strong currents of energy flow into Adam's body at a fast rate and if observed from an outside perspective, cracks start to appear on Adam's body and his eyes glow with a multitude of colors.

Just as Adam thought that he was going to die, his body started to shake heavily, and all the cracks started to recede at a fast pace. When all the cracks disappear, Adam finally gains his consciousness back. Adam lies on the ground and breathes heavily. 

He doesn't get to rest for long though as suddenly multiple lightnings strike down the place of disturbance. Adam gets up quickly and using the now enhanced [Wind Affinity], he summons wind to fly him up the sky to see what's happening. He observes the area and when the lightning dies down, he sees a small cave with a hooded figure standing in front of it.


A shrill scream sounded from the figure as Adam sees it. Suddenly, it turns toward Adam and makes eye contact with him if there are eyes to make contact with in the first place. Rather than eyes, he can see bright blue flames in the eye socket of that being.

Adam urges the wind and he flies towards the hooded figure. When Adam comes close, Adam finally sees who it is.


Rank: A

Level: 40