Chapter 44: Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda

Early Morning

Ning Rongrong woke from a deep sleep.

Remembering last night's madness, she couldn't help but blush with shyness.

She opened her large, beautiful eyes, curiously observing Su Bai.

His human form was incredibly handsome.

And he had abs!

Ning Rongrong reached out, gently touching Su Bai's abdomen.

But she quickly withdrew her hand, almost instinctively.

After a moment, she couldn't resist and extended her hand again.


Ning Rongrong suddenly exclaimed.

Her movement had woken Su Bai.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

She was both fearful and expectant, worried that Su Bai might torment her again. He had made her feel wonderful, but his strength in that regard was overwhelming for her first time.

But this time, Su Bai simply held her close without any further action.

"You are my woman now. Touch as much as you want," Su Bai said, placing her hand on his eight-pack abs.

Ning Rongrong's face turned a deep shade of red.

She felt as if she were doing something forbidden.

But her curiosity got the better of her, and she began to explore.

Suddenly, her hand slid down, touching something hard.

Realizing what it was, her face flushed even redder.

Unable to resist, she moved her hand again.

This provoked Su Bai, who swiftly pinned her beneath him.

Another round of passion ensued.

Afterward, Ning Rongrong regretted her actions deeply.

Had she known, she wouldn't have provoked Su Bai.

Now, she had been exhausted once more.

"Rongrong," Su Bai suddenly spoke.

Ning Rongrong jumped, quickly pleading, "I really can't take it anymore. Please, let me rest for a bit."

Seeing this, Su Bai chuckled softly, "I just wanted to give you something."

"Something for me?" Ning Rongrong asked, puzzled. "What is it?"

Su Bai took out a mystical herb.

As soon as Ning Rongrong saw it, she felt an inexplicable attraction to it.

"What is this?" she asked.

"It's a legendary herb. Consuming it will benefit you," Su Bai explained.

A legendary herb?

Ning Rongrong was confused but trusted Su Bai enough to consume it. She knew he wouldn't harm her; if he intended to, he wouldn't need to go to such trouble.

She was very curious about the benefits Su Bai mentioned.

Ning Rongrong began to absorb the herb's essence.

An hour later, she finished.

She opened her eyes, exclaiming excitedly, "My spirit power has broken through to level thirty! And I feel like it's not stopping there; once I absorb my third spirit ring, it might increase even more."

Her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity as she looked at Su Bai.

She hadn't expected such a valuable gift from him.

In the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, such a thing was unheard of.

This man was truly intriguing.

"That's just the beginning," Su Bai said, laughing. "Summon your martial soul."

Though confused, Ning Rongrong did as he asked.

"Nothing seems different," she said, then her eyes widened in shock. "One, two, three... nine!?"

"My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has nine levels."

Ning Rongrong's mouth dropped open in astonishment.

Su Bai corrected her, "It's now the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

"Does this mean I can surpass level eighty in the future?" Ning Rongrong asked excitedly.

Su Bai chuckled, "Level eighty is nothing. With me here, reaching Title Douluo will be as easy as eating and drinking."

"That's amazing!" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but throw herself into Su Bai's arms.

In the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, there was always a legend about the possibility of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda evolving into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, but it required a rare and precious treasure.

Generations of clan leaders had sought this treasure.

Ning Rongrong had always thought it was just a myth.

But now, it had become reality, and she had consumed it.

"Thank you!" Ning Rongrong said sincerely.

Such a precious celestial herb, yet Su Bai had given it to her so easily.

No wonder Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong's attitudes had changed so much.

It turned out Su Bai genuinely cared for his women.

He didn't hesitate to give them valuable gifts.

If her father knew about this herb that could evolve the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, he would go to any lengths to obtain it.

But now, Su Bai had simply given it to her, just because she was his woman.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong didn't know how to thank Su Bai. In her gratitude, she could only straddle Su Bai and begin to serve him.

Su Bai relaxed and enjoyed her attention.

Another round of passion ensued.

Su Bai held Ning Rongrong close, asking, "You should be at level thirty now, right?"

Ning Rongrong nodded.

"Then let's go get your spirit ring," Su Bai suggested.

"Alright!" Ning Rongrong agreed happily. She hadn't expected to reach level thirty so quickly, and with Su Bai's strength, she was confident she would obtain an excellent spirit ring.

She had fully accepted being Su Bai's woman because of his unparalleled kindness. Not only had he given her a herb that evolved her martial soul, but now he was also helping her acquire a spirit ring.

They dressed and set off for the Star Dou Forest.

On the way, Su Bai asked Ning Rongrong, "What kind of spirit beast are you looking for?"

Ning Rongrong had already thought about this and replied, "My father says the first three spirit abilities of our martial soul should enhance strength, speed, and spirit power, though the order can vary."

"My first two spirit abilities are for strength and speed, so the next should enhance spirit power."

Su Bai nodded. "Got it."

Before long, Su Bai's powerful perception led them to a suitable spirit beast.

Pointing to a bamboo plant ahead, Su Bai said, "This is a ten-thousand-year-old Purple Bamboo. Absorbing its spirit ring can enhance your mental strength and has a high chance of giving you the spirit ability you want."


Ning Rongrong was shocked.

"You want me to absorb a ten-thousand-year spirit ring?" she exclaimed. "And for my third spirit ring? Are you crazy?"

Su Bai didn't explain. Instead, he used a body-strengthening card on Ning Rongrong.

"Now you should be able to successfully absorb a ten-thousand-year spirit ring," he said with a smile.

Ning Rongrong was even more astonished. "What did you do to me?"

She felt an immense change within herself, sensing that even a ten-thousand-year spirit ring could now be absorbed successfully. And all Su Bai had done was tap her lightly.

"How is this possible? What did you do?" she asked, bewildered.

Su Bai's mysterious abilities continued to astound her. His power was beyond her comprehension, yet she trusted him completely. This trust, combined with his gifts and guidance, made her more determined than ever to follow him.