Chapter 43: Ning Rongrong's First Time

The next day.

Su Bai got up and dressed. He glanced tenderly at Xiao Wu, who was still sound asleep. The previous night's events had been intense—they had been entangled until dawn. It was evident that Xiao Wu deeply desired another child, and Su Bai, wanting to fulfill her wish, had exhausted her in the process.

Su Bai turned towards the kitchen and began preparing breakfast. Before long, he had made a nourishing chicken soup enriched with various spiritual herbs. He poured the soup into a bowl and walked over to the still-sleeping Xiao Wu, whispering, "Xiao Wu, I've made some chicken soup for you. It's in the kitchen. Remember to drink it when you wake up."

"Mmm," Xiao Wu murmured sleepily in response.

Satisfied, Su Bai left the house. His next stop was Zhu Zhuqing's dwelling. Zhu Zhuqing was pregnant, and ensuring she received proper nutrition was crucial. Su Bai had always been very attentive to his women. Whether it was Xiao Wu or Bibi Dong, he personally took care of them through their pregnancies until they gave birth. It was no different with Zhu Zhuqing. He never played favorites.

At Zhu Zhuqing's abode, she was already up, enjoying the fresh morning air in the courtyard. Su Bai had advised her that fresh air benefits the baby, and she had taken his words to heart.

"Zhuqing, I brought you some soup," Su Bai said with a smile.

Zhu Zhuqing responded coolly, "It's about time you remembered us."

She paused before asking, "How is Rongrong?"

Having spent some time together at Shrek Academy, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong had formed a bond, so it was only natural for her to inquire.

As he fed Zhu Zhuqing the soup, Su Bai replied, "I spent the night with Xiao Wu. She said she wasn't ready yet, so I gave her another day."

"She will come to appreciate you eventually," Zhu Zhuqing said unexpectedly.

Su Bai was taken aback. Was she speaking up for him? Considering Zhu Zhuqing's usually aloof nature, this was a significant gesture. Su Bai couldn't help but smile, genuinely pleased.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed, and she said coldly, "Why are you smiling? Feed me the soup before the baby gets hungry."

"Yes, ma'am," Su Bai responded cheerfully, continuing to feed her.

After finishing the soup, Su Bai habitually placed his ear against Zhu Zhuqing's belly to listen to the baby, his hands wandering restlessly. Zhu Zhuqing's figure was incredibly alluring, especially now that she was pregnant, radiating a maternal glow that made her even more captivating.

"Stop that," Zhu Zhuqing scolded, gently tapping his head, her face flushed. Despite her own desires, it wasn't a convenient time for intimacy. Su Bai's teasing was making it difficult for her to control herself.

Su Bai chuckled, "Zhuqing, I'm pretty sure it's a girl. She's so calm."

Zhu Zhuqing asked, "What, you don't like girls?"

"Of course not!" Su Bai hurriedly explained, "I love daughters. They're their daddy's little princesses. She'll grow up to be as beautiful as her mother."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's lips curved into a faint smile.

"Turn around," Zhu Zhuqing suddenly said.

Su Bai was puzzled but complied.

Zhu Zhuqing gently rested his head on her lap and massaged his temples. Su Bai closed his eyes, feeling a wave of comfort wash over him. Her technique was excellent, and he felt incredibly relaxed. His heart swelled with happiness, realizing that Zhu Zhuqing had fully accepted him. His efforts had not been in vain.

Su Bai stayed with Zhu Zhuqing until the evening before leaving.

In Ning Rongrong's abode, her heart grew increasingly anxious as the sky darkened. She knew Su Bai would come soon, and she would have to face what was coming. She couldn't use the excuse of being unprepared anymore. Despite his good temper, Su Bai wouldn't tolerate her delaying forever. After all, she wasn't yet his woman officially.

Seeing how Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong stood by Su Bai indicated he treated his women well. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all? With this thought, Ning Rongrong's anxiety eased a bit.

An hour later, Su Bai arrived.

Seeing Ning Rongrong still visibly tense, Su Bai asked, "Are you ready?"

Ning Rongrong kept her head down, not answering. But Su Bai wasn't going to wait any longer. His earlier time with Zhu Zhuqing had left him burning with desire, and he couldn't contain himself any longer. He approached Ning Rongrong, lifted her chin, and kissed her deeply.


Ning Rongrong's eyes widened in shock. This spirit beast was so domineering. Su Bai began undressing her, revealing her creamy, smooth skin. Su Bai's breath quickened; Ning Rongrong was incredibly alluring.

Blushing furiously, Ning Rongrong had never been this exposed before, especially not to a man—let alone a spirit beast. She lowered her head, unable to meet his gaze. Her shy demeanor only fueled Su Bai's desire.

Unable to hold back any longer, Su Bai scooped Ning Rongrong into his arms and carried her to the bed. His hands roamed her delicate body, exploring every inch. When Ning Rongrong finally relaxed, Su Bai moved on top of her, and the night unfolded passionately.


[System notification: Successfully took Ning Rongrong's first time. Reward: 30,000 years of cultivation, Golden Dragon Spear.]

After their passionate encounter, Su Bai received a reward from the system.

As expected from a key character, the rewards were always so generous.

Su Bai was extremely satisfied.

He then gave Ning Rongrong a kiss.

Seeing her perfect body, Su Bai felt his desire surge once more.

He was about to press down on her again.

Ning Rongrong exclaimed alarmingly, "No, I—I haven't recovered yet."

She was exhausted after a night of being thoroughly ravished by Su Bai.

She hadn't anticipated Su Bai's incredible stamina; he was like an unrelenting beast.

It was truly frightening.

Su Bai managed to calm himself.

After all, it was Ning Rongrong's first time; he needed to be considerate.

Seeing Su Bai stop, Ning Rongrong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But then she heard Su Bai say, "But I'm still fired up. What should we do about it?"

Thinking momentarily, Ning Rongrong bit her lip and said, "How about... I use my hands?"


Su Bai agreed cheerfully.

It seemed Ning Rongrong was adapting quickly!


Ning Rongrong lay on Su Bai's chest, her hands still aching.

Su Bai was just too demanding; it took ages for him to be satisfied finally.

Moreover, she couldn't believe she had actually been with him as if he were some soul beast.

She had become his woman.

But what could she do about it?

Ning Rongrong's emotions were tangled. As she lay there, her mind wandered over the night's events. She couldn't deny the strange sense of attachment growing within her, even though she was confused and frustrated.

She had never imagined that her first time would be so intense nor that Su Bai would be so insatiable. Her heart was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the bond that seemed to be forming between them.

As she rested on Su Bai's chest, her thoughts swelled. She knew that her life had irrevocably changed and that she needed time to understand her feelings and the new path her life had taken.