Chapter 42: Broken trust

At the edge of the Star Dou Forest, Sword and Bone Douluo, along with the Shrek group, had just exited the perilous woods. Sword Douluo's face was dark with frustration. Before setting out, they were confident in their abilities, yet now, they had to rely on Ning Rongrong's sacrifice for their survival. They couldn't fathom how they would face Ning Fengzhi upon their return.

However, they knew they must go back, clinging to a slim hope. They believed that with Ning Fengzhi's support, they might have a chance to defeat Su Bai.

Despite his reluctance, Sword Douluo addressed the Shrek group, "We need to return to the sect, explain everything to the master, and recuperate before we can rescue Rongrong. What about you?"

"Recuperate?" Oscar's anxiety spiked. Ning Rongrong, his goddess, couldn't afford any delay. If they waited, she might suffer the same fate as Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong, falling prey to Su Bai. Healing wasn't a matter of days—it could take weeks or months. By then, his goddess might already be bearing Su Bai's child. This thought was unbearable.

"Hmph!" Sword Douluo snorted coldly. "Without healing, even with the master's assistance, we cannot match that spirit beast. How can we rescue Rongrong in this state?"

"But... if it's too late, Rongrong will be..." Oscar stammered, unable to articulate his fear.

Bone Douluo, anger flaring, glared at the Shrek members. "You dare speak? If it weren't for your instigations, Rongrong wouldn't have involved us, we wouldn't be injured, and she wouldn't have had to sacrifice herself. What did you contribute? Useless!"

The Shrek members fell silent, unable to retort. Su Bai's strength was overwhelming; even two Title Douluos failed. What could they possibly do? If they had been capable, they wouldn't have pushed Ning Rongrong to involve Sword and Bone Douluo. And now, it was Rongrong who had saved them all.

Tang San, however, muttered defiantly, "Weren't you the ones who assured us a hundred-thousand-year spirit beast was no match? And now you blame us?"

He had hoped that if Sword and Bone Douluo could defeat Su Bai, he might retrieve his destined love. But now, he was bitterly disappointed. Not only had he failed to rescue her, but he had also suffered a blow from Xiao Wu, leaving him in physical and emotional pain.

The thought that his goddess had struck him while he was trying to save her was unbearable. It had to be the evil spirit beast's influence. Yes, that must be it. She was coerced, and that's why she acted against him. His comfort in this belief slightly eased his pain.

Unbeknownst to Tang San, Xiao Wu was currently entwined with Su Bai.

Suddenly, Sword Douluo attacked. Blood spurted from Tang San's shoulder, pain searing through him. "Xiao San!" Grandmaster Yu Xiao Gang rushed to his side. Tang San, face contorted in agony, bowed his head, unable to meet Sword Douluo's gaze. Humiliation burned within him. If he were stronger, Sword Douluo wouldn't dare harm him, and he could reclaim his destined love. He vowed to train harder and seek vengeance.

Sword Douluo had heard Tang San's murmurs and couldn't restrain himself. If not for Ning Rongrong's sake, he might have killed Tang San outright. "Useless! Speak again, and I'll kill you!" he snarled before departing with Bone Douluo.

After they left, Flender turned to Grandmaster Yu Xiao Gang, "Xiao Gang, what should we do now?"

Yu Xiao Gang, after tending to Tang San, pondered briefly. "We wait here for them to bring reinforcements. Erlong still needs rescuing."

Despite Liu Erlong having fallen to Su Bai, Yu Xiao Gang believed she still held value. Moreover, with Ning Fengzhi's assistance, there was a chance of rescue. The world's greatest support spirit wasn't renowned for nothing.

"Alright," Flender agreed after some thought. The others, seeing Flender's agreement, had no objections and settled into a nearby tavern to await reinforcements.


In the heart of the Star Dou Forest, at the Life Lake cabin, Su Bai and Xiao Wu lay together after their intimacy. Xiao Wu rested her head on Su Bai's chest, both lost in their thoughts.

Su Bai held Xiao Wu's voluptuous body close, feeling the softness of her chest pressed against him. This intimate contact stirred him again.

Sensing his arousal, Xiao Wu sighed softly. Su Bai was perfect in every way, except that his appetite in this area was insatiable. However, she couldn't bear to see him unsatisfied.

Just as Su Bai was about to turn over and take her again, Xiao Wu spoke first, "Su Bai, let me take care of you this time."

"Alright!" Su Bai grinned. He would never refuse such an offer.

Xiao Wu then took the initiative, and after another passionate session, she lay exhausted on Su Bai's chest, breathless and defeated by his stamina.

Gently patting her smooth back, Su Bai suddenly asked, "It's been a while since we saw our dear daughter. How is she doing?"

"She's still out training," Xiao Wu replied weakly, a hint of complaint in her voice. "That girl is a Title Douluo now, but she loves to play and doesn't want to come home."

Su Bai chuckled, "Kids will be kids! It's normal for her to want to have fun. Besides, with the protective charm I gave her, she won't encounter any real danger. Don't worry."

"You spoil her too much!" Xiao Wu rolled her eyes at him. Their daughter, Su Wutong, had been doted on by Su Bai since birth, almost to the point of being spoiled rotten. In the Star Dou Forest, everyone feared her. Even the hundred-thousand-year spirit beasts avoided her due to Su Bai's overwhelming power.

When Su Wutong wasn't out training, the entire Star Dou Forest was in chaos because of her antics. Many powerful spirit beasts hid from her, dreading her mischief. Even Da Ming and Er Ming often stayed out of sight to avoid her.

It wasn't until Su Wutong grew up and had the ability to protect herself that Su Bai allowed her to venture out for training, bringing peace back to the forest.

Su Bai merely smiled at Xiao Wu's words. "A daughter should be spoiled."

Xiao Wu continued her grievances, "And then there's Su Wulin. All he thinks about is training. He never comes home to spend time with me. Both of them are the same."

Su Bai laughed, "No worries. Let's have another one. Then you'll have someone to keep you company."

"Alright," Xiao Wu nodded softly, her eyes shimmering as she looked at Su Bai.

Understanding her gaze, Su Bai moved over her once more.