Chapter 41: Ning Rongrong dilemma

Ning Rongrong maintained a facade of strength and composure, but the slight tremor in her hands betrayed her inner turmoil.

The thought of bearing a child for a spirit beast unsettled her deeply. Yet, she had no regrets, only a hard time accepting the reality.

Compared to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, her importance to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan was minor. Without their protection, the clan faced the risk of annihilation.

Although often capricious and playful, she understood the gravity of the situation.

It was clear to her which sacrifice was more significant.

Moreover, she reassured herself, it was just having a child; it didn't necessarily mean she would die. "Think of it as just a bite from an ant," she tried to comfort herself.

Her thoughts drifted to her father, Ning Fengzhi. Initially, he had been reluctant to agree to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo's intervention, understanding the high risk involved.

After all, they were up against a hundred-thousand-year spirit beast, equivalent in power to a Titled Douluo.

Despite the strength of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan couldn't afford an unexpected loss. Now, she finally understood her father's hesitation.

Yet, she had been so insistent and naive, pressuring Ning Fengzhi to agree, relying on the affection her grandfathers had for her.

Because of his love and the persuasion from the grandfathers, Ning Fengzhi eventually relented. But who could have predicted Su Bai's overwhelming strength? He had swiftly incapacitated both Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

Without her stepping in to shoulder the consequences, they might never have left the Star Dou Forest alive.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong harbored deep resentment towards the Shrek Academy members.

Their goading had pushed her to seek her grandfathers' aid. Though guilt over Zhu Zhuqing also played a role, without their influence, she might not have returned to the clan so soon.

And now, seeing how they were quick to sacrifice her to save themselves, she felt nothing but disgust. These were her teachers and classmates? Hypocrites. Even more despicable than Su Bai, the spirit beast. At least Su Bai kept his word.

However, the thought of what awaited her with Su Bai was unbearable. Glancing up at him, she found him watching her, his gaze seemingly questioning why she was hesitating and if she needed his assistance.

Ning Rongrong's heart trembled. After a moment of hesitation, she stammered, "Could you...give me some...time? I...I'm not ready yet."

Su Bai frowned slightly but said nothing.

Ning Rongrong couldn't meet his eyes, lowering her head instead. She feared he might go back on his word and kill her grandfathers.

Despite mentally preparing herself, fear still gripped her, causing her to voice this plea.

Unexpectedly, Su Bai responded, "Alright."

Ning Rongrong looked up, incredulous. He had agreed? Su Bai smiled, "Do you have any other requests? If I can grant them, I will." Su Bai was always lenient with his women, but his patience had limits. "I'll give you a day to prepare.

Tomorrow night, I'll come for you. I hope by then, you'll be ready."

With that, he stepped forward and gently caressed her cheek. Ning Rongrong was stunning, with delicate features, fair skin, and an aura of refined nobility. It was incredibly alluring, but Su Bai restrained himself and left.

After Su Bai's departure, Ning Rongrong stood there, stunned. She had only asked on a whim, a desperate plea born of panic.

She hadn't expected Su Bai to agree. This spirit beast actually cared about her feelings? Her emotions were a mix of confusion and relief.

But time was short; he would return the next night. She realized she couldn't make any more excuses then. Su Bai might even storm the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan, endangering her entire clan.

Ning Rongrong couldn't afford to dwell on that thought. Despite Su Bai being a spirit beast, in human form, he was undeniably handsome.

This small solace made her situation a bit more bearable as she prepared herself for the inevitable.

Ning Rongrong pondered further, noticing Su Bai's unique charm and formidable strength. If she were to become his woman and bear his child, wouldn't that make him part of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan?

This thought offered a strange comfort. Perhaps this situation wasn't entirely unacceptable?

Shaking her head, Ning Rongrong chastised herself. What was she thinking? Su Bai was a spirit beast.

Could he truly possess human emotions? Moreover, she was about to endure an ordeal the following night; how could she have the luxury to entertain such thoughts?

Frustration welled up within her as she tried to clear her mind.

Meanwhile, after leaving Ning Rongrong's cave, Su Bai returned home. Despite granting her time to prepare, he found his impatience and frustration mounting. To quell his agitation, he sought out Xiao Wu.

Upon entering their wooden cabin, he found Xiao Wu lost in thought. Hearing him, she spoke with a hint of melancholy, "Why aren't you enjoying the company of the new beauty you just captured? What brings you back here?"

Su Bai detected the sorrow in her voice. Although Xiao Wu supported his actions, it still troubled her. He approached and embraced her from behind, laughing softly, "Is my dear Xiao Wu jealous?"

"No," Xiao Wu shook her head slowly, her lips pressed together. "I just feel lonely when you're not here."

Her words struck a chord with Su Bai. Though they had two children, neither was around.

Their daughter was away on a journey, and their son, a cultivation fanatic, was seldom home. With Su Bai often preoccupied, Xiao Wu spent much of her time alone.

Moved by her words, Su Bai tightened his embrace. Xiao Wu was his first and most cherished woman. He couldn't bear for her to feel neglected.

Gazing into her eyes, he leaned in for a kiss, his hands roaming her body. Over the years, Xiao Wu had grown even more beautiful under Su Bai's care. Her long legs were particularly alluring, and the maturity and allure she exuded after bearing two children made her irresistible.

Succumbing to his desire, Su Bai carried Xiao Wu to the bed. Her eyes glazed with passion, she murmured, "Su Bai, let me give you another child."

Rather than respond with words, Su Bai answered with action, pressing his body against hers. Xiao Wu's fair face flushed a deep red, her gaze locked onto Su Bai as she succumbed to the moment.


Back in her own space, Ning Rongrong wrestled with her thoughts. Su Bai's agreement to give her time was unexpected, revealing a surprising depth to the spirit beast.

As she steeled herself for what was to come, the complexity of her feelings grew.

Could there be a way to navigate this situation that would secure the safety of her clan and perhaps even find some semblance of peace within herself? Time would tell, and for now, she had to prepare for the inevitable meeting with Su Bai.