Chapter 104: Bibi Dong: The Slaughter City, Are Na Na and I Becoming Sisters?

In Wuhun City.

Inside the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong looked at the respectful young girl standing below, her face complex. "Nana, are you sure about this decision?"

"Yes, teacher!" Hu Liena replied respectfully.

Bibi Dong massaged her temples, feeling a headache coming on.

Just moments ago, Hu Liena had expressed her desire to go to Slaughter City for training. From the look in her eyes, she was resolute.

But what kind of place was Slaughter City?

It was a den of iniquity, filled with criminals and outlaws.

Bibi Dong knew this all too well.

And Hu Liena was just a delicate young girl. What if she encountered danger?

In Slaughter City, soul skills couldn't be used. This made Bibi Dong even more uneasy.

Seeing her student's determination, Bibi Dong felt helpless.

After hesitating for a long while, Bibi Dong sighed, "Alright, I'll allow it!"

Hu Liena's eyes brightened, and she quickly thanked her, "Thank you, teacher!"

Bibi Dong waved her hand, "Go and prepare yourself well."

"Disciple takes her leave."

Hu Liena respectfully bowed and left.

Watching the cheerful girl leave, Bibi Dong's headache intensified.

Though she didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm, she couldn't help but worry.

Thus, Bibi Dong decided to inform Su Bai about Hu Liena's decision to go to Slaughter City. Given Su Bai's protective attitude towards the girl, he would surely take this seriously.

Sure enough, not long after Bibi Dong sent the message, Su Bai himself arrived.

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes at him. This guy had clearly been eyeing her goddaughter for a while.

As soon as he arrived, Su Bai asked directly, "Dong'er, I heard Nana is going to Slaughter City?"

Bibi Dong nodded, "I called you over to see if you have any protective items for her. Although Nana is quite capable, Slaughter City is still dangerous. I'm really worried."

Su Bai agreed, nodding. Slaughter City was indeed perilous for Hu Liena, especially since she couldn't use her soul skills there. The risks were significant.

Despite Hu Liena having absorbed the soul bone from the Soul Master competition, Bibi Dong still felt uneasy.

After thinking for a moment, Su Bai smiled, "Since you're worried, Dong'er, I'll accompany Nana."

Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes lit up. With Su Bai accompanying her, she had nothing to worry about. Given Su Bai's strength, Slaughter City posed no threat.

Moreover, as a soul beast, Su Bai wouldn't be affected inside Slaughter City.

And Su Bai, being an Ancient Azure Dragon, had an invincible body. Even standing still, his enemies might not be able to hurt him.

With Su Bai there, nothing could go wrong.

So, Bibi Dong agreed readily and called for Hu Liena.

When Hu Liena entered and saw Su Bai, her eyes sparkled with joy. However, with her teacher present, she maintained her composure.

Respectfully, she asked Bibi Dong, "Teacher, you called for me?"

Bibi Dong said, "This time, Su Bai will accompany you to Slaughter City."


Hu Liena looked at Bibi Dong in surprise, then at Su Bai.

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

Hu Liena was overjoyed, thinking, "Brother Bai must be worried about me and wants to protect me."

Feeling deeply moved, her eyes shone as she looked at Su Bai.

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes at Su Bai. Her goddaughter's eyes were now full of this guy.

In such a short time, he had already stolen her goddaughter's heart.

Bibi Dong warned Hu Liena, "Nana, Slaughter City is not like other places. It's filled with heinous criminals. Remember, you can't trust anyone there. Everyone there deserves to die. Don't have any psychological burdens when the time comes."

"I understand, teacher!" Hu Liena replied respectfully.

Su Bai chimed in, "Dong'er, don't worry. With me there, Nana will be fine."

Bibi Dong gave him a sharp look. "I'm more worried about you."

This trip would likely change Hu Liena from her goddaughter to her sister.

Su Bai chuckled awkwardly, not daring to speak further.


Bibi Dong sighed again. After a moment of silence, she asked, "Do you need me to take you there myself?"

Su Bai waved his hand, "No need. I know where Slaughter City is."

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena.

"Teacher, I am ready," Hu Liena responded.

Bibi Dong nodded, then turned to Su Bai, "Although this is training, safety is the top priority. You must protect my daughter."

"Teacher!" Hu Liena was deeply moved.

Su Bai laughed, "Dong'er, don't you trust me?"

"It's because it's you that I'm even more worried," Bibi Dong replied, rolling her eyes again.

In the end, she decided not to say more.

Seeing this, Su Bai led Hu Liena out of Wuhun City.


A few days later.

Su Bai and Hu Liena arrived at a tavern.

The tavern was dilapidated, filled with a heavy atmosphere and a strong scent of blood.

This was the entrance to Slaughter City.

Upon entering, they immediately attracted attention.

Especially Hu Liena, with her stunning looks and figure, drew all eyes.

Hu Liena frowned, feeling uncomfortable under the lecherous gazes.

But Su Bai remained silent, so she did too, following him to an empty table.

A server approached, "What would you like?"

"Two Bloody Marys," Su Bai replied calmly.

The server nodded and left.

Hu Liena was curious about the Bloody Mary but didn't ask. With Su Bai around, she felt safe.

Soon, the server returned with two glasses of red liquid.

Su Bai took a glance and drank his in one gulp.

Following his example, Hu Liena did the same but immediately spat it out.


The foul taste filled her mouth, making her retch.


Her reaction amused the men in the tavern, who laughed.

A burly man approached, eyeing Hu Liena with greedy intent.

"Tsk tsk, such a pretty thing. It's a shame you'll die soon," he sneered. "Why not have some fun with us before you go?"

He turned to the others, laughing, "What do you think?"

"Sounds good!"

"Don't forget to save some for us!"


The tavern buzzed with agreement.

Seeing this, the burly man grew bolder, pointing his sword at Su Bai, "Pretty boy, how can you deserve her? She should be with a real man like me!"

Hearing his vulgar words, Hu Liena's face turned icy, ready to attack.

But suddenly, there was a flash.


A scream echoed as the burly man fell, his arm severed.

Everyone was stunned. They hadn't expected Su Bai to act so ruthlessly and swiftly.

If the man hadn't dodged slightly, he would have been split in two.

Unbeknownst to them, if Su Bai had intended to kill him, the man would have already been dead.

"Slaughter City's test is to kill him to enter," a voice shouted. "This guy is strong. Let's all attack together!"

Without hesitation, everyone charged at Su Bai.

But Su Bai looked at them with disdain.

Hu Liena's face was cold, but she didn't worry. Even without Su Bai, she could handle them all.

However, Su Bai moved. His swordplay was elegant, like a dance, each swing claiming a life.

In moments, only three stood: Su Bai, Hu Liena, and the server.

Not a drop of blood touched Su Bai.

Hu Liena, seeing the carnage, couldn't hold back and vomited. She had killed before, but never witnessed such brutality.

After she composed herself, Su Bai said, "Liena, mercy to your enemies is cruelty to yourself, especially here. A moment of hesitation could cost you your life."

"I understand," Hu Liena nodded, though she thought, "But with you here, I don't need to worry."

If Su Bai knew her thoughts, he would laugh and cry. But she wasn't wrong. Even the King of Slaughter wouldn't be his match. She didn't need to fear for her life.

Su Bai was looking out for her, and she listened carefully.

Seeing her agreement, Su Bai nodded. He approached the server, "Where is the entrance?"

The server, shocked by Su Bai's strength, quickly opened the passage to Slaughter City.

"Let's go, Liena," Su Bai said, leading the way.

Hu Liena followed closely.

The entrance was a long, dark tunnel. They walked slowly, finally seeing light.

They stepped into a blood-red world. The sky, everything, was tinged with blood. The air reeked of it.

"Welcome to Slaughter City. This is the city of hell, a world of slaughter. Here, you can obtain anything, at the cost of your life."

A cold voice greeted them.