Chapter 105: Su Bai: Don't Follow the Rules? Then I'll Beat You Until You Do

The burly man staggered back, clutching his severed arm in agony.

Just moments ago, Hu Liena had been about to strike, but Su Bai acted first. He swiftly snatched the man's large sword and sliced down, severing the man's arm.

The man's scream of pain changed the atmosphere in the room. No one had expected this seemingly delicate-looking man to be so ruthless. His attack was lethal. Had the burly man not dodged in time, he would have been split in half.

What they didn't know was that if Su Bai had wanted to kill the man, he would have been dead already. Su Bai simply didn't want to dirty his clothes with such filthy blood.

"This is a test for entering the Slaughter City. We just need to kill him to get in," a man suddenly shouted. "He's strong, but if we all attack together, we can take him down."

With that, everyone rushed at Su Bai without hesitation.

Su Bai remained disdainful.

Hu Liena's face turned cold, but she wasn't worried at all. Even if Su Bai didn't make a move, she could handle all these people herself.

But Su Bai did act. He swung the large sword in his hand with an elegance that looked like a dance. With each swing, another villain fell.

In just a short time, only three people remained standing in the inn: Su Bai, Hu Liena, and the waiter.

Not a drop of blood had stained Su Bai's clothes. Even a novice could see that Su Bai's strength was extraordinary.

The sight of the dismembered bodies scattered around made Hu Liena nauseous. Although she had killed before, she had never seen such a brutal scene.

She was still too inexperienced.

After she had composed herself, Su Bai said, "Liena, remember this: showing mercy to your enemies is being cruel to yourself, especially in a place like the Slaughter City. A moment's hesitation could cost you your life."

"I understand," Hu Liena nodded quietly. Though she thought to herself, "It's not like I have to worry with you around."

If Su Bai knew her thoughts, he would have been both amused and exasperated. She wasn't entirely wrong, though. Not even the Slaughter King was a match for Su Bai. She indeed had no need to worry about her safety.

But Su Bai's advice was for her own good, out of concern for her. She listened attentively.

Seeing her agree, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.

He approached the waiter and asked calmly, "Where's the entrance?"

The waiter, startled by Su Bai's prowess, didn't dare delay. He obediently opened the passage to the Slaughter City.

"Let's go, Liena," Su Bai called out, leading the way into the tunnel.

Hu Liena followed closely.

The entrance was a long, dark tunnel where one could barely see their hand in front of their face.

Su Bai and Hu Liena walked slowly forward.

Before long, they saw a light.

Emerging from the tunnel, they were greeted by a blood-red landscape.

Everything, from the sky to the surroundings, was tinged with red. The air reeked of blood.

"Welcome to the Slaughter City. This is the Hell Capital, a world filled with slaughter. Here, you can gain anything you desire, at the cost of your life."

A cold voice echoed as Su Bai and Hu Liena stepped into the Slaughter City.

Suddenly, the sound of hoofbeats filled the air.

In the blink of an eye, over a hundred knights appeared before them, blocking their path.

The lead knight, clad in heavy armor from head to toe, pointed his lance at Su Bai and spoke icily, "You seem to have broken the rules of the Slaughter City."

Su Bai sneered, "So what?"

Rules were made by the strong. And Su Bai was undoubtedly strong enough.

Hence, the so-called rules of the Slaughter City couldn't bind him.

"Defeat me or die!" the knight commander declared coldly, raising his lance and charging at Su Bai without waiting for a response.

"Brother Bai!" Hu Liena watched anxiously.

Although she knew Su Bai was strong, Bibi Dong had always emphasized the dangers of the Slaughter City and the restriction on using spirit abilities. She worried it might affect Su Bai.

But she quickly realized her worry was unnecessary.

As the knight commander charged fiercely, Su Bai merely waved his hand lightly.

The knight commander was sent flying, severely injured and unable to get up.

"You win," the knight commander admitted reluctantly, tossing a token to Su Bai and signaling his men to clear the way.

The token had "9351" engraved on it.

Su Bai took the token and asked, "There are two of us. Give me another token."

The knight commander shook his head. "That's against the rules."

"Rules?" Su Bai laughed disdainfully.

His expression turned cold as he gathered energy in his hand and casually flung it towards the knights.

The knight commander's face paled. But it was too late. The knights were all sent flying, though only lightly injured. He realized Su Bai had held back. If Su Bai had meant to kill them, they wouldn't have stood a chance.

The knight commander threw another token.


In the Slaughter City, strength was the ultimate rule. If you were powerful enough, you could gain recognition regardless of the rules.

Su Bai took the token and tossed it to Hu Liena.

Then, they strolled in.


At the center of the Slaughter City, on a blood-red throne, sat a man with strange red hair, holding a cup of red liquid.

At his feet, a curvaceous woman in tight black clothing was massaging his legs.

Before them was a water screen showing Su Bai and Hu Liena.

"King, it seems a powerful individual has entered the Slaughter City. Should I send someone to...?" the woman cautiously suggested.

The red-haired man glanced at her, and she immediately knelt in fear, realizing her mistake.

This man was the ruler of the Slaughter City, the Slaughter King.

"Do you think I am not his match?" the Slaughter King asked coldly.

"I dare not," the woman trembled.

"Hmph!" the Slaughter King snorted. "In the Slaughter City, strength is the only rule. If you have the power, you can possess everything."

"And I, the Slaughter King, am the strongest here. I am the master of this hell."

"Understood," the woman replied, shaking with fear.

The Slaughter King said nothing more.

The woman, even more terrified, broke out in a cold sweat.

After a long silence, he finally said, "Don't let it happen again!"

The woman felt as if she had been granted amnesty. Her back was drenched in sweat.