Chapter 109: Hu Liena: "Brother Su, I Want to Be Your Woman"

"Hell Messenger!"

"Hell Messenger!"

On the other side, Hu Liena finished her match, killing nine opponents before leaving the Hell Slaughter Arena. Thanks to Su Bai, Hu Liena didn't have to worry about anyone attacking her after the matches. She fought with all her might, knowing she was safe. In just a year, she had achieved fifty-nine consecutive victories, which was quite impressive. Of course, Su Bai was an exception; he was only in the Slaughter City to protect Hu Liena and passed the time by competing.

During this year, Hu Liena earned the nickname "Hell Messenger."

After the match, Su Bai wrapped his arm around Hu Liena and they left together. People around them stepped aside, avoiding them. In the first part of the year, some dared to challenge them, but they were all killed by Su Bai's thunderous methods. The fame of Su Bai and Hu Liena spread, and no one dared to provoke them anymore. In the Slaughter City, only fools would seek death.

Back at their temporary base, Hu Liena sat down, her breathing heavy. Her eyes glowed red from too much killing, unable to control her bloodlust.

"Are you okay?"

Su Bai gently stroked her head, speaking softly. Immediately, the red glow in Hu Liena's eyes faded. She looked up at Su Bai and smiled, "Brother Su, I'm fine." Only by Su Bai's side could Hu Liena control herself and feel at peace. She rested her head on Su Bai's chest, and his hand instinctively stroked her body, eventually reaching her chest. Hu Liena's face turned crimson, and she couldn't look at him. They could hear each other's rapid breathing.

"Brother Su..."

Hu Liena gazed at Su Bai, her eyes filled with desire. Over time, her heart had completely belonged to Su Bai. She had already decided that he was her man. Seeing her like this, Su Bai felt his own desire rising, struggling to control himself. He was about to remove her clothes when Hu Liena suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Brother Su!"

Hu Liena's sudden awakening surprised Su Bai. He knew she wouldn't reject him; in fact, she had initiated intimacy a few times during the year. But Su Bai didn't want to take her in such a place. Now, his long-suppressed desire was hard to contain, so he couldn't help himself. But he didn't expect Hu Liena to stop him.

"Brother Su, I'm not in the right state now. I don't want to give myself to you like this. I feel unworthy of you," Hu Liena said seriously. Su Bai gently caressed her face, feeling a deep sense of pity. She didn't have to come to the Slaughter City but did so anyway. She was a strong girl who just hadn't shown it before.

Feeling Su Bai's touch, Hu Liena said earnestly, "Brother Su, once we leave here and I return to my true self, then I will..."

"What will you do?"

Su Bai asked with a mischievous smile.

Hu Liena blushed and looked down, "I will... be your woman."

Finally, Hu Liena spoke her heart. She wanted to fully give herself to him but couldn't say it out loud. Su Bai understood her meaning.


Su Bai nodded with a smile. They embraced each other tightly. Su Bai's hands continued to caress Hu Liena's body, feeling her soft, elastic skin, making her blush even more.


Meanwhile, in a secluded valley, a young man stood straight under a waterfall, his upper body exposed. Despite the force of the waterfall, he remained unmoved. This young man was Tang San. After a year of hellish training under Tang Hao, Tang San had managed to survive. Compared to a year ago, he was no longer skin and bones, but he hadn't improved much. He couldn't believe he had endured such rigorous training. His goal of rescuing his destined girl, Xiao Wu, kept him going.

Who would have thought he could survive such hellish training? It was heartbreaking but also brought great benefits. Tang San's soul power had reached over forty levels, although he hadn't obtained his fourth spirit ring yet, so the exact level was unclear.

Tang Hao, however, was not satisfied. As the son of the mighty Haotian Douluo, Tang San's progress under his father's personal guidance was disappointing. Tang Hao, now half-crippled, relied on Tang San to avenge his wife Ah Yin and kill Qian Xunji. But Tang San's slow progress made Tang Hao doubt his ability to seek revenge.

With a complex expression, Tang Hao watched Tang San under the waterfall. After a long silence, he said, "Xiao San, you can stop now." Tang San, hearing these words, quickly stepped out from under the waterfall, eager to talk to his father.

"Dad, when will you help me get my fourth spirit ring?"

Tang San was anxious. He had asked this question many times, worried about falling behind. He knew others like Shui Bing'er had already surpassed forty levels, and the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall were all over fifty levels. Though he was younger, strength was what mattered on the Douluo Continent. He felt immense pressure.

Hearing his son's question, Tang Hao remained silent for a long time. Finally, he sighed, "It's time." Tang San was confused, not understanding his father's words.

"Follow me!"

Without explaining, Tang Hao led Tang San to a place filled with blue silver grass, teeming with life. Tang San felt a strange sense of familiarity with this place. They walked slowly through the forest until Tang Hao stopped and said, "Xiao San, your Blue Silver Grass spirit is not an ordinary spirit." Tang San was puzzled. Blue Silver Grass was considered the weakest spirit unless paired with another, making it almost useless.

"To have twin spirits, both must be of comparable quality. Do you understand?"

Tang Hao said calmly. Realization dawned on Tang San, and his eyes widened. Seeing his understanding, Tang Hao led him deeper into the forest.