Chapter 110: Tang Hao: "Tang San, You're Not Worthy to Be My Son"

Blue Silver Forest

Tang Hao approached a young man with long blue hair and said calmly, "Tang San, let's go." The young man was indeed Tang San. After the awakening of his Blue Silver Grass spirit and its transformation into the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang San's appearance had changed. However, his skinny frame didn't look particularly handsome, just average.

At this moment, Tang San was very excited. With the evolution of his Blue Silver Grass spirit into the Blue Silver Emperor, he felt a significant increase in his strength. His soul skills had also become more powerful. This renewed his confidence. As long as he kept training, he believed he could one day kill Su Bai and reclaim his goddess.

But for now, Tang San asked eagerly, "Dad, are you taking me to get my spirit ring?" Seeing Tang Hao shake his head, Tang San felt a bit disappointed.

Tang Hao explained, "Given your current level, it's not suitable to immediately obtain your fourth spirit ring. I need to take you somewhere that will provide enough benefits to compensate for the fact that your third spirit ring is only at a ten-year level. Otherwise, you might never break through to become a Titled Douluo in your lifetime."

Hearing this, Tang San became serious and asked, "Dad, where are we going?"

Tang Hao looked into the distance. "The Slaughter City."


Tang San followed Tang Hao slowly. Soon, a strong smell of blood filled Tang San's nostrils, making him almost gag. He managed to suppress the urge. The air here was thick with not only the smell of blood but also the stench of rotting corpses. He couldn't understand why his father had brought him to such a place, but he didn't dare ask.

Soon, they arrived at a rundown tavern and sat down at an empty table. Tang Hao's raspy voice called out, "Two Bloody Marys."

The waiter quickly brought the drinks. Tang Hao ordered, "Drink it!" He downed his drink in one gulp. Tang San looked at the blood-red liquid in the cup, feeling very uncomfortable. Coupled with the previous foul smell, he felt even more nauseous. But he didn't dare disobey Tang Hao, so he drank it.

As soon as he did, the taste of blood filled his mouth. Combined with the stench of rotting corpses, he couldn't help but throw up. The people in the tavern laughed at him.


"Where did this little kid come from? Haven't even weaned yet?"

"Go back home and drink milk, kid!"

The mockery made Tang San's face even more embarrassed. He realized that this so-called Bloody Mary was actually human blood. His face turned pale as he couldn't understand why his father would make him drink such a thing.

"Tang San, kill them!" Tang Hao's command came again. Tang San's pupils contracted, but he quickly gathered himself. Those who had mocked him had already chosen the path to death. They deserved to be killed. He stood up, Blue Silver Grass appearing in his hand. Using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, he moved towards one of them with confidence. He was no longer the same Tang San; his strength had grown immensely over the past year, and his Blue Silver Grass had evolved into the Blue Silver Emperor.

Facing a bunch of small fries should have been a piece of cake. But reality hit hard. Tang San was sent flying with a single hit. The big man who struck him didn't stop, giving Tang San a brutal beating before stepping on his face, sneering, "Kid, I thought you were tough, but you're just this?"

Seeing Tang San's confidence before the fight, one might have thought he was some powerful fighter. Yet, he couldn't even take a single hit. A complete waste.

The big man spat on Tang San's face. Tang San felt utterly humiliated.

"Useless!" Tang Hao couldn't stand it any longer. He killed everyone in the tavern with ease. Afterward, he approached Tang San. "Dad..."

"Useless! Do you think you're worthy of being my son, the son of Haotian Douluo?" Tang San felt even more humiliated, with a growing sense of resentment towards his father for not stepping in sooner.

Ignoring him, Tang Hao ordered the waiter, "Open the entrance!" The waiter hurried to comply. Tang Hao turned to the pale-faced Tang San, "Go down!" Tang San had no choice but to obey.

They went through the tunnel and arrived at the entrance to the Slaughter City. A hundred knights appeared again. "You have violated the rules. Either defeat me or die!" The cold voice and the overwhelming killing intent almost made Tang San wet his pants. He hid behind Tang Hao. Without the use of spirit skills, he was no match for the knight.

Tang Hao sighed in frustration. His son was useless. Could he really rely on him for revenge? Eventually, Tang Hao took the lead, obtained the token, and they entered the Slaughter City.

As they walked through the inner city, Tang San was humiliated repeatedly. Tang Hao finally lost patience. "Tang San, from now on, you're on your own."

"Dad?" Tang San's face turned pale. Being left alone in such a dangerous place meant certain death. He couldn't die yet; he had to save his goddess. Internally, Tang San screamed, but Tang Hao didn't care. He left, leaving Tang San to fend for himself.

Tang San's face lost all color, but he had no choice but to follow the Slaughter Messenger. What he saw along the way terrified him. Tang Hao, observing secretly, could only smile bitterly at his son's incompetence.


After the novice protection period, Tang San wandered the inner city alone. He was so frightened earlier that he hadn't heard the Slaughter Messenger explain the rules. He didn't intend to join the fights in the Hell Slaughter Arena right away. He wanted to find a safe place to hide.

Tang Hao, watching from the shadows, felt even more disappointed by Tang San's cowardice.

"Hey, kid!" Suddenly, a few burly men surrounded Tang San, whose face turned pale. One of the men looked him over, clicking his tongue. "Not bad, not bad at all." He licked his lips.

Tang San saw the lust and greed in the man's eyes, like he was about to be devoured. If he were a woman, he would have been humiliated.

Unknown to Tang San, he had guessed right. These men had indeed targeted him. Although he was male, some people had peculiar tastes, and these men were among them. Tang San realized they meant harm and prepared to fight, placing his hand on his storage device, ready to strike at any moment.