Chapter 111: Tang San: "I Am Tainted, Humiliated"

"Hey, kid, are you thinking about resisting?"

The burly man smirked at Tang San, easily seeing through his subtle movements.


As soon as he spoke, the others burst into raucous laughter.

Tang San was obviously a new arrival, evident to anyone.

The newbie protection period was over, and instead of staying in the outer city, he had the audacity to wander into the inner city.

He was practically courting death.

There was no way they were going to let him go.

Seeing this, Tang San's expression turned dark.

The fact that these men dared to humiliate him meant they had a death wish.

Without hesitation, Tang San pulled out his hidden weapons and shot them at the group of men.


The leader dodged, but his cheek was still grazed by Tang San's attack.

Others were also injured.

But instead of being scared, the burly men grew more excited.

Especially the leader, who licked his lips and grinned wickedly, "Oh, a little hedgehog, huh? Tasting you should be quite interesting!"

He turned to his comrades, "I'll go first, don't any of you dare fight with me!"


The men laughed heartily.

The leader moved swiftly, reaching Tang San in an instant.

Tang San's face changed dramatically, clearly not expecting the other man's speed.

He hurriedly retreated.

But he managed to dodge the burly man's attack.

The man continued to strike, and Tang San kept dodging.

With the help of Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, the man couldn't catch Tang San.

But Tang San's hidden weapons couldn't cause any significant harm.

They did injure him, but the wounds were minor.

The fatal blows were all avoided.

Growing impatient, the burly man shouted to his companions, "What are you standing around for? This kid is like an eel, too slippery. Let's get him together."

After a while, Tang San was captured.

He was dragged into a small room.

Tang San's face was filled with terror.

From the looks on the men's faces, he knew what they intended to do.

These men were strong.

Although he had a speed advantage, he couldn't hold out against their numbers.

Surrounded and attacked, Tang San's physical and soul power were quickly exhausted, and he was captured.

Dad, where are you!


In despair, Tang San's screams soon echoed from the small room.

It was truly heartbreaking to hear.

To think he, a reincarnated soul with many Tang Sect skills, a genius with twin spirits, would one day be humiliated like this.

And the worst part was, the culprits were men.

If they were women, he might have reluctantly accepted it.

But now, he felt defiled.

He had no face to meet his goddess.


Tang Hao, hiding in the shadows, heard Tang San's screams.

He was both displeased and helpless.

Although dissatisfied with Tang San's performance, Tang San was still his son.

He couldn't sit idly by while his son was humiliated.

Tang Hao decided to intervene.

If this continued, Tang San would be ruined.

"Hey, isn't that the Clear Sky Douluo?"

Just as Tang Hao was about to save Tang San, a voice came from beside him.

Hearing this voice, Tang Hao's face changed.

Damn it, why is this spirit beast also in the City of Slaughter?

He planned to ignore Su Bai and leave directly.

But Su Bai wouldn't let him go so easily.

He blocked Tang Hao's way and asked curiously, "Haven't you already obtained the Killing God Domain? Why are you still here?"

"None of your business!"


At this moment, a scream came from the small room beside them.

Although it wasn't easy, Su Bai recognized that it was Tang San's voice.

After thinking for a moment, Su Bai guessed what Tang San had encountered.

He also understood Tang Hao's intentions.

As for why they were here, it was likely to train Tang San.

"Move aside!"

Tang Hao said sternly.

Su Bai smiled slyly at him.

Tang Hao didn't want to provoke Su Bai, so he tried to bypass him.

But Su Bai blocked his path again.

Tang Hao's expression darkened with uncertainty.

Even though this was the City of Slaughter, Su Bai was a spirit beast and might not be affected.

Moreover, with his current power level dropped to eighty, he might not be able to defeat Su Bai.

And Tang San was still inside.

From Tang San's continuous screams, it was clear what he was enduring.

If this continued, Tang San might be ruined.

But Tang Hao didn't dare to take the risk.

He could only watch helplessly, listening to Tang San's screams.

As time passed, Tang San's screams grew weaker.

Finally, they ceased altogether.

Seeing this, Su Bai lost interest and left.

Only then did Tang Hao rush into the small room.

By then, the men had already dressed.

Without a word, Tang Hao killed them all.

Then he turned to Tang San.

Tang San's clothes were torn, his pants discarded.

His eyes were empty, his face ashen.

He had lost all his spirit.

Tang Hao frowned deeply.

It seemed his son was ruined.

Perhaps, he shouldn't have brought him here.

Originally intending to train him, but now...

Perhaps it was a moment of lucidity.

Tang San lifted his head and saw Tang Hao.

Enduring the excruciating pain, he stood up, full of hatred as he looked at Tang Hao, "You were here all along, why didn't you save me?"

How could he not realize that his father had been secretly protecting him?

But if he was protecting him, why didn't he intervene when he saw him being treated like this?

At this moment, Tang San truly hated Tang Hao.

Even during the past year's hellish training, Tang San had been dissatisfied with Tang Hao but hadn't said anything.

But this time, he was truly resentful.

He felt defiled and couldn't face his goddess.

Thus, he felt it would be better to die.

Seeing his crazed state, Tang Hao sighed, "Xiao San, it's not that I didn't want to save you, but that evil spirit beast was also in the City of Slaughter, and he blocked me from rescuing you."

"I had no choice!"

"Damn it, you all deserve to die!"

Tang San, in despair, grabbed his pants and ran out.

Whether it was Tang Hao or Su Bai.

At this moment, Tang San hated them both.

Especially Tang Hao.

If it weren't for him insisting on bringing him to this place, he wouldn't have been treated like this.

All of this was because of his father, Tang Hao.

From this point, Tang San turned dark.

In the following days, Tang San acted like a mad dog, killing anyone he saw.

He even registered for the Hell Slaughter Arena.

Achieving ten consecutive victories.

He thought he was invincible.

As long as he continued, once he obtained the Killing God Domain and left the City of Slaughter, he would become a strong individual.

Tang Hao, watching in the shadows, nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, he thought that Tang San's humiliation might not have been a bad thing.

At least now, Tang San's performance pleased him.