Chapter Twenty four

Sophia 's fear turned out to be real. She received a call from her father. Even before class break. Bad news does travel with wings.

Nathan Hart had come to office in a spiffy suit, all ready to show off discretely. Nolan would burn in jealousy and could do nothing about it. Who said girls were liability?

To ensure the rivalry was healthy, the old Hart couple had handed over two different companies to their boys. So even when they worked in a single building, their offices were not together. Nathan planned to join his elder brother for a mid day coffee. Hot coffee paired well with jealousy eyes.

But when the brothers met, Nolan dropped a big bomb on him.

"Brother dear, what is this I heard about your kid fighting against Tanya Heinz? Heinz family is huge and the old couple doted on this girl. If this girl goes to them with leaky eyes, even out parents won't be able to help you."

So many details, compressed in such a short dialogue. He would be fired as webnovels author on first day. He would not even be apprentice for a saga poet. Nolan, the word count destroyer.

Well, Nolan can't be blamed too. He needed to be heir or the owner of Hart Industries. His expenses were rising. Young girls going out with older men wanted even more costlier things. Don't know why. It was not just that. Even his gambling expenses had gone up in last few years. This, inspite of him winning many times. The gambling dens could have given him the answer - the expenses increased precisely because he had won more, leading him to play even more extravagantly.

So, Nolan Hart was always worried about his status in the family. With two boys, both in college, his place should have been safe. Who knew Nathan would get a talented daughter, who helped him to get more contacts. His own boys were total waste. They knew none of these fine arts. They didn't even have proper girlfriends, to leech off from the kids' families.

The bad day was culmination of bad night. Or vice-versa . He had heard of his niece performance yesterday evening. After he heard that, he didn't even feel like gambling anymore. When he reached home, his two brats were having dinner with his wife. He had taken out all the frustration on all of them. His wife had mashed her teeth and cursed that girl. But the kids turned out to be too stupid. Peter didn't say anything. He was like a mute. Philip was worse. He started praising his cousin, saying if he had known before, he could have attended the concert. Nolan got so angry than words failed him.

He had come to office with big frown, knowing very well that his younger brother would find an opportunity to rub the fact in his face. Who would know that sometime back his son Philip would call, all worried about the talented cousin. And that's how Nolan knew of good news of his favourite niece, who had created a huge problem for her parents. So, he just had to share this happy news to Nathan.

He didn't even wait for ordering coffee before spreading this joyful news in a mournful tone. He had to be afraid that it would affect all of the Harts.

Would it really affect the Harts? It depends. But if it comes to worst, Nolan was sure his parents would discard Nathan from family to safeguard the Hart family name. He would be safe. Even if the matter didn't escalate, Nathan's position would fall drastically under their parents' eyes. That was an acceptable outcome too. However you look at it, Nolan would end up with a winning card.

After listening to the shocking news, Nathan had no time for his elder brother. He simply rushed to his office to gather the news. Would he beleive his brother? Not completely. So he had to find what sort of mishap had happened that Nolan was brimming with joy. If not, he would have held this matter to heart while listening to humble bragging and dropped the bomb in the end.

The matter was huge. Tanya Heinz was like a prickly porcupine, with thorns all around her. You would suffer if you go against her. You will suffer if she goes against you. Whatever happens, you would be left bleeding.

'This girl,' Nathan thought as he cursed Sophia, 'Not a single day of problem before. But now, she is attracting them like a magnet.'

He didn't even wait till the class break before he called her.

You seriously don't think a posh school like Sky Lark High would prohibit their students from using phones and going online while class is going on, right?

Sophia saw her father was calling, so she informed the teacher about the call and left the classroom to attend the call. Better find the empty space fast, Nathan Hart would certainly lambast her.

"What the f*ck, Sophia?" Nathan Hart started screaming the moment she took the call. The matter was indeed very serious for him to swear out loud. "Why the h*ll are you going against Ms Heinz?"

Sophia Hart had somehow convinced herself that her parents were not that bad, atleast, not now. They had allowed her to throw a tantrum and did not lock her up till she got better. Maybe, she was just projecting. Projecting, my *ss! Which moron of a father would start blaming his daughter without learning ins and outs of the matter?

"I did nothing. And I have no idea why you called me in middle of the class to scream at me and blame me for something I have no idea of." Well, not exactly. She did nothing, truth. But she did know why her father had called. She had guessed it when the matter of Tanya started making rounds everywhere. Tanya Heinz could remain a bad*ss most of the times because the person in front of her would fall down and beg her forgiveness very soon. Fear for self or family, fear of repercussions, familial obligations...hundreds of excuses but the end result would be the opposite person would bow down, beg pardon and walk away and still feel like they won the lottery. The Harts won't be pushed that far, right?